
"What, you want me to leave already, but I just got here," I say before standing up and realizing what just happened.

It was really intense. Her lips are so soft, and now I find myself intoxicated by her scent. I really enjoyed it and I didn't think I would be so attracted to her. I look at Lydia who looks me up and down before answering.

"Well, you've already given me your report, and my uncle has to come and talk to me today so I don't have any more time for you today," she says before almost pushing me out of her room.

"See you next time then." I said before I found myself outside her room.

I walk down the corridors and then out of the castle. Someone appears in front of me which makes me jump.

" Yo it's been a while " Lexa waves at me.

" Where did you come from?" I didn't feel anyone following me, which is strange.

" I was just hanging around and I saw you, would you like to start training with me?"

" Yes, that would be great."

" Follow me then I'll take you somewhere"

"Why not." I respond.

I follow Lexa, and we end up in an abandoned factory it's pretty much a dirty outside and there's no one around then she takes me into the factory and there's just a group of 3 people

" This is my hangout, this is where I am most of the time." said Lexa.

"Oh I see and who these people are?" I say pointing at them.

"Introduce yourself" say Lexa.

???:" I'm Yagi it's a pleasure to meet you "He has blue hair and black eyes, and he's pretty tall.

???: "I'm Jane "she's a girl who is my age she has beautiful brown hair and brown eyes too she's shorter than me in height

???:" I introduce myself I'm Kenji "he's really tall with black hair and also black eyes, and he smokes.

"Well, now that the introductions are done, Ava is going to join us from today."

"Yes but she has to pass the test first Lexa." said Yagi.

"Yes she can't just join us like that" add Jane.

" Okay, she's going to take the test, come this way Ava" respond Lexa.

I approach Lexa, and she hands me a picture of a man in his 50s with white hair and glasses, he looks pretty tough for an old guy.

"What should I do?"

"Don't worry, someone will explain but first take this knife, it will help you."

Lexa hands me a knife and I take it and I hide it, and also she gives me a jumper with a hood and mask and I put them on.

"You want me to kill someone, I can't do that," I say before handing her back the knife.

"You can't refuse, you owe it to me to be alive and it's like paying your debt to me," she says, handing me the knife.

This time I keep it on me. It looks like I have no choice.

" Go with her Jane."

"Yes, no problem master, well follow me now Ava, I'll just help you a little bit"

"My arm is hurt, I'm not allowed to use it." I say.

"Don't worry Kenji, will you please fix her arm?"

" It's as good as done Lexa." he responds.

Kenji moves closer to me and uses his healing magic on me.

"I don't feel any pain anymore, it's really amazing." It was very inefficient, even the nurse didn't do anything.

" Well let's go" say Jane

"Do you think she will succeed?" asked Yagi.

"Yes of course I'm sure she will" respond Lexa.

Jane takes my hand and leads me outside we start running, and then she starts talking to me.

"Turn the picture over and there is information on it and please read it out loud" say Jane.

I turn the picture over and there is information on it.

" He's in a hotel not far from here, about a 3 minute walk."

" Well, let's keep going, so when we get there try to make as less noise as possible."

"Yes, I'll do my best"

After a few minutes of walking we finally see the hotel and also the man in the balcony having a coffee and there is no one else with him.

"So what do we do now ?" I asked.

" Well this man is your target, you're gonna have to kill him."

"What kill him, but I'll never be able to I've never killed anyone in my life "I'm starting to shake. I've killed two men before, but it wasn't really me, I was out of control.

"Don't worry everything will be fine and no one will know what you did anyway trust me and if anything goes wrong I'll be there" Jane say to put my mind at ease.

" No it would be wrong to do that ,I can't do it"

"We're criminals I remind you and if you want to pay your dept you'll have to get used to seeing people die so just do it don't worry I told you I'm here to help you if there's a problem"

" No I can't do that sorry"

" You see I'm your age too and I train with Lexa so if you want to do the same you do that and then this man is not a nice guy he dares to take money from hospitals"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, this man is not a nice man." Jane added.

" Well, since I have no choice, I have to do it."

I breathe slowly, and then I decide to sneak out, and I arrive on the balcony of the hotel. I take my knife out and approach the man without him noticing it, once I arrive behind him, I hesitate but after a few seconds I stab him right in the heart and blood starts to flow which disgusts me a bit.

" I really killed him, he's not breathing anymore, that's taking someone's life"

I take the knife back and decide to leave to join Jane.

" Well done, you did it and I thought you were going to back out."

" Let's go home now, I don't want to stay here"

"Well let's go"

I and Jane go back to the factory when we arrive, and we are congratulated by Lexa and the others.

"I knew you would make it Ava." say Lexa.

" Yes, well done, now we can say that you are a member of our group" say Yagi.

" Congratulations but first there is still something to do."

"What's that?" I asked.

" We will tattoo your number" add Jane.


"Me like for example I'm number 57, so I have a tattoo with 57 right here "Yagi takes off his shirt, and we see his back and his tattoo is on his back.

" I'm number 14, so my number is right here "Kenji rolls up his sleeve, and we see the number.

" I'm number 72 " Jane number's is also on her back.

"You Ava will have the number 73 tell me where do you want to have it tattooed ? " Asked Lexa.

"Let me think for a moment"

I start to think, and then I finally find where I want it.

" Can I have it under my chest please?"

"Yes if you want to, come over here I'll do it for you"

I take off my shirt and then Lexa takes what looks like a magic tampon and puts it where I tell her to and a 73 appears below my chest.

" You're pretty muscular" say Jane.

" Thanks, I've been training hard for this, I used to get picked on, but I've decided that now I won't let anyone pick on me anymore." I said proud of myself.

"That's a good decision."

"Now that you are officially part of our group I will explain everything you need to know." say Lexa.

" Yes I'm listening"

"You will have missions almost every day, don't worry for now, you will be accompanied by Jane, she will pick you up after school or at your home in the evening, the missions are diverse and vary from assassination to kidnapping to retrieving objects."

" Yes I understand for the moment can I go home?"

" Yes, but keep what you carry with you and also keep the knife with you and make sure no one finds it."

"Yes, then I'll go."

I walk out of the factory, and then I start to go home. Once I get there I go into my room through the window, and then I put the knife away and go to wash my hands which are still stained with blood, and then I splash some water on my face.

I don't know what I got myself into, but I hope everything goes well. After that I go out of my room again through the window, and then I decide to go in through the door.

"Mom I'm home."

" So how was your day?"

"It went well, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Pasta." Rose respond joyfully.

"That's fine with me then"

I go up to my room to take a shower. When I get to my bathroom, I let the water run before going inside. The water is cold which refreshes my body. I think first of Lydia's warm body against mine, the intimate moment we had together.

Then I remember that I killed someone today. I've been through a lot today. What am I getting myself into.