Stay Away From Trouble

There was no way Adele missed out on that reaction, not with her hawk-like gaze watching her mother slowly. She might not know her Angelica too well, but she knew body language and that reaction said it all. 

She shot her a look, "So you did meet him." 

Angelica blinked, "Kind of." 

"Kind of?" Adele pointed out. A visit from Daniel can never be "Kind of". Even as strong-willed as she was, Daniel still scares the daylight out of her, not to talk of her weak, sometimes dumb, ignorant mother. 

"What did he say to you?" Adele already had a feeling it was about her and it wouldn't surprise her if Daniel threatened her mother too. It was his modus operandi. 

Angelica wanted to wave aside the question but the steely look in her daughter's eyes dared her not to. She couldn't help but wonder who was supposed to have more authority here. She was her mother for crying out loud, and yet Angelica still found herself answering,