
It's already been a month since Rose brought me back with her and everything is going well. I laugh every day and have fun, in the morning I stay with Rose and Louise and then in the afternoon I go to the park to play with Ayumi.Now that I think about it I learned that she was half dragon and I don't really know what I am. I'd better ask Rose, it sure that she knows, besides it's lunch time.

"Come and eat Ava" say mom.

I go downstairs and sit to eat after a few minutes I look at Rose and she look at me back before asking me

" What's wrong, Ava." Here goes nothing.

" Actually my friend Ayumi is half dragon and I was wondering what I was, that's why I'm asking you" I didn't found anything by myself so it would be relief to know.

"I don't know, you look a bit like a vampire with your fangs, but you don't have pale skin and you don't like blood either." Blood is disgusting how can vampire even drink that. Maybe they thing that it's apple juice.

" And you,you know Louise" I say watching Louise, but I don't think she know.

"To tell you the truth, I don't really know what you are either, but if you want we can go to the library and find out, I'm sure we'll find an answer there."

I just nod in respons. I'm still a little bit cold with people but for now I don't plan to leave them. WE finish eating them took the dishe away, before we live Louise went to see Rose.

"See you later sweetheart,"Say Louise before she kisses Rose.

Louise and I went to the library.Once we get there there are a lot of books and a lot of different types of books ,there are not a lot of people in there which I think is a shame because it's a place where you can learn a lot of things.

" Well I think we should look into the species category Ava ?" She point at a part of the library.

" Yes, that's a great idea but can you take me to the park at 3pm because I want to go and play with Ayumi?" I don't want to keep her waiting for me.

Me and Louise go to the species section and we see that there are over a hundred books and we look at each other.

"I suggest we search separately and the first one to find it should tell the other one" I say

" Well that's a good idea"

Louise and I start to look separately and we look at several books for hours and finally Louise finds one that suit me.

"Come here Ava I think I've found it"

I went next to Louise, she had a black book in her hand and it was written angel and demon species.

"I found your description, fangs and red eyes, it's pretty much a match." she said looking closely at me.

" Yes, so what am I?" Don't take your time this way Louise.

" You're a higher class demon because you don't have horns, you look like a human and it also says that when you grow you'll eventually get wings"

"But the fangs are for what ? " Am I going to drink blood, it look so disgusting. I can't.

" Well normally with your will you can put them away and also you use them to mark people by biting them on the neck like vampires" Ew, I don't like this part of me.

I understand better now, maybe if I put my fangs away people won't be so scared of me.I try to put my fangs away but it don't work. I watch the clock and see that I'm late.

We start to put the books away and then once we've finished we decide to hurry to the park and there I meet Ayumi. She looks angry at me for being late.

" You're late Ava "she's standing with her arms crossed

"Sorry Ayumi, I went to the library earlier and I didn't see the time go by." She sigh before responding.

" Oh, you found out what you were then ?" She said looking at me with stars in her eyes

"Yes I'm a demon." I didn't think she will be that excited by that, I really like this side of her.

" I thought you looked a bit like a demon, I think it's really cool."

"Yes, let's race, I'm sure this time I'll win" I'm very confident about me winning this"

"You've been telling me the same thing for a month and you end up losing Ava " she laugh

"Yes, but it doesn't matter today, I feel like I'm going to win so let's get into position"

We both get into position and then we start running to the nearest tree and Ayumi is the first one to arrive.I just let her win, becase everytime she win she smile and I love seeing her smiling like that.

"How can you be so good at this?" I asked smiling.

"I don't know, I'm just good at it, but now let's play some other games if you want"

Me and Ayumi keep playing for like 30 minutes in the park and then sudently Ayumi stop.

" What's up Ayumi? Why did you stop ? " Did I do something wrong.

" Well from next week I'm going back to school . I won't be able to play with you anymore." What she says really makes me sad but it's okay.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault, look your parents are already here, we'll see you tomorrow" I want to cry, she is the only reason why I came here everyday.

"Yes, see you tomorrow Ava" she smiles at me , she's very beautiful.

Ayumi leaves with her parents then I go to Louise to go home.

