The talented and talentless

The next day was completely different than the previous one. Instead of a roller coaster of events, it had been pretty bland and boring.

Kang Ji-Won came to work earlier than anyone else. After his team assembled for a morning meeting, he gave orders not to be disturbed. He remained cooped up in his office for the entire day, not even going out to eat.

It worked perfectly for Su-Jin, though. After all, it wasn't like she actually wanted to see the guy.

During lunchtime, she and Yeon-Ah went across the street to grab a bite to eat. There was a small restaurant that had delicious home cut noodles, and Su-Jin had always wanted to try the food there. After they finished eating, they returned to the office, feeling full and satisfied. During the afternoon they continued to peruse the files containing the Planning Department previous projects.

However, two things happened during this second day of work. These offered Su-Jin a small break from the monotony. Unfortunately, they weren't both happy events.

The first, was finding out that she would be Director Kang's assistant. Saying she wasn't happy with the idea would be an understatement. Su-Jin growled and cursed inwardly at the very thought of having to deal with that man more than it was necessary. She would have loved nothing more than to throw something at that pale face or gouge out those mean dark eyes.

However, she needed the job, not to mention that it was also illegal to hurt someone like that. The money and experience she would gain from being employed at Kangji Tourism weren't something to throw away lightly. Therefore, Su-Jin grudgingly swallowed her complaints. She remained quiet, and did her best to appear unaffected.

The second thing that happened was one that brought her joy, as well as a sense of pride.

Right before she left for the day, Miss Jung came to search for Su-Jin at her desk. Then, she handed Su-Jin her employee access card, taking back the one reserved for guests.

The thin, square card dangled from a blue strap. It contained Su-Jin's picture, full name and internship title. The word 'Intern' was written at the bottom in large letters, causing Su-Jin to stare at it with wide eyes.

She had never held something like this before. Every part-time job she'd ever had did not require a card. When she previously worked for a supermarket, she had her name written on the front of her vest. Every noodle shop or eatery she had worked for did not require her name to be displayed. Therefore, this was something very new to her.

"This is the color we use to distinguish interns from the rest of the employees. If you get a full-time position, you will be given another card, with a black strap." Miss Jung said, her voice pulling Su-Jin out of her thoughts.

The woman was smiling kindly, as she pointed at her own access card. It hung around her neck, the black strap contrasting strongly with her white blouse.

Su-Jin gazed down at her own picture, then slowly put the blue strap around her neck. It was a weird sensation, as if she had suddenly become someone else. She was no longer the struggling Park Su-Jin, working multiple part-time jobs. At that moment, she was Miss Park Su-Jin, an intern at one of the biggest companies in Seoul.

Thus, the day ended without issues. Su-Jin managed to get home feeling quite happy and content. When she arrived, Min-Jun Mi-Suk were both waiting for her to eat dinner together.

As soon as she entered the kitchen, Su-Jin's eyes landed on Gyojeon. The kitten was just finishing his milk. After finishing licking all the milk in his bowl, the fluffy grey ball then strode towards Su-Jin, rubbing his body against her ankles.

Su-Jin smiled. She bent down and petted the kitten tenderly.

"Go and get changed first." Min-Jun told his sister.

"He made you some hangover soup." Mi-Suk said, shooting the young man a teasing grin. "Even though it's kind of late to have it now, you should still appreciate the gesture."

Min-Jun decidedly ignored the teasing hint from Mi-Suk's previous statement. Instead, he turned his back on them, speaking in disbelief.

"I can't believe you two. How can you get drunk from two cans of beer? What are you… preschoolers?"

Su-Jin cringed. She scratched the back of her head with one hand, smiling sheepishly

"I was tired and just… well… I was very tired and upset. So, it should be understandable." she waved a free hand in the air. "Anyway, I'm going to change. Don't start eating without me."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su-Jin turned on her heels and exited the kitchen in haste. But right before she left, Su-Jin paused behind Mi-Suk, who was sitting on a chair, and whispered 'traitor' in her ear.

Mi-Suk instantly began laughing. She shrugged elegantly, evidently not feeling any remorse for having sold her best friend to her brother.

Ten minutes later, all three young people were eating, while chatting. It appeared that Tuesday had been a rather chill day for all of them. Min-Jun got through school alright, but that was to be expected from the number one in his class. Mi-Suk, who was practicing her fine arts degree, while working for a renowned webpage, had begun working on a webtoon. She had to give them the first two chapters by the end of the week.

"You have to let me see them first. You know, to give you my opinion. " Su-Jin said with a knowing expression on her face.

"And what do you know about drawing, sis? You can't even draw a straight line, but you think you can appraise a webtoon's quality?" Min-Jun arched an eyebrow, his expression appearing quite mocking.

At the same time, he could also maintain a rather serious look. Whenever Min-Jun teased his sister about her lack in talent, he always wore that expression. It made Su-Jin want to hit him.

After all, Su-Jin already knew her limitations. Whether it was drawing, painting, singing, or virtually anything that had to do with arts, it was utterly impossible for her to do it well.