Becoming fearless like an ostrich

In truth, there was another reason why Ji-Won confidently thought that his guess about Park Min-Jun's identity had been correct.

Just as he thought of this, the pair of silver bands popped inside his mind.

Yet, he knowingly avoided mentioning the rings. After all, the fact that they were couple rings was ultimately his own supposition. He didn't have any proof or confirmation from the owners, and even if he had, there was still no need to talk about it with someone as rowdy as Seo-Jun. Heaven knows what he might make out of it if he knew!

Without suspecting that he had been portrayed as 'a beast in human flesh' kind of gossiper, Seo-Jun sighed in disappointment. He cast Ji-Won one last look, before slowly strolling back to his desk.

However, no sooner had he closed the door behind him, that Seo-Jun thought of an idea.

What if he went to ask for the other party involved? Wouldn't Su-Jin be more well disposed to answer his questions than that iceberg Ji-Won? Besides, she was an intern while he was the Deputy Director, so he could easily pull rank in case she seemed reluctant to speak.

Just as he thought about this, Seo-Jun scoffed at himself for getting such a stupid idea.

Forget it. He wouldn't go that far just to find out such a small matter.

Maybe there was a chance he could ask Yeong-Ah, though. The two females were, after all, friends. In case something really did happen with Ji-Won, wouldn't Su-Jin need someone she could share this little bit of gossip with?

In light of all this, Seo-Jun reached the conclusion that Su-Jin was bound to say something to the other woman sooner or later, and then he could easily reap the benefits.

Thinking of having such an innocent excuse to interact with Yeon-Ah more, Seo-Jun started smiling to himself. He really enjoyed talking to the young woman. Her mild and soft temperament made him feel comfortable, which not many people around him could accomplish.

Furthermore, it was visible to the naked eye that Yeon-Ah had a very high emotional intelligence. Therefore, Seo-Jun could effortlessly determine that she was a very considerate person, who could read the situation very well. Just like last night, when the two had become accomplices, she didn't make a fuss and followed his lead obediently.

That simple fact had made Seo-Jun's good opinion of Yeon-become even better.

Thanks to all these thoughts, when Seo-Jun finally reached his desk, he was in very high spirits.


As soon as she got to work that morning, Su-Jin was approached by a very worried Yeon-Ah.

Fearing that she would be forced to report on everything that happened last night, Su-Jin awkwardly evaded the questions her friend asked. She merely stated that everything had been fine and that she got home alright, thus ending the subject.

"It's good that you're alright. Next time, I promise not to leave you alone." Yeon-Ah gently said.

Su-Jin waved a hand, shaking her head in dismissal. She could hear the strong sense of guilt in her friend's voice, so she hurried to make matters clear.

"No, no, I should be the one who promises not to do that sort of thing ever again. Getting drunk until passing out…" Su-Jin groaned, feeling mortified. "Such shameful behavior, and in front of that man no less." she finished in an undertone.

She said that last part in too soft a voice, so her friend didn't hear it clearly. Yet, Yeong-Ah, despite being a gentle and soft-spoken person, had quite an astute personality. She immediately picked up something peculiar from Su-Jin's reaction.

As she also thought of Su-Jin's slightly awkward behavior when she talked about last night, Yeong-Ah paused a little. Something definitely must have happened, but Su-Jin clearly wanted to avoid mentioning it.

In the end, Yeon-Ah was not the type to pry into other people's matters, so she didn't ask further questions. For her, it was enough to see her friend was unharmed and safe. Anything else could wait until the other person felt comfortable enough to talk.

The first half of the day went by without much adventure.

All throughout the morning Su-Jin carefully kept away from Director Kang's office as if it was a high-risk danger zone.

Not only that, but whenever she would see him coming out of his office, she hid behind her monitor. When she noticed that he was going in the same direction as her, she instantly bolted into the opposite way, almost toppling over in her haste.

Her behavior was almost as if she was desperately trying to escape from a dangerous creature who could harm her upon sight.

Once or twice Su-Jin could have sworn that Ji-Won's eyes had turned towards her, but she didn't risk looking at him in order to check if that was true not. Instead, she exhibited the old thieve's formidable method of 'covering one's ears while trying to steal a bell'.

Hanging her head low and almost pressing her entire upper body against the desk, she left only her back and shoulders visible. In this position she looked just like a human-sized ostrich who buried its head in the sand, while the rest of its body remained hanging outside. Truly like a fearless creature!

In order to keep her mortification at bay, Su-Jin kept working diligently. Engaging her mind in other thoughts than what happened last night surprisingly raised her work productivity.

Just when she was doing a good job at forgetting everything else besides work, the phone on her desk began to ring.

The sound was so loud and unexpected that Su-Jin visibly flinched. Her hands trembled for a moment, almost dropping the papers she was holding. Yet, the next second, a different kind of thought entered her mind. That right there was her office phone ringing, which meant that whoever was calling had dialed the company's number, adding her extension.

At once, Su-Jin forgot about anything else, instead becoming very curious to know who would call her office number.

Not many people knew where she was working. In fact, only her brother and Mi-Suk knew about her employment. There weren't any friends or former colleagues that she kept in contact with after finishing school. So, apart from those two, there really wasn't anyone who could be calling her.

After pondering for a few seconds, Su-Jin finally decided to find out who was on the other side of the call. Thus, she quickly reached out and lifted the receiver.
