ASS 13

~Part 1~

In the Fairy Tail building, on the day the Sorcerer Magazine was released.

"Damn, Mira as well?" Wakaba exclaimed as he read the first sentence of the title. "I thought I had a chance."

"As if," Macao rolled his eyes. "I had a better chance since at least I'm not married."

"Well, at least my wife didn't leave me," Wakaba shot back.

"Eh," Macao shrugged. "Been happier since then, to be honest," he said and looked at the next part of the title. His eyes bulged before he quickly stood up and walked away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Wakaba asked in concern. "Shit, I didn't mean it like that; I'm sorry."

"Don't talk to me, stranger!" Macao said without looking back as he continued walking away.

"What? I really didn't mean it like that; I was just joking," Wakaba tried apologizing, but the only response he received was the magazine that was thrown his way. Briefly, he caught a glimpse of the second part of the title, and his face turned ashen as his cigarette fell out of his gaping mouth.

"Oh, shit," Wakaba uttered quietly to himself, a hundred thoughts running through his head.

"Tell my wife I'm on a very important and long mission!" He told Macao as he ran past him towards the job request board. Wakaba then grabbed the first mission he spotted and bolted out of the guild as if chased by a herd of bulls.

Macao sat at another table as everyone in the guild discussed the information that was brought to light. Only a few were surprised by it since most were already aware of Gildarts' nature. He did like to share his various conquests - be they monsters he had slain or women he had bedded - when he returned to the guild.

However, some of the members took this news the wrong way. One of them burst inside, his body steaming and his face twisted with snot and tears running down it. Most were too busy chatting merrily and didn't notice the rage-filled look in his eyes.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING!?" Natsu roared, his entire body shaking in anger. Happy was standing right behind him, crying his eyes out as well.

"Someone took Erza and Mira's hearts... and you are acting like this? What is wrong with you all?!" Natsu yelled, his face contorted in betrayal as he watched his fellow guildmates - ones he considered family - simply talk happily with each other.

Everyone turned to the Dragon Slayer in surprise. Out of all the people, they didn't expect him to be the one to react in this way. Sure, Natsu got along... Well, he was on good terms with the girls, but they didn't think he was interested in them. In fact, they didn't even think he was into women as he had never shown any interest before.

"We need to avenge them!" Natsu declared as tears continued streaming down his face. "Someone took their hearts and killed them! Yet you are just sitting around and doing nothing! Well, if you won't do anything, then I WILL!"

There was a moment of silence as everyone tried to process his words. Then all hell broke loose as they burst laughing, some slapping the tables hard, others just falling and rolling on the ground.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Natsu roared again. He'd expected that at least one of them would have agreed with him, but they laughed at him instead.

Seeing that none would help, the Dragon Slayer turned around, storming out of the guild. However, a massive hand extended from the bar, grabbing and pulling him back.

"You are not going anywhere," Makarov said as he dropped Natsu on a stool next to him.

"Bu-" his protests were cut short.

"No buts," Makarov interrupted him and giggled to himself. "Erza and Mira are fine; nothing has happened to them. Their hearts weren't taken away from them the way you think; that was just a metaphor."

"A meta-what?" Natsu asked, vaguely remembering that he heard a similar word recently.

"Doesn't matter, just know that they are fine, okay?" Makarov told him, his tone kind, fitting for a grandfather.

"Really!?" Natsu asked, to which the old gremlin nodded in response. The Dragon Slayer smiled in relief after the confirmation. "I was so worried. I thought I would never see them again," he said quietly.

"No need to worry," Makarov patted him. "Want some Fire Pasta? My treat?" He then offered, trying to make the Dragon Slayer feel better with his favorite meal.

"Yes!" Natsu was more than happy to accept.

"The Master has been in a very good mood as of late," Macao idly said to the person next to him, who was a young man with shoulder-length black hair and was dressed in a cowboy's attire. "Been drinking a lot more as well."

"Maybe it's because of the news about Gildarts having a son," Alzack, the one with the cowboy attire, mused. "He probably learned it earlier than us."

"Where did Gildarts even go?" Macao asked. "You'd think he'd spent more time here after learning about his son, but he left quicker than usual. I'm pretty sure he didn't even take a mission, but I can't go to the second floor to check if any are missing."

On the second floor of the building was the job request board for S-class missions, and only the S-class wizards were allowed there. Makarov knew how reckless some of the members were, and he had to set that rule. Otherwise, those like Natsu would try to complete those S-class jobs out of a misguided belief that they were undefeatable or simply to try and prove they were S-class material.

S-class missions were really no joke. Almost all of them involved Dark Wizards, Guilds, or monsters that could destroy towns, potentially entire nations. Their threat was not to be underestimated, and some mages learned it the hard way, suffering the consequences after treating one of those jobs as a walk in the park.

"Gildarts has a son!?" Natsu exclaimed, his enhanced picking up on that fact.

Makarov's cheeks bulged as his face started glowing red. He couldn't hold it for long before he burst out laughing, falling from his stool in the process.

"Who is it?" Natsu asked, jumping on his stool in excitement.

"William, the new shopkeeper in town," a random member informed him as they passed by him.

"William? Who's that?" Natsu asked and turned to Happy, who started sniffing upon hearing that name.

"Two fish... two fish... two fish..." All could hear the pain with which he muttered those two words over and over again.

While Fairy Tail looked at the news favorably, others viewed it in a different light.

In a dingy room, three men were smoking and drinking. Another man with a burly figure and a large black beard shortly entered, a grin on his face and a magazine in hand.

"Boys, take a look at this," he threw the publication on the table and sat down next to them.

"What's this, Tsar?" One of the men, who was as round as a ball, asked as he took a bite out of a pie while another skinny man picked up the magazine.

"Gildarts has a son," Tsar replied, his lips stretched in an evil grin.

"Well, well, well," the last one, who had a mousy look, rubbed his hands as he licked his lips. "Would you look at that?"

"He's based in Magnolia, though. Next to Fairy Tail," the skinny man with the magazine said as he read through the article. "Also, he is in a relationship with two S-class mages? Hm..."

"He part of the guild, Willow?" The fat man asked.

