Kang Ji-Won’s different facets

The Director of the orphanage was an old woman, probably around sixty years old. She wore a kind smile and her face brightened the moment she saw Ji-Won approaching her.

"Director Kang, how kind of you to visit us again. I must say, the children have missed you terribly." she said after returning his greeting.

The Director's voice sounded slightly hoarse, but there was a distinct note of fondness in her tone that couldn't be concealed.

"Director Cha, have I not told you to talk to me comfortably?" Ji-Won chidded.

Even though Ji-Won admonished the old lady, his lips still curved into a small smile. Then, he gave the woman an affectionate embrace, one to which she responded in the same manner.

"Ji-Won my boy, it's so good to see you again. Ever since you came back you have visited us every week. You have thus managed to spoil the children rotten. They ask about you every day now."

Director Cha finally let go of Ji-Won after a short while. As she did so, Director Cha leaned back slightly in order to take in his appearance.

"You look tired." She assessed immediately.

Feeling embarrassed by her analyzing look, Ji-Won scratched the back of his head. He smiled sheepishly at Director Cha, while his eyes darted around nervously. At that moment he looked flustered, like a small kid who had been found trying to hide something from his teacher.

Su-Jin saw it all and became speechless. As she witnessed Ji-Won's embarrassed behavior, her eyebrows slowly raised in surprise.

Suddenly, the man in front of her looked so different from what she knew, that Su-Jin could barely believe they were the same person. Ji-Won appeared less like the demon Director she was used to, and more like a small kid who visited his grandmother and was admonished for losing weight.

'How curious. I never could have imagined Director Kang's face to look like that. I guess he also knows how to feel self-conscious in front of someone else.' Su-Jin silently pondered.

For some reason, she felt as though she had just stumbled upon a huge secret. Who knew when she would be lucky enough to witness such a thing, so Su-Jin kept her eyes wide open, staring at Ji-Won's face with rapture for the entire time.

As if Su-Jin's thoughts had somehow managed to send burning rays towards him, Ji-Won unconsciously shuddered. He turned his head slightly, glancing around him in confusion.

All of a sudden, Ji-Won realized that he wasn't alone, and that his entire exchange with Director Cha had been witnessed by everyone. It wouldn't have mattered if there were only the orphanage employees present. But among the people that were present, there was also one he didn't want to see this side of him.

Consequently, Ji-Won cleared his throat. As he calmed down, his childish appearance slowly dissolved. Soon, it disappeared completely as though it had never been there in the first place.

Once he regained his normal composure, Ji-Won turned towards his team and made the necessary introductions.

"Director Cha, you already know these two." he gestured towards Seo-Jun and Jung Seok. "Now, I want you to meet our two new members. These are Miss Park Su-Jin and Miss Lee Yeon-Ah."

The two young women bowed and smiled timidly, while Director Cha beamed at them encouragingly. She really had a grandmother-like aura, making it very comfortable to be around her.

"Thank you so much for joining us today. Any help we can receive is much appreciated." Director Cha said slowly, looking kindly from Su-Jin to Yeon-Ah. "The children will love you." she finished with a slow, appreciative nod.

"Thank you very much, Director Cha." Both women said in one voice.

"Oh, I am sure they will find a kindred spirit in Miss Park especially." Ji-Won blurted out before he could stop himself.

Upon seeing Director Cha's astonished expression, he explained his statement in a casual tone, while trying to mask any personal feelings behind a look of detached helplessness.

"I have only seen children as clumsy as she is. So yes, they will get along very well, either breaking things or falling down and getting hurt."

As he finished speaking, Ji-Won purposely ignored the indignant glares Su-Jin was currently throwing at him. It appeared that Director Kang's face could be pretty thick when he wanted to.

Ji-Won escorted Director Cha inside, while the rest of the people followed their examples and left to take care of their own tasks.

The teachers went ahead to get the children ready, while the nurse proceeded towards her office.

That left only Ji-Won's team to follow after him and Director Cha. While they walked behind Ji-Won, the four people were all staring at each other in wonder. Even Su-Jin forgot to glare for a moment and instead appeared rather baffled by her boss's attitude.

Director Cha guided Ji-Won and the rest of them towards the backyard. That's where the children usually played after classes.

The area was split between a green field that was covered with small trees and patches of grass, and a playground. There was also a small parking lot nearby, reserved for when the supply cars arrived.

At that time, the place was empty, the entire population of the orphanage being either inside for classes or at school.

There were a total of twenty-five children housed at Angel orphanage, their age ranking from five to fourteen years old. Some of them went to school nearby, but the youngest ones were taught in-house until they were big enough to join the others.

Su-Jin thought about it and realized that it surely wasn't easy for the orphanage to help so many children go to school.

In truth, it wouldn't have even been possible without the help of Chinjeol Foundation. Their financial support was the main resource which provided the children with the necessary educational materials.

The children were well aware of this fact. Therefore, they tried very hard to get good grades. In doing so, they hoped to give the adults that had helped them a small sense of gratification. It was their way of saying thank you for all the support they were given.

As soon as they reached the courtyard, Ji-Won glanced around, appearing to look for something.

"Have the trucks from Chinjeol Foundation arrived yet?" he asked after finishing his search.

"They should be arriving any moment now." Director Cha replied quietly.

Not even a second after she finished speaking, a broad smile suddenly appeared on her face and she added in a louder voice.

"Ah, look! There they are. It seems they have arrived."