Director Kang enters the scene

Thus, the Deputy Director Kim Seo-Jun took both Su-Jin and Yeon-Ah on a tour. He showed them their team's Director's office first.

The Director's office was a spacious room. Against the window was a mahogany desk, and a big office chair. On the right-side wall were shelves containing books and business reports. The left-side of the office was occupied by a glass table with five chairs. It looked like a place for holding meetings.

The Director's office also had a small couch and an armchair, both placed on the right side of the entrance.

After inspecting this part, SeoJun took them through the door Su-Jin was wondering about earlier. Her curiosity was finally satisfied, and her expectations met. Behind that door Su-Jin saw a kitchen with all the necessary appliances. There was a big fridge, lots of cupboards and drawers, a sink and even a microwave. There was a large table placed in the middle of the space, capable of allowing at least eight people to sit at the same time.

Outside the kitchen was a small hallway. Apart from the door leading towards the kitchen, there was another one to the left. This one proved to be leading towards the Archive room. There, they saw shelves and racks arranged like domino pieces.

They were all filled to the brim with cardboard boxes containing past work results and reports, as well as former travel deals the Planning Department had produced. A metallic ladder was leaned against one of the walls, probably used to access the highest shelves.

After the long tour, the Deputy Director brought them both back to their desks.

"The Director will be arriving shortly. Once he gets here, I will call you inside his office so you can present yourselves. For now, you can sit at your leisure, drink a coffee and chat. My desk is right over here in case you need anything." Seo-Jun pointed towards the desk that was closest to the Director's office.

And with that, he turned around and left the two women alone.

Twenty minutes later, someone entered the Planning Department, striding through the desks like a whirlwind. Su-Jin's eyes were caught by the familiarity of the new arrival. The man who just entered the Director's office looked strangely familiar to her. She racked her brains, trying to remember, but ultimately, he had moved so fast that she couldn't be sure she saw right.


The moment he saw the Director appear, Kim Seo-Jun sprang to his feet and followed his boss inside his office.

"How come you're late? You're never late!" he began his interrogation.

The Director sighed deeply. He then slid into his chair like a boneless sack. He unbuttoned his suit jacket, leaning his head back trying to catch his breath.

"It's been an adventurous morning, Seo-Jun." he said, clasping both his hands over his face, and rubbing slowly.

"What happened? Did…"

But something caused Seo-Jun to stop immediately. His eyes widened in shock.

"Did you get hurt? Don't tell me it was an accident?" Seo-Jun asked hastily, sounding slightly worried.

The Director raised a hand and touched his forehead. Above his left eyebrow was a small patch.

"Not quite an accident, but close enough. Some crazy woman threw herself in front of my car, all in the name of saving a cat." He finished with another deep sigh.

"Are you alright? Did… did it happen again?" Seo-Jun asked quietly.

He didn't have to elaborate, because the Director knew exactly what Seo-Jun meant. They had known each other for well over six years, so Seo-Jun knew the issues his friend had with car accidents.

Whenever he witnessed something like that, or had an issue in traffic, the Director's hands would begin to shake, his breathing would become shallow and ragged. It had never gotten as serious as a panic attack, but it was still something that usually rendered him unable to drive for at least a few minutes after the incident.

"It did, but it wasn't serious." The Director said.

"Are you sure? You look pale." Seo-Jun insisted, leaning over the desk to take a better look at his friend.

Sure enough, the man's face was paler than it normally was. At that moment, it contrasted strongly with his pitch-black eyes, giving him the appearance of a ghost. Though, it must be said that he would have made a handsome ghost.

At the sight of his long-time friend's concern, the Director's lips curved into a small smile. Seo-Jun had always been the type to worry about the people he cared about, even though he rarely showed it.

"Yes, I am sure. So stop mothering me."

The Director got up, and went around the desk, heading for the shelves. He picked up a file and went back to his chair.

Seo-Jun's eyes followed him carefully, as if he was expecting him to fall onto the floor any second.

"What did I miss?" The Director asked, while perusing the file.

"Nothing much." Seo-Jun replied, still watching the man in front of him with slight worry in his eyes. Then he added quickly. "Ah, yes. The two interns have arrived. Would you like to meet them now?"

The Director raised his eyes and thought for a moment before replying.

"Yes. Let's get it over with soon so I can get back to my work. Do we have the reports from Marketing?"

"No, but they should be here any minute now."

The moment he saw the Director frown, Seo-Jun turned around hastily and fled like a startled chicken. Even so, he didn't forget to leave behind a string of words.

"I'll go and bring the interns. We can discuss their tasks afterwards."

After Seo-Jun left the Director's office, it took him a minute to come back. He was followed closely by Su-Jin and Yeon-Ah.

The Director had his face hidden behind the file when the three of them entered his office.

Seo-Jun cleared his throat, and made the first presentations himself.

"These are Miss Kim Su-Jin and Miss Lee Yeon-Ah. Ladies, this is the Director of Planning Team 1, Kang Ji-Won."

Upon hearing his name being mentioned, the Director stopped his movements. Then, he slowly lowered the file he was holding. His black eyes settled first on Su-Jin, making her start.

Her eyes flew wide open, and her lips parted in a silent gasp. She knew that handsome face, as well as those piercing, dark eyes. After all, she had seen them only this morning.

"YOU!" both Su-Jin and Ji-Won cried out together.