Chapter 13

Yasou woke up, his heart thumping vigorously. His eyes dart back and forth across the dark room, but he could not see even a flicker of movement. He felt a slight disappointment, knowing himself to be alone.

"Fluffy...?" he mumbled, hoping for a reply. "please..."

He begged again for an answer. He wished his beloved cat would meow back at him, and that she'd snuggle up to him and soothe his pains.

A wish that can't be fulfilled.

All he was greeted with was once more the smell of rusting iron; the blood of those he killed the day before. It made him want to retch. He had gotten his desired revenge, in a way, and it didn't satisfy him at all. He became a walking dead man, or so he thought. So what choice does he have when he makes an enemy out of humanity?

His brain hurt, he tried to stop thinking about it. He pushed himself up with whatever strength he had while ignoring the aches he felt from his arms. He slumped toward his desk with his laptop, turning it on to keep his mind distracted. Lively bright colors illuminated his room just barely enough to be able to look around.

He looked at the uncountable amount of tabs he still left open after he last used it. He clicked around, seeing if anything would pique his interest. Video's, articles, blogs, manga, forums and porn, none of it was able to distract him. It felt wrong for him to so casually pretend to belong alongside those he would often read about or interact with. No matter how he tried, he was forced to face that he wasn't a normal person.

He could only see himself as a disgusting murderer that made a pact with a demon. The same kind of person who in those very same articles and forums would get shunned by those who read of their actions. Not so very long ago, he did the same, echoing the thoughts of others in comfort. It was his way of dealing with his loneliness. So who was left to associate with? The murderers who suffered a gruesome end and their apologists and fans. He was suddenly set on the other side with those he deemed reprehensible.

He sat there, tensed up, as he slowly dragged his mouse to open a new tab. After a moment of hesitation that someone would be looking, he typed in the query:

'killing inquisitor crime'

His bloodshot, weary eyes skimmed through the search results. They consisted of small blogs and a small church site that wrote an article on it. Most of what was written was speculation, since there were no official convicts. The only throughline consensus what that whatever punishment was given by the local church was brutal.

He shivered as he read accounts of multiple 'sinners' that had been brought to justice. Some died during a fight, their body and soul often decimated and ripped apart. Those were the ones that got off easy, they had the luxury of a swift death. Those unfortunate enough to get captured would barely resemble a human anymore after extensive 'purification'. He wasn't even sure what he was looking at. Ripped skin and flesh, dislocated and crushed bone, ripped noses and ears were only a few of the possible disfigurements he got to learn of.

He looked at his hand, imagining the things that could happen to him, before shaking his head in the hopes of shaking away those thoughts along with it. 

'I'll be fine', he tried to comfort himself with 'worst case I'll just have to make sure I die.' 

However his gut still left a sinking feeling inside of him, and his hand started shaking a bit. He closed his laptop on instinct in the hopes it'd make him stop thinking about it.

"How very intriguing."

The same accursed voice behind him that turned him into a bloodlusted killer was cheerily interjecting his thoughts, not even having announced her presence to him, making him almost jump from his seat. She casually wrapped her arms around his neck in a warm embrace.

"Sadly for them I won't let them lay a finger on you."

He held his head down in silence, knowing that his fate now rests in powers far beyond him. She brought her head close to his head, and whispered in a sweet voice to him.

"We'll kill them all, until nothing remains."