Taking responsibility

It took a half hour for Ji-won to reach Sewon hospital from the hotel. He dashed through the front door as soon as he arrived, stopping at the front desk to ask about Su-Jin's condition. 

From what the nurse in charge told him, she was still unconscious. 

At the moment, Su-Jin's situation didn't seem too dangerous. But, since she hit her head during the fall, they had to wait until she woke up in order to correctly assess her condition. At worst, she might end up having a mild concussion. 

Therefore, after the preliminary check up, Su-Jin had been moved to a normal room. A doctor was going to check on her as soon as she regained consciousness. 

Hearing this information, Ji-Won let out a deep sigh of relief. He rubbed his face with both hands, pressing his palms against his cheeks for a moment so they would stop trembling.