"No," Willow answered. "Though it says he is a mage, his magic isn't specified. Could be similar to Gildarts?"

"Bah, that doesn't matter," Tsar stated. "If his magic was strong, he wouldn't be a stupid shopkeeper. He would've strived to be strong like his father and not a pansy. Just look at his picture, all skin and bones, nothing like Gildarts."

"Are you trying to say something?" Willow asked as the magazine in his hands crumpled and turned to dust. His beady black eyes stared at Tsar, daring him to go on.

"Yeah, I'm saying you should eat more," Tsar replied, not backing down.

"So you want me to look like Kru?" Willow wiggled his fingers, stretching them out.

"He needs to exercise more; someone might mistake him for a boulder soon if he keeps eating like this," Tsar looked at the round man, who was gorging himself, but Kru didn't even spare him a glance, unbothered by the comment.

"Let's not argue, boys. We have more important things to discuss," the mousy fellow said, calming the two down.

"True," Willow admitted. "We'd have to be careful no matter what we decided to do. We barely escaped from prison, couldn't even bring the rest of the guild with us, and I'd rather not go through that ordeal again."

"I agree with that," Tsar nodded.

"We will just have to be cautious and prepare our plan carefully. We know he owns a store, so we have to scout around and confirm his schedule. Afterward, we grab him and quickly leave before Fairy Tail could even attempt to stop us," the mousy man was already preparing the plan.

"You're forgetting about Gildarts, Skim," Willow added with a shudder.

All four of them had grown stronger since their escape from prison, but the thought of that man made them shake in their boots. The day their entire reinforced guild house was destroyed with a single punch was still fresh in their minds. All of their guild members were knocked out with just the shockwave from the attack.

And they? The four of them were injured from Gildarts' spell, but they still tried fighting back. That turned out to be a grievous mistake as the man crushed them before sending them to prison with all of their limbs mangled and broken.

Their grievously injured state did turn out to be a blessing in disguise as the guards didn't treat them as the S-class mages they were. Though their escape was successful mostly due to the fact that someone unlocked their cells in the middle of the night. The four of them still had to fight their way out, but they managed to break out in the end.

"I'm not," Skim replied. "We'll just attack when Gildarts leaves. He doesn't spend that much time in Magnolia; I've already researched that."

She stared at the paper in her hands, her brown orbs quivering with shock and disbelief. She just couldn't believe it. Gildarts had a son? HE HAD A SON?

Cana crumpled the magazine as she grit her teeth. Her entire body shook as a storm of emotions raged inside her. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to take this news.

Anger? Who was she angry at? Will? If anything, Gildarts was the one to blame. Will hadn't done anything to deserve her anger; he even tried to help her. Mira also informed her he had come to look for her, but Cana had already left on a mission. She did return and waited for Will, but she couldn't afford to stay for too long. There wasn't much time before the promotion exam, and she needed to make sure she qualified for it.

Will was also technically older than her, which she wasn't sure what to make of. Did Gildarts also abandon his mother? Did he come to Magnolia for the same reason as her? To seek answers? To meet his family?

Family... Will was her brother, err, half-brother. She was fairly sure they didn't have the same mother, though their eye and hair color were the same brown one.

What was she supposed to do? Try to act friendly and spend more time with him? Inform him of her status? Or... did he already know? There was no way, right?

Gods, Cana was a mess. She would've appreciated it if this bomb wasn't dropped on her head less than a month before the S-class promotions. Now Cana wasn't sure if she wanted to return to Magnolia, especially when she knew Gildarts was also in town.

Well, if she wanted to get another mission or two before the start of the promotions, she had no other choice than to return.

"What a fucking mess," Cana massaged her temples. "I need a fucking drink."

Erza walked inside a grandiose store that had a Heart Kreuz logo right above the entrance. She was greeted with the familiar sight of an innumerable amount of clothes, accessories, and even armors.

"Welcome, Miss Scarlet," a blonde attendant greeted her with a smile.

"Hello, Lizy," Erza replied, knowing the people that worked there by name. This was the store where she usually commissioned her armors and even weapons, after all.

"Lady Kreuz is expecting you in the courtyard," Lizy informed her with a smile before returning to her work.

Erza maneuvered through the building, reaching the door leading to the courtyard, usually used only by the staff working there, but friends with the owner also got the privilege of using it.

The sight of a blacksmith's wet dream greeted her on the other side. A magical forge - one specifically designed by the blacksmith that was tirelessly hammering at it - sat in the middle of the courtyard. Numerous ingots of different metals were scattered around the forge, from the most mundane to magical ones with special effects. Beyond those, armors and weapons - all done by a master blacksmith - were meticulously placed on display.

The blacksmith, surprisingly enough, was a woman. She was tall, towering a few heads over Erza, and had thick and muscular limbs that would make men all over the world jealous. Her black hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, keeping it away from her face, and she wore a simple blacksmith outfit.

"Victoria," Erza greeted the blacksmith, a smile growing on her face.

"Erza!" Victoria turned around, her voice rough and raspy. She stopped her work for the moment, wiping her hands on a nearby towel, and walked over to Erza with a grin on her face.

"Why didn't ya say you were in a relationship when you came to make the order three days ago? I would've tried making it faster just so you could return to your lovers," Victoria said as she wrapped her in a hug.

"Oh, well," Erza suddenly paused, tilting her head to the side. "Lovers? What do you mean by that? And how do you know I'm in a relationship?"

"Read it in a magazine!" Victoria exclaimed. "Says you are together with some fellow named William."

Erza's lips widened uncontrollably hearing his name. She missed him a lot and couldn't wait to return to Magnolia.

"And also Mirajane," Victoria continued. "If I knew you liked women as well, I would've made a move on ya a while ago!"

Erza didn't even hear the last part, her mind was focused only on the name of her rival.

"What's this about Mira?" She asked.

"Says you two are also in a relationship," Victoria explained with a grin. "I'm honestly surprised it took ya so long, considering how much ya liked to talk about her."

"What?!" Erza exclaimed loudly. She... didn't have feelings for Mira. They just butted heads often, and she vented how much she was annoyed by her to other people. That reminded her of...

