‘You aren’t troubling me’

Yeon-Ah was just then looking away from Seo-Jun. But, as soon as she heard that, her eyes instantly snapped back in his direction. 

"What? What happened?" she asked worriedly. 

'Ah, now you look at me.' Seo-Jun sighed internally.

Feeling an inexplicable urge to keep Yeon-Ah on her toes a bit longer, he merely waved a hand in the air, appearing unperturbed.

"First, follow me back to the hotel. I need you to help me with something."

"But Su-Jin… she…" 

"It's alright." Seo-Jun stepped closer and draped a hand around Yeon-Ah's shoulders. "Nothing too dangerous happened. Besides, Ji-Won is with her right now." 

While saying that, he dragged Yeon-Ah with him, heading towards the hotel at a fast pace. 

By the time they finally reached the lobby, she was already panting slightly from the effort. They stopped in front of the elevator, waiting for it to arrive.