Chapter 9

The man with the katana held his sword steadily as he approached, his eyes squinted, and his muscles tensed as she saw that he was ready to strike. The man with the axe with a stone faced expression was approaching from her side. She simply waited, readying herself.

But they stopped moving suddenly, only barely out of reach for any of the three to attack.

"If you could just move away from that electrical box, that would be great." The burly man said nonchalantly. "I'm not into getting electrocuted."

She shifted her eyes over to the man with the katana, who gestured at her to move away.

'Well, guess they know better than to rip open some wires with metal weapons.' she thought, and shrugged as she moved aside a couple inches.

"...Didn't think she'd actually do it."

She chuckled, she knew the old man was lurking somewhere, just waiting for her to stand stilln so he'd get a clear shot. Standing next to it, the swiftly took out her knife and jammed it inside the electrical box, 'shocking' the two men. Forcefully she kept stabbing hole after hole into the thing, causing all the surrounding lights in the neighborhood to stop functioning.

"What the hell?!" they yelled out in unison, both angry at the destruction caused, and because of the incomprehensible action. The men were hesitant, not knowing whether to keep attacking or to back off. They weren't even sure how she was still alive after what they assumed was her electrocuting herself.

But she was still standing with a smirk plastered on her face.

The guy with the katana tried to keep his composure.

'I was a goddamn member of the yakuza, no way some random schoolgirl is going to make me piss my pants. I don't know where gramps went off to but me and Tamazaki-san can easily take her. I just got to finish the job, that's all.'

He slowly inched forward again. All he had to manage is one good cut, straight into her. No demon has survived it before, it will be an easy kill. Her guard should already be down after he haphazardly swung his weapon around, it should be clear to her he poses no threat... or so she'd think. And then in one swift strike she would be put down, dead before she even realises it.

Sure, she got him once, but a couple glass splinters means nothing in this world. As long as he keeps some distance she will never be able to get through his guard. A sword reaches way farther than a kitchen knife.

Tamazaki looked him in the eye, nodded and slowly approached alongside him. The girl looked shaken up as they did, suddenly on edge.

He took one step, then another, slowly, carefully. Like a hunter trying to approach a deer, he needed to make sure she wouldn't suddenly run. The demon was already with her back against the wall, just a couple steps more and they could take her down and get paid handsomely.

The demon that eradicated Mephiel and wounded Stophle, among others. The trickster demon that recently gained notoriety, is their prey now, and she has nothing she can do about it.

She hunched over and drooped her head down as they started taking their final steps toward her, as if she looked like she had given up. But under that posture came words spoken in a determined voice as she released the aura he carefully hid all this time, overwhelming the two men.

"Utter fools... they didn't even realise they died."

The girl pointed her knife at the man with the katana, a faint rainbow colored glow shone off of its surface. And in a flash, as Tamazaki watched in horror, a shot of electricity burst out from the tip, reaching the trail of blood behind him, and shooting 600 volts into his body via the blood that was leaking out. The last thing he saw was a violent flash of white as the overwhelming amount of amps ran through his body causing immense burns in his organs, making his heart stop within a nanosecond, and killing him from shock.

Tamazaki at that moment was distracted, witnessing his long time partner die in that moment. As he shifted his eyes back to the girl, he came fact to face with the knife only half an inch away. Not able to stop it, he was struck in between his eyes, the knife deeply lodging itself into his skull. He fell backwards as the sudden blow took him out.

She sighed in exasperation as she realized the scene she had caused. It was never her plan to take them out so violently, only wanting to kill one in order to deter them from approaching Yasou.

Still, at least the crime scene was relatively bloodless, aside from a thin trail going around the entire street.

She went the the burly man with the knife lodged in his skull, and ripped it out while using his coat as a way to soak up the blood. The biggest worry she had was the old guy that was left. She perked her ears but didn't hear anything, as if he'd simply vanished from the surface of the world.

She hoped that he simply ran off in order to relay the events to the higher ups, but she knew he was secretly more powerful than the other two.

She stood up and pulled the man over her shoulder, while keeping an eye out for any sudden movements. If she can't clean him up in peace, at least he'll serve his duty as a meatshield.

But suddenly She felt the winds around her change, and without having noticed that she was being attacked, she suddenly had a bone lodged into her side, just barely avoiding the corpse she carried.