Ji-Won remained still for a few seconds, his eyes staring blankly at the closing door.

After a long time, he finally moved. His head turned slowly, as if he was afraid of the sight that would greet his eyes.

Sure enough, the moment he looked behind him, Ji-Won saw Su-Jin stir in her sleep. Her arms were crossed on the table surface and her head laid on top of them. Despite all the bustle that had happened around her, Su-Jin was sleeping soundly, giving no sign that she would wake up any time soon.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, while mentally cursing Seo-Jun for the situation he was in, Ji-Won leaned closer, nudging her shoulder.

"Miss Park, wake up. It's time to leave." he said.

At his words, Su-Jin scrunched up her face, but didn't wake up.

Ji-Won took a deep breath. He had to remind himself several times that, one, he was a gentleman who didn't shout at women, and two, murdering someone who's a friend wasn't probably a good way to continue the relationship. Not to mention that it was very illegal as well.

Between these two thoughts, Ji-Won managed to calm down enough to try waking Su-Jin up again. This time, he raised his voice a little.

"Miss Park! Wake up!"

Seeing how she was still not moving, Ji-Won felt himself getting angry. But before he could let out the curses that were rising in his heart, he realized something that made him completely forget about his anger. Instead, it felt as though a bucket of cold water had been thrown over his body.

Let alone waking her up and getting her outside the restaurant, how on earth was he going to get this woman home? He had no idea where she lived, so what should he do with her?

There were lots of hotels nearby, but he could barely even allow himself to think of the idea. Taking her to a hotel while she's unconscious, and simply leaving her alone… what kind of beast-like human would that make him out to be? But it's not like he could stay there with her either. That would be even worse. Granted, there was also the possibility of booking two different rooms, but wouldn't that be the same as leaving her alone inside a hotel room while she's dead drunk?

There was also another alternative, but as soon as Ji-Won thought of it his stomach twinged. Taking her to his house was even more impossible for him. He could barely stand the sight of Seo-Jun trespassing into his territory, let alone allowing a stranger inside his apartment.

Just when Ji-Won was beginning to panic, Su-Jin's phone suddenly began to ring.

At once, hope rose inside his chest. As though he had seen the light of salvation, Ji-Won searched for the phone. After another two rings, he found the object on the table, half covered by one of Su-Jin's hands. Apparently, she had been holding it right before falling asleep.

Without wasting another second, he pulled the phone out of her grasp and looked at the screen. As soon as he read the caller's name though, Ji-Won froze. Unsure of what to do, he glanced at Su-Jin, then back at the phone.

The object kept ringing, the sound reverberating inside the empty restaurant.

In the meantime, Ji-Won was beginning to feel cold sweat forming on his temples.

The caller's name was 'MY LITTLE MAN', written in large letters and followed by a small heart.


While Ji-Won was going through moments of panic, Seo-Jun had stopped a cab and ushered Yeon-Ah to get inside. As he did so, he was grinning from ear to ear, looking like a little kid who has been told Christmas just came earlier.

After a couple of minutes into the ride, Yeong-Ah couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

"Deputy Director Kim, did something happen?" she asked quietly.

"Not yet, but I am hoping it will." Seo-Jun replied with a chuckle. "Let's see how Ji-Won fares being thrown out of his comfort zone."

"I am sure it will be alright. He will get a cab and…" Yeon-Ah began, but was cut off by another one of Seo-Jun's chuckles.

"He won't be able to call a cab."

"Eh, he won't? But why not?" she asked in astonishment, then thinking about something she added hastily. "He wouldn't drive after drinking, would he?"

"Ji-Won would never do that."

"Then perhaps he would call on a designated driver?" Yeon-Ah tried, thinking of other reasonable possibilities.

Seo-Jun chuckled again, clearly having fun inside his own mind.

In the meantime, Yeon-Ah stared at him in bewilderment. She couldn't help but wonder what he could possibly be thinking that made him so happy. But then she remembered the main subject of their conversation, and once again attacked Seo-Jun with a question.

"But sir, why do you think he won't call a cab or a designated driver?"

"Because you see, as long as he isn't the one driving it, Ji-Won can never enter a car. It is a long story, but trust me when I say that Ji-Won would never ride in a car driven by someone else, regardless of who that person is."

"What?! Are you serious?" Yeon-Ah cried out in shock. "Then how will he take her home?" she inquired with apprehension. She was suddenly feeling very worried about her friend.

"That is what I am curious to find out tomorrow." Seo-Jun replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "He either carries Miss Park to her house or takes her back to his place."

Hearing those words, left Yeon-Ah dumbstruck. Merely a second later, though, the reality of the situation struck her, and she gasped loudly.

As she raised both hands to cover her mouth, Yeon-Ah had half a mind to berate Seo-Jun for having those mischievous thoughts, and for planning such a thing. But, suddenly looking at him, seeing his cheerful face and glittering eyes, she ultimately found herself unable to utter a single word.

There was something almost intoxicating in the way Seo-Jun's lips curved into a wide smile. The manner in which his eyes narrowed every time he chuckled was bewitching, causing anyone who saw him to become speechless for a moment. She couldn't deny that he was wondrous to behold.

As such, Yeon-Ah found herself staring at Seo-Jun's handsome face the entire journey. For a second, she even wished her house was farther away, so she could stay with him just a little longer. But how could such a thing happen just because someone wishes for it?