Looking for a substitute

During this time, back in the Director's office, Ji-Won was just receiving some paperwork from Miss Jung. The secretary had come to his office right after Su-Jin went downstairs. The documents needed Director Kang's signature before being sent further up to the Senior Director. They regarded the Corporate Social Responsibility event that was going to be held that Friday.

"Thank you very much, Miss Jung." Ji-Won said, handing her back the signed papers.

Just as the secretary was about to open the door, he thought of something and stopped her.

"On your way out, would you be so kind as to tell Miss Park to come to my office?"

Miss Jung stopped with her hand hovering above the doorknob. She half-turned her body, politely replying to the Director.

"Miss Park is not at her desk at the moment. Someone came here to see her, so she is currently downstairs in the lobby."

"Some came here? Who?" Ji-Won asked before he could stop himself.

"A young man called Park Min-Jun."

"I see." Ji-Won said quietly, then he added hastily, "Thank you, Miss Jung. That will be all."

"Very well, Director Kang."

Miss Jung offered him a small bow and left the office.

After he remained alone, Ji-Won deactivated his automatic window shades. For the next fifteen minutes, he kept glancing at Su-Jin's desk.

When she finally came back several minutes later, Su-Jin's face looked flushed and her face carried a bright smile. When she looked up towards her desk, her eyes met that of Director Kang's.

They both froze on the spot, unable to look away. In that moment when their eyes locked, both their complexions suffered some changes.

The traces of a smile have all but disappeared from Su-Jin's face, leaving her with an almost blank expression. Meanwhile, Ji-Won appeared to have been hit over the head with a blunt object. His gaze darkened slightly and he looked stunned.

Time stopped for just a second, but then everything began to move again.

Fighting off a small cough, Ji-Won slowly recollected his wits. He waved a hand, motioning for Su-Jin to come to his office.

Noticing his gesture, Su-Jin snapped out of her daze. She instantly began to feel worried.

'What does he want to see me for? Is it about last night? Did I really do something terrible that I should be ashamed of?' She thought frantically.

As she walked towards Ji-Won's office, Su-Jin felt like she was on her way to meet her demise. This imagery only added to her anxiety, making her think even more ridiculous thoughts.

'Is this how those who have been sentenced to death by poison felt as they walked towards the bowl of poisoned wine? Were their hearts beating with so much apprehension, almost bursting out of their chests?'

During her internal turmoil, Su-Jin completely disregarded the fact that her imagination was completely and utterly historically inaccurate. Those people she was now sympathizing with actually did not have to walk anywhere. In fact, they only had to kneel on a straw mat and wait for the bowl containing poison to be placed before them. They were literally sitting and waiting to die.

Just as Su-Jin's mind was swirling with exaggerated ideas, she finally reached the dreaded door. Stopping to take a deep, reassuring breath, Su-Jin gripped the door handle. When she could feel her breathing calming down a bit, she opened the door and walked inside Director Kang's office.

The man was sitting at his desk, his eyes fixed on the monitor, while his fingers ran around the keyboard like they were dancing.

Su-Jin took a few small steps inside, stopping a little distance from Director Kang's desk. She stood motionless, trying to hide her anxiousness by lowering her head. She stared at the floor for several moments, when she heard a light cough. Her head snapped up and she realized that Director Kang had already stopped typing at some point in time, and was now gesturing for her to get closer.

She took a step forward, looking at him apprehensively.

"Director Kang, you wanted to see me?" Su-Jin asked in a quivering voice.

"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about something. The Marketing Department asked if we have a concept ready for the upcoming event." Ji-Won said, leaning back into his chair.

Compared to Su-Jin's nervous attitude, he looked more at ease. But the only reason why he could achieve that level of calmness was because the subject they were discussing didn't entail anything personal. Yes, work he could handle, therefore any personal aspects should be ignored. After all, it appeared that she couldn't remember anything from last night anyway. Otherwise, how could she look at him straight in the eye like it was nothing?

While Ji-Won was bringing his frame of mind in a more comfortable setting, he heard Su-Jin asking him a question.

"Upcoming event? Is that the one we have to make a list for by the end of next week?"

"Exactly." he nodded calmly.

"But why are they asking us for a concept if we still have time to decide?" Su-Jin asked in confusion, her eyebrows knitting together.

"That's because the Marketing Department wasn't aware of the deadline being extended. At first, it was supposed to be this Frida, but since we have the corporate events this weekend, and because you and Miss Lee are still new, we have obtained an extension." Ji-Won replied simply.

"I see." Su-Jin said quietly.

There was a short pause, then Ji-Won continued to explain.

"Our colleagues from the Marketing Department usually help us with the merchandise for our products, as well as with any promotional related activities. This time, they wanted to know if we have a concept ready, so they could begin making flyers and presentation materials."

"I understand." Su-Jin replied blankly.

Outside, she appeared calm and collected. However, internally she was beginning to feel uneasy, wondering what Director Kang's point was and when he was going to reach it.

Sensing her impatience, Ji-Won let out a helpless sigh, then cut to the chase.

"For the next two weeks their graphic designer in charge of the promotional pictures will not be available. Therefore, they wanted to know if we have someone who could be his substitute."

"A substitute?" Su-Jin asked in surprise. "For a graphic designer?"

"Yes, they need someone who can spare a week to create the concept pictures for our event." Ji-Won nodded.