ASS 19

Mira felt both eased and anxious at the revelation that she might get to see her sister sooner than anticipated, but despite her emotional state, she was still able to think clearly.

"You are..." She looked at the older woman. "From Edolas." Will had pointedly stated he saw Porlyusica's old home before mentioning he might have a way to reach it sooner, which had been directed at her.

"Yes..." Porlyusica replied with a deep sigh as she glanced towards the ceiling, a reminiscing look in her eyes. "And you know of it because of the infuriating human?"

"Yes, he told me about it," Mira said, letting out a giggle at how the old woman referred to others as 'human' despite clearly being one as well. "Though I wouldn't call him infuriating."

"He's as stupid as all of you," Porlyusica waved her off, adamant about her belief. "But why does Edolas interest you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at the white-haired beauty.

"My sister got transported there," Mira replied with a weak voice as she looked down in shame. No matter how much others reassured her that it hadn't been her fault, she couldn't just stop blaming herself, not until she saw Lisanna was safe and sound at least.

"He told you that?" Porlyusica asked, her entire face twisting into a frown. 'He's definitely not from Edolas since he can use Caster Magic. So how would he know that?!'

"Yes," Mira nodded, her gaze still lingering on the ground.

"I wouldn't trust him if I were you," Porlyusica bluntly stated. "There's no way for him to actually be sure of that without first visiting Edolas."

"And that's where you are wrong," Mira replied as she looked up, a small smile spreading on her face. "I fully trust him," she added, her eyes full of confidence.

The reason for that was because she asked Makarov if he knew what a Judgment Field was. The old man hadn't taken it well, asking if Will had sent her to pay him back. Apparently, a magical artifact by that name was passed down in the Dreyar family, but it had been stolen by Ivan, his son, when Makarov banished him from the guild.

Nevertheless, he did confirm that Judgment Field worked precisely as Will had described. Makarov didn't even look that surprised that the young man had one of his own, though he did grumble in annoyance that Will was indeed using Mira to take shots at him. Will and Makarov had an interesting relationship in her eyes, but it was nowhere as weird as the one Grey and Natsu had. No one really knew for sure what was going on between those two.

"Well," Porlyusica huffed, obviously annoyed by Mira's response. "Don't come crying back to me when you get hurt!"

"I don't think I will," Mira confidently replied back, which was the last straw for the old woman.

"Baahh, all of you are stupid humans!" Porlyusica threw her hands in the air. "Get out of here!" She yelled as she pointed at the door. "I've had enough dealing with humans for the day! Any more, and I might catch your stupidity!"

"Have a nice day," Mira just pleasantly smiled and waved at the old woman before promptly leaving. She didn't need to be told twice, plus she had to mentally prepare for the dinner tonight.

Mira had no idea what to expect, Will did say he had a secret weapon, and she was just as clueless about how this all came to be. She was happy that they got into a relationship —those two were a bundle of joy when together— but she couldn't deny that she had a faint interest... in both of them.

Will was the one that gave Mira hope, informing her that her sister was alive while also actively trying to help her reunite with Lisanna, which certainly earned him a lot of bonus points. He also didn't approach her with the intent of getting in her panties. Men from outside the guild usually had that intention... well, quite a few of the ones from the guild had tried their hand as well. Will wasn't bad-looking before as well, but now... it's safe to say she definitely liked what she saw.

Then there was also Erza. Mira couldn't say she wasn't surprised at the redhead approaching and asking her on a date even when her rival had declared that she wouldn't lose to both her and Will. She did appreciate Erza's beauty, she was a model and had seen hundreds of good-looking women, but few could match Erza in both looks and body shape. Mira just didn't think they could get together, considering how much they bickered and competed against each other in the past. But if Will was in between them, mediating, so their squabbles didn't get out of hand? Well, she could potentially see that working out.

'Depending on how the dinner goes, I would know for certain,' Mira thought as she walked through the forest, returning to Magnolia.

"This should be about all I need," Will told Erza as they left the market, having found all the ingredients he required for the dinner he wished to prepare.

"And I got the strawberries!" Erza announced with a giddy smile. He usually had quite a few of her favorite snack stocked in his fridge just for her, but she may or may not have ended up eating them all. In her defense, she had been stressed and worried when he turned into a ghost and flew away. Feeding him the potions as he instructed her hadn't even helped, so she was more than concerned, and the cakes were the perfect way to... destress, so to say.

"And here I was thinking of making Tiramisu instead of strawberry cakes," Will chuckled, seeing her happy expression turn into a horror-filled one.

"Is..." Erza gulped. "Is it made with strawberries?" She fearfully asked.

