
A man with dishevelled hair walked in the streets sluggishly to buy a few household ingredients. 

"Staying alone is boring. I wish you were with me Kate," he grumbled as he walked towards a vegetable stall. Being the rush hour, the stall was surrounded by many people. 

He waited and looked at the ladies bargaining, from a distance. Glancing around, his eyes fell on the poster pasted on a wall. Frowning at it, he sprinted towards it and read the content. 

"Wanted...the person above has been accused of stealing a diamond jewel of our beloved princess. Anyone who will provide legit information about the man will be given the bounty of Fifty thousand gold coins." 

His eyes widened at the portrait which was pasted and the bounty which was placed. The amount would entice any normal person to leave all his work and search for the man. 

"It's a false accusation," he scowled at it mentally.