They acted just like Natsu and Grey were acting at the moment, didn't they? And she was sure those two liked each other. The men in her stories often butted heads before inevitably ending in a bed together.

"Still, that William must be one heck of a guy to be in a relationship with both of you," Victoria said, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Both of us?" Erza asked with a gulp, her eyes growing wide.

"That's what it says on the magazine," Victoria nodded.

"I have to go!" Erza zeroed down on the armor she had requested and quickly rushed to it before throwing it in her pocket space. Then without another word, she used her Telekinesis on herself and flew in the air.

Erza had no time to waste. She was a few days away from Magnolia, but she would fly until she exhausted her magic power and then run the rest of the way.

There was only one thought on her mind as she sped towards Magnolia. 'I can't let her take the lead!'

She was away for some time now, and her rival could've shortened the distance in that time! And this was a competition she wasn't willing to lose!

"Oh, wow," Will muttered, looking at the new function that was just unlocked.

"15 000 credits for a one-week ticket, and I can only specify the world, but not the time nor location? Holy hell, this is expensive!"

This was definitely something he wouldn't be using anytime soon. One day on another world was equal to no more than one minute on Earthland, and he could use it to train, for example. However, again, the price was just too much.

"And I have to pay for another ticket if I wish to bring someone with me?"

Yeah, this was definitely something for the far future. Since Will couldn't specify the time nor location, he would prefer if someone came along with him for protection.

Erza would be his preferred choice since she was someone he trusted and was plenty powerful. Plus, they could spend some alone time together.

"So six months is the maximum amount of time I could buy without setting up a permanent portal," he continued reading it out.

24 weeks for the low, low price of 360 000 credits, or twice as much if he wanted to bring someone with him.

"Okay, so this is not happening anytime soon," he concluded after looking at the prices. "Though a one-week trip might not be that bad of an idea in the near future."

Will would have to save up a lot of points, not just to purchase the tickets, but to have enough credits to buy stuff from the other world. That seemed like the most significant advantage of this function. The only problem was that he didn't know what kind of prices to expect.

"And for a permanent portal," he mused as he scrolled down. "Oh, hell, no!"

One million credits to open a permanent portal and to sync Earthland with another world. His system foiled his plan before he could even think of it. Buying a portal to an abandoned world, one which he could turn into his personal farmland, was what he wished to do when he heard of the option. However, the price was simply too much for that.

Though, Will could sync Earthland to another world and publicize the portal to both sides, then charge anyone who wished to travel between the two. He would need to have the strength to back it up, however. But then again, by the time Will earned one million credits, he should be plenty strong, or that's what he assumed.

"So I will be buying those tickets only when I have so many credits, I wouldn't even know what to do with them. Or when I want to go on a vacation, one very expensive vacation," Will let out a deep sigh. "Well, it's better than nothing, I guess."

~Part 2~

"I won't lose!"

Will turned around, his eyebrows squinted, and his head tilted to the side. "Did I hear Erza just now, or am I imagining her voice after not seeing her for so long?"

"Must've been the wind," he shrugged after, though still hoping she would return soon.

As Will was about to continue with his work, the door to the room burst open. He turned, only to see a sweating Erza, who charged at him without hesitation. His life flashed in front of his eyes, fearful of how she would react due to the article.

It had been a great boon as new customers from all over the kingdom came in regularly after it was published. His profits increased by a large margin, especially with Mira practically becoming the face of his shop.

However, it also put him on the spot. For one, it stated that he was Gildarts' son, which he adamantly refused every time he was asked about, yet people refused to believe him. Will would have to speak with the man and resolve this sooner or later, but... maybe he could get another generous donation from Gildarts first.

The thing that bothered him the most was that it made him out as a womanizer, stating he was in a three-way relationship with Erza and Mira. Now, he was getting along with the demoness, and he could potentially see something like that happening in the future. Plus, Loke has also been giving him tips on how to achieve that.

However, he would've preferred if he discussed it first with Erza. Will was fond of her, and there was no doubt of that in his mind. Hurting her was something he'd avoid no matter what, and if she said "no," then he was willing to let it go. His mind was already made up that he'd rather be with Erza and shower her with the affection she deserved.

"Wait, I can-"

He didn't get to finish as she tackled him, pushing him to the ground, a heavy thud echoing in the room from the impact.

"Oof," Will grimaced, his body aching as Erza was still in her armor, which was far from being light. That, added in with her own weight, would surely leave a nasty bruising. Unless, of course, he took one of his healing potions.


Erza shut him up again, smashing her lips against his own, hungrily kissing him as she held onto Will for dear life. Needless to say, he returned the kiss, gently holding onto her face and parting the hair stuck to her.

"Princess," he warmly said as he paused the kiss. A smile formed on his face, seeing her brown orbs staring at him inquisitively, a blush forming on her face at being called that. Will feared what she might think of the article, but apparently, he had no reason to worry, judging by this reaction.

"The armor, please," he panted, low on breath from the weight pushing against his chest.

"Oh," Erza muttered, switching out her attire in a split second before diving in, taking his lips once more. She was passionate and hungry, her tongue seeking his, pulling and tugging his, just doing her best to come out on top.

"I missed you too," Will said as they parted for breath, but Erza apparently wasn't satisfied. Holding onto his face, she kissed him everywhere like an excited puppy, not leaving a single spot unmarked.

"Mhm," Erza hummed and melted into his arms as he gently kissed her forehead, feeling the salty taste of her sweat.

"I won't let her take the lead," she whispered and hugged him tightly.

"No one's taking your lead," Will chuckled at her competitiveness as he stroked her hair, quite surprised there was not an ounce of jealousy in her voice.

"You haven't... slept together?" Erza asked, her voice faltering for a brief moment. She didn't seem jealous of them doing the deed, but she was scared she might've lost her lead.

"No!" Will vehemently denied. "Nothing like that."

"Oh," Erza muttered. "Kissed?" She then asked.

"Nope," he replied, chuckling as she shook his head.

"Hugged?" Erza continued her interrogation.

"Ah, yes?" Will answered with a weak smile.