"No, it's made with coffee," he replied in amusement, hearing her take a deep breath as she bit her lower lip. "Don't worry," he added in a moment as he took her hand in his. "I'm just joking. Of course, I will prepare some strawberry cakes for you."

"Yes!" Erza started dragging him back towards his home, skipping in excitement as she did.

"Slow down, slow down," he chuckled as she turned to him with trembling lips. "You'll get your cakes," Will reassured her. "Though the Tiramisu would've fit better the Italian theme I'm planning."

"Italian?" Erza asked, tilting her head.

"Ah, it's a country in the world we visited, widely considered to have the best cuisine there," Will explained and grimaced afterward, remembering what had happened there shortly after their arrival. He shook his head in a moment, locking those memories for good. 'I'll... deal with those soon. Yeah...'

"And you got their recipes from the library at the temple?" Erza asked, remembering how many books he read there.

"Nope," he shook his head. "I got them from the internet alongside many other things."

"The internet?" Erza questioned the unfamiliar term.

"Remember how I told you about the cars and how they function without needing any magic at all?" Will asked and continued after seeing her nod. "They are a piece of technology created by the humans of that world since more than 99% of them can't use magic," he started his explanation with that piece of information.

"Due to them being unable to use magic, they've ended up developing many such interesting technologies, the internet being one of them," he said, smiling gleefully as a part of the internet was forever saved in his brain. "It functions similarly to Archive. You remember what Archive does, right?"

"Yes," Erza nodded. "It allows you to store a lot of information and quickly access it. You can also use it to communicate with others and create light screens with it," she answered, looking at him with expectation.

"Good job," Will pecked her on the cheek as her reward, skillfully dodging her lips, which she put on display. "The internet is similar in a way," he then continued his explanation while ignoring her pout.

Erza, however, was having none of that. She jumped in front of him, her hands tightly clasping his cheeks before she pulled him in, taking the kiss she rightfully deserved.

"Much better," she pulled back, a satisfied smile on her face as she took his hand as if nothing happened.

"Anyway," Will said, fake sighing while struggling not to laugh. "As I was saying, Archive is similar to the internet in a way. People can store information on it for all to see, and it allows them to communicate with each other from all across the world. Everyone with access to the internet could use those functions, and my magic happened to be able to connect to the internet as well."

"So now, I have all kinds of information stored in here," Will tapped his head. "Including interesting things like series and movies, which we could watch together."

"What are those?" Erza asked, her voice laced with intrigue at the potential activity they could do together.

"Think of them like books that you could watch instead of reading," Will easily answered.

"Oh," Erza nodded in understanding, her cheeks shortly turning red. "Wh-what kind of books?"

"Any kind," he replied, turning to her with a weird expression and noticing her blush. "Why?"

"No reason," she was very quick to answer as she turned to the side to avoid his gaze.

"Aha," Will uttered as they entered his home, clearly not believing her. "Well, I better start preparing the stuff for later." Some of the stuff needed to be cooked right before serving, but that didn't stop him from setting up his ingredients.

During the entire process, Erza protectively stuck close to him, asking a question here and there about what he was doing and quite often inquiring whether he was done yet.

"Now, I'm done," Will told her as he cleaned himself. "The rest, I have to prepare before Mira arrives."

"So, we have free time until then?" Erza licked her lips as she stepped closer, a predatory look in her eyes.

"Yes, we..." Will's words were cut short, as the moment he turned around, Erza was already atop him, her lips hungrily seeking his. He chuckled against her mouth as he returned her advances while his arms wrapped around her, finding out that she was already naked as the day she was born.

"I have to," he uttered against her lips as his hand roamed towards one of her sensitive spots. "Teach you," he grasped her breast, giving it a squeeze before his fingers pinched her pebble, a small gasp escaping her mouth. "About foreplay," and then he twisted lightly, Erza moaning loudly in response, her breathing growing heavier by the second.

"Foreplay?" Erza queried as her fingers grasped his shirt, striping him out of it with a quick usage of Requip.

"Yes," his other hand reached for her other breast while he leaned down, layering her neck with kisses. "The warm-up to the main event," he pinched and twisted, eliciting another loud moan from Erza and almost making her fall in place.

"I absolutely enjoy your naked body," Will paused his kisses to look down at the two heavenly mounds, their peaks standing high and mighty between his fingers. "Though I do believe I would enjoy it even more if you put on a little show before that."

"A show?" Erza inquired as she regained a bit of her usual self. She buried her face against his nape while her fingers grabbed his pants, whisking those away as well.

