Ribbon hunt

That night Su-Jin felt her mind burning with thoughts. Everything that happened during the day rushed inside her head, making her feel both confused and annoyed.

She couldn't understand what Director Kang was thinking, acting all hot and cold towards her. One moment he was glaring at her, the next he was helping her, only to end up scowling again.

'And what was that all about with Ji-Su? Do they know each other? But based on their interaction, even if they knew each other, they don't seem to get along very well.' Su-Jin thought, as flashes of the earlier events came rushing back in front of her eyes.

While her thoughts slowly turned towards the brown-haired man, Su-Jin began feeling slightly annoyed. 

Ji-Su had indeed found her ring, but he also refused to give it back, unless she told him who it was from. As if she could say that to just anyone! Besides, wasn't it bad manners to ask for compensation when doing a good deed?