Erza grinned in response, satisfied with that. "That means I'm in the lead."


"With both of you," she confidently continued before he could say anything else.

"Wait, what?" Will asked, blinking rapidly. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the article said that I'm in a relationship with you and Mira, and you are in a relationship with me and Mira," Erza started her explanation.

Will did not correct Erza - for both the misunderstanding and the last phrase - and instead asked the important question. "How are you in the lead? With both of us?"

"Well," her confidence visibly left her face, replaced by a warm blush. "We've... umm... done that..."

The door to the room was loudly closed shut during her explanation.

"And, um... I've showered with Mira," Erza said before adding. "Naked."

"You're not wrong," Will chuckled. "But I don't think we are in a relationship with Mira."

"We're not?" Erza's eyes widened as she pursed her lips, looking like a hurt puppy. "But why?"

Now, Will felt like the bad guy for making her unhappy. Though... why was she even sad in the first place? If anything, he figured she might be angry due to the article.

"Well, you and I are in a relationship, but Mira technically isn't part of it, despite what the article stated," he said, trying but failing to find the words to properly explain it.

"She's not?" Erza asked, mostly to herself, before nodding with determination. "I'll go ask her to join then."

Will pulled her back before she could stand up, laughing as he did. He wouldn't mind being in a relationship with more than one woman; few men would. However, he envisioned himself as, you know, the one to bring them all together. Will didn't think his girlfriend would be the one to gather them all.

Though... that did sound appealing in a way, even if it would look like he wasn't the one wearing the pants. His pride would take a hit, sure, but on the other hand, women? Sexy women at that.

The more Will thought about it, the more tempting that idea became. However, boundaries needed to be placed. He'd much prefer a small, tight group of lovers rather than a massive and loose one. And for some reason, he had a feeling Erza just might go overboard if she set her mind on it. She did seem to have a personality like that.

"Let's... let's not do this now," Will said as he held onto her. "We can always talk with her later."

"Are you sure?" Erza asked, but she didn't try standing up again as she found a comfortable spot in his embrace. "I can go over and ask her now."

"No need, no need," he replied with a laugh.

"You just returned, and I want to spend some time spoiling you," Will grinned as a sweet smile formed on her face.

"The past few days, I've been practicing, and..." He looked towards his right hand, where he formed the Requip magic circle. Erza opened her mouth - most likely to comment about his speed - but she quickly shut it closed after seeing the strawberry cake that appeared.

"I made this for you," Will said, and her entire face lit up.

"You made it?" Erza asked as she straightened up and sat on his lap. Gingerly, she took the pastry from him and stared at it in fascination as if it was a sacred object.

"I did promise I would learn, didn't I?" Will asked with a laugh after seeing her hold it like a priceless treasure.

"You did," she said quietly with a sweet smile before taking a small bite. She closed her eyes as she munched on the pastry, her lips spreading wide in delight.

"So, how is it?" Will nervously asked.

"The flavor could use some work," Erza said, pulling from her professional experience as a strawberry cake tester.

"But I loved it," she continued as she threw her arms around him, pulling him close and squeezing him tight. His bones creaked in response, but he hugged her back nonetheless.

"I'm glad you liked it," he replied. "And I promise to make you even better cakes in the future."

Erza tightened her grasp on Will and may or may not have broken a bone or two of his. Nothing he couldn't fix with a potion... or a dozen.

"Now, I believe you are in need of a shower," he gently told her before asking. "Why are you so sweaty in the first place?"

"Oh, I rushed here from Crocus," Erza replied nonchalantly.

"Crocus? The capital city? Isn't that like a few days away from here?" Will asked, his eyes wide open as he stared at her.

"Yes, I was in a rush to return," she nodded.

Daily reminder that Erza was a monster. She had traveled a distance that would normally take people a few days in half a day at most. Yeah, Erza was freaking scary.

"I did use all of the potions, so I will need to buy new ones from you," she added.

"You can just take whatever you need as long as you don't go overboard," Will replied without hesitating. He could easily afford to give some away as he was already making a substantial profit in terms of credits.

"Are you sure?" Erza hesitantly asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," he confirmed and continued. "Now, go and take a shower while I prepare a surprise for later."

"A surprise?" She asked, her lips growing wide as her eyes quivered in delight.

"Yes, there will be more cakes," he confirmed with a laugh as she lit up like a Christmas tree. "Now go shower so I can prepare the rest!"

"There's more?!" Erza began breathing heavier as she stared at him hungrily, but Will just shot her a pointed look in response.

"Okay, I'm going," she nodded, getting his meaning.

After she left, Will turned his attention to the various ingredients he had. Due to the heavy workload and demand for his potions, he hadn't gotten to making his newer products.

Will had the ingredients, but he just didn't have the time. Now, well, he would have to make do with his lack of experience, and hopefully, make what he wanted to. First, however, he needed a Health Potion to fix his aching bones.

He also needed to get an Alchemy Workbench since his lab was for making liquid products like potions. 350 credits less, and he now had a very extensive workbench in the corner of his room, which was starting to get a bit cramped up.

However, before Will could begin working on it, the door to the room opened. Erza entered, just as sweaty as she was a moment ago.

"Why have you turned the second floor into a garden maze?" She asked with a tilt of her head. Her description of the upstairs was appropriate since he had filled it with as many standing shelves as he could fit in there.

Still, he couldn't help but smile at her question. "Did you go upstairs to take a shower?"

"Yes?" Erza replied with a tilt of her head, giving him a warm feeling. She was comfortable enough to go and take a shower in his home. That meant a lot coming from her.

"Here," Will said as he summoned a key from his pocket space before throwing it over to her.

"I moved over to the house next door. It's the one on the right..." He paused and furrowed his eyebrows. "Or on the left, depending on your perspective. Err, it's the two-story building and not the one that looks like a shack."

"Your casting speed has improved," Erza noted, noticing the magic circle he formed was far faster than what he should've been capable of at this point, especially considering his previous progress.

"I've found ways to improve it," Will replied with a confident wink as she nodded to him with approval.

"Anyways, I will probably get you your own key in the next few days," he continued, watching her cheeks grow red as she processed his words.