"Yes," Will muttered as he gave her neck a little love bite while his hand trailed down her toned stomach. "Like slowly removing your clothes one by one without using Requip," he reached her lower lips, finding them to be already nice and wet. "Or maybe allow me to do it instead."

"Ahhh," Erza just moaned loudly in response, weakly nodding her head as she removed his boxers, her deft fingers wrapping around his erect shaft. "Next time," she muttered as she started stroking him, a pleasured groan escaping his mouth. "I'll do it next time."

"It is a bit too late at this point," he uttered as he released her breast, grabbing onto her face as he brought her in for a deep kiss, their tongues intertwining as they battled for domination. His other hand found her magical button soon after, pushing and twisting it this way and that way, Erza's entire body spasming and freezing in place, allowing him to come out on top in their tug of war.

Smiling against her lips as his tongue explored her mouth to his desire, Will pushed a finger inside her pussy lips, causing her to groan in satisfaction. Her insides were warm and inviting, practically sucking in his digit as he thrust it in and out. He knew exactly where to push and tickle as that was something he was forced to learn in their one night together.

"Are you enjoying this," Will asked as he pulled back, caressing her juicy lips with his thumb.

"Mhm," Erza mumbled, eyes half-closed as she basked in the pleasure, her hand still grasping his shaft but having stopped stroking it for the moment. Her knees felt weak as he added another digit inside her, reaching out and pleasuring her just the way she enjoyed it. His thumb pushed against her lips, and she opened her mouth, her tongue wrapping around it and sucking it like a lollipop.

Will shortly increased his pace, his digits reaching in and making a come here motion while his thumb continued pushing against her magical button. Erza soon froze in place before her entire body shook as if an earthquake had gone on inside her. She stumbled against him, wrapping her arms around him to support herself while his shaft pushed against her stomach.

"You would return the favor, right?" He whispered against her ear, and Erza regained her energy in seconds as a determined look flashed in her eyes.

"Yes!" She exclaimed and surprised him by falling on her knees. Erza grabbed his erect shaft once more before looking up at him. With her eyes seeking approval, she stuck her tongue out and trailed it from his head to his base, going up and down a few times, nicely lubricating his rod.

"Oh, yes..." Will muttered as he gathered her hair, holding it up with one hand. A shudder escaped his mouth when Erza engulfed his shaft with her hot mouth, her tongue and hand never stopping even for a moment as she sucked on his rod. Those delightful brown orbs of hers kept staring at him with adoration the entire time, making sure he enjoyed everything she did.

"Just like that," he moaned, adding a thrusting motion with his hips and synching it together with her movements. Slurping and gagging as he slowly increased his pace, Erza kept pleasuring as best as she could, not complaining even once as his shaft hit her throat.

"Fuck," Will groaned as she added a new technique to her repertoire by turning her mouth into a vacuum. He soon reached his peak, thrusting his hips once more while pushing her head against his base, sending ropes of cum down her throat.

"Wow," he uttered, his body relaxing from the release as Erza stood up, her eyes shining bright, delighted that she managed to pleasure him.

"This was amazing," Will pulled her close, kissing her with passion, trying to express how much he enjoyed it. He suddenly pulled back, and Erza moaned in displeasure, tilting her head in confusion as she saw his surprised look.

"Look at that," Will grinned as he looked down, his shaft growing erect once more. Before, he needed to take a Stamina Potion to get back into action, but it seemed that was no longer the case as the herb he consumed proved to be even better than he anticipated.

Erza grinned back at him as he grabbed her and spun her around, pushing her against the kitchen counter with her back arched and her ass seductively sticking out. He wasted no time in lining himself up before shoving his shaft inside her inviting pussy lips, her core as tight and warm as their first time.

"Oof," Will breathed out as he slowly bottomed out inside her, starting out with a few slow thrusts to savor her tight core. Both hands grabbed onto her ass cheeks, needily squeezing her firm assets. He couldn't resist for much longer and shortly increased his pace, thrusting with vigor while raising one of his hands and bringing it down on her ass cheeks, watching them jiggle in fascination.

"Ahhh," Erza moaned loudly, pushing her hips, aligning her movements with his own. "Do it again!" She cried amidst moans, wishing for him to slap her again.

"Like this," he brought down his palm once more, hitting firm cheeks one by one. His other hand gathered Erza's red hair before pulling it but not too roughly, rough sex was something he found she enjoyed, but he'd prefer to not push her too far.

"Yes!" Erza loudly moaned. "More!"

And Will was happy to oblige, loud groans and the sound of flesh against flesh echoing inside the kitchen as he bottomed out inside her over and over. Erza's body soon shivered in excitement as a loud moan escaped her mouth. Her breathing was hard, but she didn't stop moving her hips in sync with his even for a moment, seeking that pleasuring feeling once more.

