The sharpness of an honest tongue

There, right in front of Min-Jun, stood none other than Director Kang Ji-Won. 

The man was staring back at Min-Jun, his eyes flickering between nervousness and annoyance.

Just like the previous day he was wearing casual clothes. But unlike yesterday, now he was wearing his wristwatch and a pair of dark shaded sunglasses.

After half a minute of staring at each other, Ji-Won was the first to move. He slowly took his sunglasses off and bowed his head slightly in greeting.

"Hello." he said, trying to sound less awkward and nervous than he actually felt. "I have come to pick up Miss Park. You see... She was late to arrive at the company and the bus had already left. I will be riding my own car, so..."

Having reached up to here, Jin-Won's words slowly faltered. Min-Jun was staring at him so intensely, his brown eyes boring holes into his, that Ji-Won felt his throat tightening.