"Um, yes," Erza replied before quickly scurrying away.

Will just chuckled, amused by her reactions. Earlier, she stated with absolute confidence that she would go and ask Mira to join their relationship, and now Erza blushed at his statement of being given her own personal key to his home. That reminded him they would need to talk with Mira, but that was for another day. Today was for spoiling Erza and just that.

"Now, let's see if I can do this," he said as he stood over the workbench and looked over the equipment it came with.

The first on his list were the incense sticks. They were easy to make, requiring him to first crush his herbs to powder. The most important of them all was the bark of a Quickwood tree, which was what he made the makko powder with.

Mixing them all up with warm water was the next step before he had to let them sit for some time. Usually, the mixture would have to rest for at least a few hours, but here was where the workbench came into play. He placed it in a square object that very much resembled a microwave and left it there for the time being.

While that was going on, Will grabbed another set of ingredients, with beeswax from Giant Bees being the most important; it was the main component for most of his salves, though there were others he could use as a substitute. The herbs he ground to powder and threw into a jar with a bit of grain alcohol. The wax, on the other hand, he heated up, and he slowly began breaking it down into smaller pieces.

The door to the room opened, and Erza walked in, looking as pretty as a picture after freshening up.

"I showered," she said, looking like an eager puppy ready for her treat.

"I can see that," he wiped his hands with a towel before walking over to her. Wrapping Erza in a hug, she just melted against him, turning into a putty. Will had to admit that was one of the most amazing feelings, having a powerful woman like her turn into goo in his hands.

"I'm still not done with all of my preparations, however," he continued, gently stroking her hair as she purred in his embrace. "I still need a couple more hours."

"Mhm," Erza hummed, her head nestled against his nape as she placed kiss after kiss on his neck like the affectionate puppy that she was.

"I'll go out with Mira while I wait then," she then said, Will just stood there, watching her with a gaping mouth as she strutted out of the room with a surprising amount of confidence in her steps.

"I really don't know how to feel about this," he muttered to himself.

Erza... she seemed determined to add Mira to their relationship, and he wasn't entirely sure why. Sure, the article did state they were in a three-way relationship, but just because it said so didn't mean they had to be in one.

Not that Will would mind since Mira was a sweet girl and one of the most beautiful ones he had ever seen. He also got along with her, or so he believed.

However, the most concerning point would be if this would become his or Erza's harem. Well, as long as he was the sole male, he didn't think he would mind it. Though, again Will would speak with Erza and discuss this further.

Adding Mira would be fine since all three of them seemed to get along, but he didn't think they should rush to add others. As good as that sounded to his lower brain. Erza was someone he really liked, and he'd rather not ruin what they had going on due to someone else.

"Ah, well, no point dwelling on it right now. We could discuss it later, tomorrow preferably," Will muttered as he turned around. Though the door opened up once again.

"Mira says she is still working," Erza entered once more.

"She has half an hour more," Will replied after checking the time. "You could stay here with me until then if you wish."

Erza nodded with a smile and walked next to him as he focused on his work. She could've sat on one of the chairs, but she decided to instead stick close to him.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she exclaimed. "I brought you something."

"You did?" Will asked, smiling gently at her. He was touched, not expecting her to bring him a gift. And she didn't nee-

"I could bring too much, but I got you these."

-his eyes opened wide as she took out two basins - one filled with blood that had a very strong scent, the other with a heart that was clearly from a powerful magical beast - alongside a pile of large green scales.

"Those are from a Green Wyvern," Erza said before nervously looking down. "You said you could use ingredients harvested from magical beasts, and I thought-"

"I love them!" Will exclaimed, excitedly wrapping his arms around her.

"You do?" Erza asked eagerly, a bright smile on her face.

"Yes!" He excitedly confirmed. "You are the best! I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend!" He really couldn't. Not only did she not go crazy over the article, but she even brought him incredible gifts. She was a special woman that deserved to be treasured.

Erza Scarlet, Titania, The Queen of Fairies, monster slayer extraordinaire, blushed like a little girl. Being complimented was one of her weaknesses, and Will hit her with a critical hit.

"Thank you," he showed his gratitude by kissing her deeply, pushing her lips open with his tongue. As much as Erza enjoyed fighting him back and... competing against him, she didn't resist one bit, allowing him to dominate the kiss as his tongue explored her mouth.

She had dom tendencies as she liked to come out on top, but she appeared to also be a sub. In essence, Erza was a switch, and he noted that down for later.

"I'm gonna make sure to show you how thankful I am later, but for now, be a good girl while I store this," Will told her with a smile as he took the basin with the Wyvern heart, the most important out of all the ingredients.

"I will be a good girl," Erza said with a determined expression. Will shot her a look, but he decided not to question it, and instead, he just chuckled. She was uniquely adorable, and she did it without even trying.

Erza quietly watched him do his thing, but she made sure to stay as close as possible to him without interrupting his work. Will wanted to shower the affectionate puppy with love, but he had to resist in order to prepare what he needed for the evening.

Half an hour soon passed, and Mira knocked on the door before entering.

"Hey, I'm done, and I locked the store," she informed as she walked over and placed the key on the table alongside the Jewels earned for the day.

Will noted she was fidgety, lacking her usual confidence as she restlessly looked around. He'd seen her angry, calm, and even scared, but he'd never seen her nervous.

He walked over and took the Jewels, quickly counting the amount before whistling. Once again, the store had made a massive profit, both thanks to Mira and the article.

"Well, here is your payment for the day," Will handed Mira 400 000 Jewels. He had agreed for her to get 10% of the daily profit since she did play a big part in attracting the customers.

It wasn't that much in the first few days, but Mira was starting to earn quite a bit now. Though Will wasn't too bothered by that. They were gaining so much money at this point, he didn't even know what to do with it.

Sure, he spent quite a lot decorating his new house with expensive furniture, and he also paid for the jobs he put up, but he still had millions of Jewels in his pocket. Even while doing his best to distribute it back among the citizens, he was just gaining it too quickly. Making sure Mira was paid satisfyingly didn't hurt him one bit.

"So..." Mira started after pocketing her salary for the day.