A minute later, after regaining herself a bit, Erza pushed her hips back as she placed her hands on the counter for support, and in one quick motion, she spun around with him still inside her. Legs and arms wrapped around Will as she pulled him close, her lips hungrily seeking his own while her hands grabbed onto his hair. Despite the surprise, he didn't stop moving even for a second, even increasing his pace in this new position.

Groaning against her lips, Will thrust one last time before releasing his seed inside her. Leaning atop her, his entire body felt relaxed in her embrace while she used this opportunity to take point in their tongue war.

Erza shortly pulled his head back, her eyes shining in delight as a grin spread on her face. The shaft inside her was very much still erect and hadn't gone soft despite him having just finished for the second time.

"We should take this to the bedroom," Will muttered as he lifted her up with ease with him still inside her.

"Mhm," Erza nodded against him, her lips jumping onto his. Her breathing was hard, but despite that, she was full of energy and ready for more, as that was solely due to the pleasure she felt.

They, in fact, did not go to the bedroom immediately, stopping in the hallway, on the stairs, and just outside their destination before finally arriving at his room. They both took great pleasure in testing his newly enhanced body and figuring the exact limits of his stamina.

Hours later, Erza was below him, her expression one of absolute pleasure as he held her hands above her head while plowing her over and over again. Will bottomed out inside her for the nth amount of time as he finally felt nearing his limit. Breathing hard, he laid down next to her, pulling Erza close for some cuddle time. His eyes then opened wide as he decided to check the time.

"Quick, princess," Will exclaimed as he got up. "Mira will be here in half an hour!"

"What?" Erza blurted as she looked at the clock before quickly jumping out of bed.

"We need to finish the dishes, and we also need to clean up the house," Will rapidly said as he dressed himself with the first clothes he saw.

"I will do the cleaning, you do the cooking!" Erza declared and used Requip to put on her attire.

"Oh," Will muttered, seeing her dressed like a maid, a very sexy maid. "Don't do this to me," he said, struggling to not just jump at her.

"Huh?" Erza glanced at him with a confused expression, realization flashing in her eyes as she saw him look her up and down with a hungry look. "You like this?"

"Oh, yeaah," he nodded, licking his lips at the meal in front of him.

"Well," Erza stepped seductively, lifting the lacy skirt that didn't cover even half of her juicy thighs.

"Wait, stop!" Will covered his eyes with one hand while raising his other with the palm facing her. "I have to cook, you need to clean!"

"Ah, yes," Erza disappointedly said. "Right, cleaning," she nodded. "Mira's coming. I'm on it," she added before rushing out of the room. Will let out a deep breath, calming himself down before following after her.

Surprisingly enough, they managed to keep their hands to themselves and finished their respective tasks just before a knock came from the door. Will straightened up his clothes while Erza switched into a lovely blue dress, and they walked over to greet Mira.

"Hi, I hope..." Mira paused, her gaze moving from Will to Erza a few times before letting out a sigh. She chuckled once, which slowly turned into a giggle, only calming herself down in a moment or so. "You," she pointed at Will. "Are going to need a haircut soon. And you," she turned to Erza. "Should probably brush your hair after... such physical exercises."

Erza blushed bright red while Will nodded to her as he hadn't had a haircut ever since he arrived here, and his hair was slowly transforming into a bird's nest.

"I hope I didn't come for nothing," Mira then said with an exasperated sigh.

"No, no, no!" Will was quick to reply. "The food is ready, and I promise that you will love it!" He was confident of that.

"I sure hope so," Mira muttered as she entered inside, a fragrant scent soon assaulting her nostrils, making her believe that maybe she would really enjoy this.

AN: Just going to quickly explain the Gildarts situation since I haven't addressed it here. Yes, he did return later in canon, but you have to take into account that he didn't have a magical potion to heal him up. He was gravely injured, losing two limbs and an unspecified organ in his fight with Acnologia. You would think that even in a world of magic, he would take a very long time to recover from such injuries, especially when Healing Magic is extremely rare. Then he'd also have to get someone to make him prosthetics that fit his size, and then he'd also have to spent time learning how to move around with said prosthetics. By the time he returned in canon, he was looking comfortable while using the prosthetics, so I'm assuming he already had them for quite some time. Add in his character trait, he most likely passed through more than a few bars and brothels on his way back. Anyway, you get the point.

On another note, canon starts in exactly 8 months, though as you can imagine, a few events might've already been... resolved so to say.


Edited by Ehbon, and Sleeping Moon.