Jealousy over an egg

The two men first entered the gender-segregated bathhouse area, where they first took a shower to clean themselves, before going to plunge into the large tubs of hot water.

After scrubbing and washing their bodies, Ji-Won and Seo-Jun went on to try the steam rooms next. There was such a large number of thematic kiln saunas based on the preferred temperature, that they could barely decide on just one. As such, they took turns, going from the one with the lowest temperature, until finally reaching the hottest. 

An hour later, after having soaked in hot water and steamed their body inside the salt and mineral kilns, both men were thoroughly exhausted. Yet, at the same time they were also filled with a sense of tranquility. Even Ji-Won had lost his initial reluctance and began enjoying himself a little bit.

"See, I told you that going to this kind of place can help us unwind and relax our stressed out bodies." Seo-Jun said, shooting Ji-Won a smug grin.