"Come on," Erza, however, just grabbed her arm and started pulling her away.

Will chuckled as he watched them leave the store. "Make sure you return Erza on time. I need her around six o'clock!" He called out, seeing both of them freeze for a moment before they continued to wherever they were going. Knowing that Erza was leading the day, it was probably a pastry shop.

Erza came back at six o'clock on the dot. She tried to play it cool, but he could see her lips twitching in expectation, wondering what her surprise was.

"Come," Will grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to a room that was already hazy from the incense he had lit up. Inside, there were only two pieces of furniture, a table with the burning stick and a bunch of squat jars, and a large massage table.

"This is?" Erza asked, looking around the room.

"Well, since you will be going on tough S-class missions, I figured I could greet you with a nice and relaxing massage every time you return," Will said with a weak smile. He had picked up a Massage book just for this, so he could... pleasure her in more ways than one.

"Alongside the strawberry cakes that I would prepare for you, of course," he added as she looked at him, her brown orbs quivering in delight.

"Thank you," Erza softly said, her voice nothing but a whisper.

"Anything for you, princess," he placed a tender kiss on her forehead. "Now, how about we get you out of those clothes."

And in a split second, Erza was standing naked in front of him. Requip was incredible, he could admit that much, but it wasn't great for putting on an enticing strip show. Nevertheless, he was still pleased by the sight in front of him since she had a body that even a woman with the best plastic surgery couldn't match up to.

"I can't get enough of this," Will said, tenderly tracing her side with a finger. "You are absolutely stunning."

Erza burned bright red. Standing naked in front of him was apparently fine, but being praised by him? Oh, that was just too much!

"Now, lay down on the table with your back up," he instructed as he turned to the salves on the table.

Those things were a pain in the ass to make since he had to improvise as there was no recipe for them in his book. Will had to use a part of the recipe for the incense, mix it together for a salve, and then turn it into a more liquid state like the oils. A massive pain in the ass to do, and he failed too many times to count. But in the end, he managed to get a substance he was happy with when he tested it on himself.

"Now, let's get started," Will said as he grabbed one of the jars and opened it up. Taking some of the oily substance, he applied it to Erza's back before rubbing it onto his palms.

'I can do this,' he pumped himself since this was his first time giving a massage. Sure, he had the book memorized from the first to the last word, but he lacked the experience, and even the system agreed with him as Massage hadn't appeared in his personal skills.

Will started off a bit unsure of himself as he gingerly massaged her neck first. However, slowly but surely, he started to get the hang of it. His fingers became more dexterous as he started to hit just the right spot with the right amount of strength, finding all of her knots and untying them as he did.

"Haah..." Erza moaned in pleasure as he moved to her shoulders and back. She stuck her head against the table in embarrassment, muffling the rest of her groans.

"Don't do that," he said with a chuckle while not stopping his hands.

"But..." Erza protested.

"I like hearing your moans," and that's all he needed to say as Erza then placed her head sideways.

A surge of emotions whirled inside him at that, realizing exactly how much power he had over her. He just had to say he liked hearing her moans, and she didn't hesitate to try to satisfy him. Will could easily abuse this power presented to him, but he cared too much about her to do that.

Erza wanted to please him to the best of her capabilities, so it was only right to return the gesture. With determination, he continued the massage, slowly moving down her back as she moaned and mewed in pleasure.

After passing her lower back, Erza raised her hips ever so slightly, putting her plump yet firm ass on display. He licked his lips as he squeezed both cheeks, eliciting a lewd moan as he massaged them both. Her pink lower lips twitched, enticingly calling out to him, but he resisted the urge to plunge his face at them.

Will moved lower after playing with her ass for more than what was necessary. Erza let out a groan of dissatisfaction, turning to him with a pout on her face. Her request was obvious, but he clicked his tongue and shook his head before continuing down, working on her legs one at a time.

While kneading her thigh, his finger was a breath away from her puffed and wet lower lips. She tried pushing her hips so he could touch them, she really did, but he pulled his hand away every time.

"Tsk, tsk," Will waved his finger at her before continuing working his way down her leg, shortly moving onto the other.

"Now turn around," he ordered. Erza did as told and laid on her back, her legs spread apart invitingly. Will had to use all of his power to resist the invitation, trying to ignore it to the best of his ability as he continued with his plan.

Again, when he reached her upper thighs, Erza tried pushing up her hips, but he pulled his hand away whenever she did that. In the end, he passed onto her stomach after finishing with her legs and slowly moved up.

Her breasts, however, he made sure to focus quite a bit on. Those two heavenly mounds - he needed both hands to grasp even a single one of those - were so hard to pass on. And Erza absolutely loved it, turning into a mewling and quivering mess.

"Did you enjoy it?" Will leaned down, placing a light kiss on her lips after finishing the massage.

"Mhm," the pleased smile and moan was the only response he received.

"Because we aren't done yet," he continued, watching her eyes light up in delight. "Remember what you did for me before you left on your mission? Now, it's time for me to return the favor."

He positioned himself and spread her legs as he leaned down. His thumb tenderly played with the tiny pebble on her lower lips while he gave it a light lick.

"Ahhhh," Erza moaned loudly from that alone, her hands grabbing onto his hair and pushing him against her pussy lips. He was more than happy to oblige as he began kissing, licking, and gently nibbling on them. One of his hands played with her magic button while he plunged a finger inside her with the other.

"Will, oohhhh!" Erza, who was already teased and prepared, cried out as her body shuddered, her fingers tightly grasping onto his hair.

Despite making her orgasm, Will continued working on her, plunging another finger in her hot insides, hitting just the right spots with the help of his new personal skill. And Erza loved it, crying and mewling as she soon came to another orgasm.

Face wet with her juices, Will looked at her before raising himself and crawling up.

"And now, princess, are you ready to take it further?" He asked her, his voice hungry with desire.

"Yes!" Erza met that hunger with her own craving, grabbing onto his clothes and removing them in a split second with her Requip.

"I want it!" She declared loudly, staring at him with desire.

