Family feud

Kang Ji-Won's return to Seoul shouldn't affect them so much. Sure, he was the oldest son of Chairman Kang, and would probably have priority in inheriting the company. Nevertheless, to Ji-Su, Ji-Won was just an older brother, one he missed very much.

And also, hasn't he, Ji-Su, proved he was capable of managing a team? Why his mother would be afraid of Ji-Won stealing his place was beyond his ability to understand.

His mother's voice soon pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Ji-Su, why do you think your father found him a position as soon as he came back? And why do you think he created another planning team, even giving him the Director's seat? It is clear as daylight that he wants you two to compete."

"Mother, that is absurd." Ji-Su waved a hand impatiently. "And even if it were true, why would I be afraid of him? I have gained my own experience in the company, while he was working at the branch in the States. Ji-Won doesn't scare me."

"He should." His mother snapped, clicking her tongue in displeasure. "I heard that he obtained great results while he worked there. Meanwhile, you spent money and wasted time. I heard you didn't even go to work this week."

"That's because I have capable team members." Ji-Su grinned.

His casual attitude successfully earned him a deep scowl from his mother.

"Your father is clearly thinking of using this opportunity to choose one of you to succeed him. If you do not work hard, you will lose everything to Ji-Won."

"Mother, relax. There is nothing to worry about. The company had made arrangements to form a second planning team a long while ago. Ji-Won's return came at a perfect time. Ah, he's here!" Ji-Su suddenly cried out in excitement.

He jumped out of the sofa, and hurried towards the door. Sure enough, two seconds later, Kang Ji-Won entered the large living room area. He looked as though he wanted to be anywhere else but there.

His black hair fell over his forehead, and his brilliant black eyes moved slowly between the two people in the room.

"Ji-Won, I am so happy you could make it. I was afraid you'd ditch us." Ji-Su said merrily, clapping a hand over his brother's shoulder.

"I apologize for being late." Ji-Won addressed Mrs. Kang stiffly. He continued blankly, swatting Ji-Su's hand away. "I had something to take care of before coming here."

"Ji-Won, dear, I hope you will join us for dinner. It's been so long since we all ate together, and I am sure your father will be pleased." Mrs. Kang said.

As she got up from her armchair, Mrs. Kang showed the young man an ingratiating smile. It seemed as though all the previous scornful words had not been uttered by her.

Ji-Won remained quiet. He knew that smile, and all the fake feelings that hid behind it. She was not pleased to see him there. She saw him as a threat.

No matter. It wasn't like he wanted to be there either. He hated the lot of them, and wishes to have nothing to do with them.

But, instead of being open with his feelings, Ji-Won did what he was taught. He shoved them behind a polite smile, together with a courteous bow. These were the weapons society had to wield in order to survive around snakes like Mrs. Kang, and Ji-Won had learned how to do that since young.

Hence, Ji-Won merely showed a perfunctory smile, bowing his head slightly.

"Thank you, but I will not be able to stay. I just came to pick up some of my things." He said curtly.

Mrs. Kang's eyes flashed with delight at hearing that. However, as a smart woman, she quickly concealed her feelings.

Nevertheless, Ji-Su, who was staring at her, saw it all. He frowned. Then, without hesitation he turned towards his brother, once again clapping him over the shoulder.

"Oh, come on brother. We haven't seen you in years. Can't you just stay here for the night?"

Ji-Won flinched and smacked his hand away. This time, the contact made a loud clap. Ji-Won stood there, glaring openly at the young man.

"I am not your brother." He said in an icy cold voice. His black eyes flashed dangerously.

Without another word, Ji-Won pushed past Ji-Su and his mother, going straight for his room upstairs.

The place looked the same as he had left it almost ten years ago.

Books laid neatly on shelves. His clothes hung in the dresser as if only yesterday he had worn them. His old desk was still cluttered with papers and pens. Everything was clean, not a speck of dust could be seen anywhere. Clearly his father had given orders for the maids to take care of his room while he was away.

That only enraged Ji-Won even more. A deep crease appeared between his eyebrows. He let out a curse, feeling the anger and resentment boiling inside him. The entire room made his skin uncomfortable, as if a thousand bugs were crawling on his body. All he wanted to do in that instant was to run away from that place as quickly as possible.

Instead of doing that, though, Ji-Won ultimately let himself fall onto the bed. As he touched the soft beddings, he let out a deep sigh.

"What the hell am I doing here?" He asked himself quietly, gazing up at the ceiling.

Even the fluorescent stars were still in their place. He let his eyes roam across the ceiling, and before he realized, he was smiling.

His mother loved stars very much. Together, they had recreated constellations on his bedroom ceiling, making it possible for him to see the various patterns of stars every night before he went to sleep.

Her favorite pattern had been the Summer Triangle. For that reason, they had recreated it right above his bed, so he could gaze at it whenever he laid down. Now, he could see the three small dots representing Altair, Vega, and Deneb, looking down at him.