Filial son

Ji-Su's reminder successfully managed to pull Jung Seok out of his shock. 

He hurriedly followed the young man inside the car, taking the front passenger seat.

As Jung Seok sat down, Ji-Su glanced sideways at him. 

Seeing the man squirming uncomfortably, not knowing where to place his hands and feet almost caused Ji-Su to laugh out loud. 

"You can relax." Ji-Su struggled to keep his voice from cracking.

"Ah, yes. Sorry for the trouble." Jung Seok said out of habit. 

At this, Ji-Su ultimately couldn't hold back a low chuckle. 

"There's really no trouble. Just think of this as you helping me alleviate my boredom. I'll be in your care during this one hour drive to Seoul." 

With that, Ji-Su started the engine and drove the car away from the hotel. 

In his mind, the young man continued to laugh.