"Why are you so sad Ava, something happened with Ayumi"

"Well she said that from next week she can't come and play with me because she has to go to school ,apart from her I don't have any other friend" The other kid is too afraid of me

" Oh well there's no problem, me and Rose wanted to surprise you but we've enrolled you in a school. You're not going to stay at home all the time either" For the first time she said said something that made me really happy.

" Come on now, let's go home mum must be waiting for us"

"Yes, let's go, "I'll lead the way to the house and then we'll go in.

" We're home sweetheart"

" Well go and take your shower and the meal is ready, you're the only one missing"

I'm going up to my room to have my shower and then I'm going downstairs to eat we eat and then I asked something to mum

"Mum, is it true that you have enrolled me in a school"

"Yes, it's true, you'll have to go there next week, so prepare yourself well and be good, you know what I mean"

"Yes, don't worry, I'll behave myself."

"Okay, now go to bed Ava." say Louise but I know that she just wants to spend time with mum

"Yes, see you tomorrow, Mum, see you tomorrow Louise."

" Why are you calling me by my first name?" Say Louise a little bit confused

"I'm used to calling you by your first name, it would be really weird for me to call you something else." I just call Rose Mom because for me she is the person that act like it.

I go upstairs to my room and then I'm on my bed and Cookies joins me and I pet him.

"Our life has really changed a lot since then Cookies it's not like it used to be and I hope nothing will change"

With that last thought I fall asleep.

The next morning

The week went by quite fast and as usual I played with Ayumi and I didn't tell her yet that I'm going to school too, Today like always I'm playing with Ayumi

" Time goes by too fast today, it's already Sunday tomorrow I'm going to school and I don't really want to go."

"Don't worry, you won't be alone, I'll be there too, my mums are enrolling me in a school, maybe we'll meet again." I wanted to keep it a secret but I told her

"Yes, that's really great, then I can't wait for tomorrow and if you're in my class we can spend more time together"

"It's time to go home my darling, you have school tomorrow Ayumi "

"I'm coming, see you tomorrow Ava"

"Yes, see you tomorrow"

Ayumi gave me a hug before leaving with her parents and I for once came alone so I decide to go home

"I'm back mum" I say when i get to the living room

"Go take your shower and then please come and help me make dinner"

"Yes mum." I really love to help mom not like Louise she is just here to eat

I take my shower then I get dressed and go downstairs then I help my mum cook and put the dishes on the table then we eat and even though it's early I decide to go to bed

"Mommy I'm going to sleep"

"Are you really going to sleep this early?" Say Louise stuned

" Don't forget tomorrow is her first day of school so she wants to go to bed early so she'll be fit tomorrow, right Ava?" I can't wait to be tomorow.

"Yes exactly, see you tomorrow mum" I kiss Rose's cheek

" And me, I want a kiss too." She is sulking.

" No, I'm going to sleep"

I'm going up to my room

The next morning

I wake up first thing, then I take my shower and then I go straight to mum's room, I open the door and I see that mum and Louise are still sleeping.

"It's time to wake up!!" I yell as loud as I can which makes them wake up with a start and Louise falls out of bed

" What's going on?" Say Louise angry

"You were sleeping so I came to wake you up so you could give me my uniform" I say with confidence

Rose gets up and opens her wardrobe and takes the uniform and gives it to me

"Thanks mum and by the way who is going to drop me off at school?"

"We're both going, we can't miss your first day of school " I didn't need Louise.

"Yes, let's just get ready and then we can go, okay?" Say Louise but I can see by looking at her that she wants revenge after what I did.

" I'm waiting for you outside so hurry up I don't want to be late for my first day"

I go out of their room and put on my uniform and wait for them outside after a few minutes they come in.

"You look really good in your uniform Ava." Say mom she comes near me and does my hair

"Yes you are ready to go ? "

"Yes let's go" I take their hand

" Let's go," say Louise

We walk until we get to the school and then they stop. The school is huge and there are tree and a playground. There are a lot of people and it scares me a little.

" Well, we'll leave you here now, you remember what we said ? "

"Yes I have to behave and not hit anyone"

" Yes that's exactly it" say Louise

A woman approaches

" Hello, you are Ava ? "

"Yes it's me" I'm stressed but everything will be alright.

"Follow me I will take you to your class"

I follow the woman to reach my class

Sorry for the spelling mistakes