Will was already as hard as a diamond from playing with her body for so long, so he only needed to aim his shaft at her entrance. With a thrust, he bottomed inside her, and Erza screamed loudly as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him against her with force as if trying to melt their bodies together.

"Oh fuck," Will grunted as her hot insides clenched against his shaft. She was as hot as a furnace and oh so very tight.

"OAHHH!" Erza moaned against his ear as Will thrust eagerly inside her.

"More, more!" She loudly yelled before smashing her lips against him.

Will was more than happy to oblige, increasing his pace. Pumping in and out of her with vigor, he felt himself coming close to release. He couldn't resist as she was just so tight and kept clenching her insides against his shaft. His rod started twitching, which Erza felt, so she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even deeper and not letting him pull out.

"Oh, fuck!" Will grunted as he sent rope after rope of his seed inside her womb.

A moment of silence passed, with both of them just breathing hard as they stayed embraced and connected to each other.

'A good thing I took those potions earlier just in case,' Will thought. He had no time for any other thoughts as Erza hungrily stared at him.

"More," she stated. "We are doing this more!"

One very long night awaited him, one which he might not get to survive past, but... it would be for a worthy cause at least. Maybe he might live past this night if he used enough potions.

~Part 3~

Heaven and Hell. If anyone wondered what a combination of those two realms might feel like, then Will had a faint idea. It was when you were forced to experience the most pleasurable feeling again and again and again, to the point that it turned torturous.

Erza was simply insatiable, and she had an unending stamina to back up her endless hunger. It was somewhat manageable while he was in control, but when she got her confidence and took over? Well, it's safe to say he nearly died.

Will's entire body ached as his eyes opened; his bones felt like they were crushed to powder, and his muscles were at their limits, feeling as if they were about to fall apart any moment now. And the worst part? She wasn't even in her best shape as this had been an Erza that had spent half a day rushing from the capital of Fiore to Magnolia...

Weakly, he turned to the side and created a magic circle to take a potion from his pocket space; the only remaining one after last night. That, however, was a mistake, as Erza, who was laying on top of him, figured out he was awake.

She stared at him with pure adoration in her brown orbs while her hand snaked its way down to his shaft. Unfortunately, the poor thing had no power left, too exhausted to even raise itself.

"Please, no," Will said, pleading to her with his eyes.

Trying to stop a woman from having sex with him? That was something he never thought he'd do in his entire life, yet here he was doing exactly that. And he wasn't trying to stop just any woman, but one of the most beautiful ones he'd ever seen.

"Did I... do something wrong?" Erza weakly asked, her eyes quivering, a fragile look replacing her excited one.

"No, no," he quickly replied, wrapping his arms around her to reassure her. "You've done nothing wrong," he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, the taste reminding him they were in need of a bath. "I'm just tired, and there's no juice left in the tank."

"No juice left in the tank?" Erza asked, squinting her eyebrows at him.

Cars did exist on Earthland, but they weren't powered by fuel and instead used a wizard's magic power.

"Ah, no Etherano left in the Lacrima?" Will answered, unsure if that would be the correct phrase as he was still getting used to the jargon they used on Earthland.

"There's just so many times I could do it before I'm empty," he continued after seeing her confused expression. "And it's not that easy keeping up with you." The last part was hard to admit, mostly due to his men's pride.

Biologically, women were supposed to be weaker than men, but that didn't account for when magic was thrown in the loop, which changed the whole equation.

Erza was an absolute monster, and as for Will? Well, he was still a weak regular human. It was honestly surprising he lived through the night. The fact that she had been exhausted prior had probably played in his favor.

"I really enjoyed last night," Will quickly added before she could come to the wrong conclusions. Erza wore her armor for a reason, and without her tough exterior, she was just a fragile girl.

"But I will need to toughen up and get stronger for our future nightly activities," he softly kissed her forehead again as he kept a tight grasp on her. "And I just know the perfect person to help me with that."

"Who?" Erza asked, inquisitively looking at him.

"You, dummy," he chuckled while stroking her hair.

"I will do my best!" Erza declared, a fire lighting up in her eyes as a determined expression formed on her face. "I noticed you got more energetic after drinking the green potion. If it works as I believe, then our training would be even better!"

'Oh, shit! What have I done?' Out of the frying pan and straight into the fire, Will shot himself in the foot with that request.

Erza was cute, adorable, and sometimes naive, but she was a slavedriver when it came to training. He could already imagine what he would have to live through in the near future, and he shuddered at the thought.

On the bright side, there shouldn't be anyone better than Erza when it came to getting him into shape. Especially if he made the incense that helped with physical training.

Come to think of it, couldn't he light one.. or a dozen of those during their nightly sessions? Considering how physically intensive it was, he could see himself making significant progress with that alone.

"Well," he coughed, trying to forget about his awaiting doom. "I do believe we are both in need of a shower."

"Can we?" Erza's eyes lit up with expectation at the mention of a bath.

"Ah, well," he scratched his head. "I can think of a way or two to make it a fun bath," his poor and exhausted member might not be up for the job, but there were other ways he could please her.

"Yes!" Erza shouted, and before he knew it, she had lifted him in the air as if he was weightless. Next thing he knew, they were already in the shower, and Erza was staring at him with a very happy grin on her face.

After one long bath and a quick breakfast, they found themselves sitting on the couch together.

"There are a few things I wanted to discuss with you," he said, placing an arm over her shoulder and pulling her close.

"Then go ahead," Erza replied as she nestled against him, finding a comfortable spot in his embrace.

"Well," Will started with a pause, wondering what to bring up first. "Do you remember the talk about Edolas? How it is a world parallel to Earthland?"

"Yes," Erza simply nodded.

"Well, you see, I'm also from a world like that, and I'm not originally from here," he nervously said, holding his breath and waiting for her response.

"Okay," Erza replied simply, taking that revelation with acceptance and a bit of curiosity. "What kind of world is it? How did you get here? And..." she gulped, her body trembling before she finished the last question. "Do you plan on returning?"

"It's a place where magic doesn't really exist, or at least the general populace doesn't know if it does," Will said softly, reminiscent of his time back on Earth. A part of him missed it, but... he was having a lot more fun on Earthland, living the exciting life of a shopkeeper in a world of magic. "There could've been a secret order of magic users, but I wouldn't know of it since it wouldn't be a secret otherwise."

"And I really have no idea how I got here," he wasn't even sure if he would ever figure it out. "I just randomly woke up in Magnolia one day, with no explanation of why I was here."

To think that was about two months ago. Time sure passed quickly. Or maybe he just didn't notice since he was so busy focusing on his growing business. In the beginning, it had been a struggle, but he did have a cheat that helped him a lot.

He barely made any money at first, but the store that sold under a hundred potions in his first day now sold thousands a day. He was even getting contracts from guilds based in other cities for his products.

"And as for returning," Wil turned to Erza with a warm smile on his face, gently parting her hair to take a good look at her. "I think I have a very good reason to stay here."

A lone tear dropped from her eye, which he quickly wiped away. "Now, now, there is no reason to cry."

"But I'm happy," Erza said, pushing him over and crawling on top of him.

"Then smile," he chuckled as she layered him with kisses.

"I am smiling!" She paused for a moment to show him how wide her grin was.

"Me too, me too," he placed a chaste kiss on her lips before she laid her head on his chest.

For a moment, they stayed like that, just enjoying the presence and warmth of the other.

"I have a way to travel to a different world, and I can bring someone with me," Will broke the silence. "The trip will last only for three days before we get kicked out of that world," he paused, letting her process that. "And I wish you would come along with me."

"When are we going?" Erza didn't even hesitate to ask, already having made her mind the second he mentioned he could bring someone with him.

"Once I recover," he replied, a happy smile spreading on his face. "Probably tomorrow morning."

"Okay," Erza just nodded. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Time passes faster there, like one day equals to about a minute here," he answered. "But other than that? I will only know once we get there."

"Okay, I will prepare as many armors as I can carry," Erza said, already making plans on what equipment to bring.

"Don't bring too many, just the ones you think could be useful," Will replied. Whatever world they went to, there would probably be many things he'd like to bring back with them. And his pocket space couldn't compare to Erza's, which was truly massive.

"But... they could all be useful," Erza murmured, her eyebrows squinted as she mulled over a predicament like no other.

"Just... make sure to leave some empty space, so we could bring back souvenirs," he added. "Also, I'm not sure if we would be able to physically bring anything with us, so all of our stuff will have to be stored in our pocket spaces."

"Got it," Erza nodded before frowning. "How will I even be able to choose what to bring with me?"

"I'm sure you will figure it out," Will chuckled as he stroked her hair, eliciting a purr-like sound from her.

"Now... there's one more thing I'd like to talk about," he said in a moment and continued once she looked at him. "Would you like to hear about your parents?"

Erza just froze hearing the question. Blankly, she just stared through him while Will patiently waited for her. He felt she deserved to know about her family - at least about her mother - but he would leave that decision to her.

"No, I don't want to know," Erza shook her in a moment after making her mind.

"Are you sure?" Will asked, a bit surprised by her decision. If he didn't know who his parents were, he would've at least tried to figure out who they were, why they abandoned him or were forced to do so.

"Yes," Erza confidently nodded. "I've learned that... family isn't the people you are related to. Family is the people that you choose. It's about the family that you find and that finds you." The sweet and gentle smile that formed on her face was breathtaking at that moment. "The guild is my family, and... I'd like you to be part of my family."

"You know... I kinda feel like grabbing one of those Stamina Potions right now," Will said, feeling a fluttering sensation in his stomach.

Erza blinked a few times, obviously confused at his words, before her eyes widened in surprise. "Yes!"

"So, I have a few potions that I want to prepare for our trip tomorrow with the Wyvern Blood you brought. Those should be very helpful in case we get in any dangerous situations," Will said as he dried himself with a towel since they were forced to get another shower after their steamy session.

"And I... I want to take care of something, but can I borrow something from you?" Erza asked, nervously playing with her hair.

"Sure, what do you need?" He was happy to give her whatever she wanted.

"That," Erza pointed at the object she wished to borrow.

"Uhm, fine," Will shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't see why she needed that, but she was free to take it.

"Thanks!" Erza wrapped him in a hug and layered him with kisses before quickly taking the object.

She entered the guild, and everyone turned to her, their eyes wide open in surprise. Erza ignored them all, focusing her attention on the white-haired beauty sitting on a table with Elfman. She knew the male Strauss sibling had left with team Shadow Gear on a job given to them by Makarov, but it seemed they had returned. Off in one of the corners of the building, she spotted Levy sitting alongside Jet and Droy, so her suspicions were correct.

That, however, didn't matter at the moment, and Erza focused on the task at hand. With confident steps, she walked over to Mira and stopped right in front of her.

"Hello, Erza," Mira greeted Erza, her head tilted to the side and an inquiring look on her face.

"Mira," Erza said as she summoned a bouquet from her pocket space. "Will you go on a date with..." she paused for a moment, thinking it over. "Us?" Maybe she should have discussed this with Will before doing this. However, it was too late at this point.

Elfman gaped with eyes as wide as saucers, his jaw hanging loose and almost hitting the table. Everyone else in the guild froze in place, and one could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed.

"I..." Mira was speechless, just blinking rapidly at Erza. She shook her head in a moment and asked. "Are you wearing one of Will's suits?"

"Yes," Erza nodded, still looking expectantly at Mira and waiting for her answer.

"I figured," Mira muttered. The sleeves and the trouser legs were rolled up since Will was taller and with longer limbs, and... the buttons on the shirt were desperately holding on, doing their best to keep her incredible bust from jumping out.

"So? Will you go out on a date with us?" Erza asked once more, the entire guild holding their breath as they waited for the answer.

"Well, I, umm, yes?" Mira replied in a moment, a bit lost for words at Erza's bold move.

The guild erupted into a massive uproar at her answer. Some laughed, others cried, drinks were thrown, and punches were exchanged. Just your every day in Fairy Tail, but with a bit more oomph.

Elfman just stared at the two and finally managed to close his gaping mouth. He raised his hand a few times but dropped it down every time before muttering to himself. "Erza is a real manly man!"