The Dream

Su-Jin blinked against the blinding light. She raised one hand to shield her eyes from the dazzling sun and glanced around bemusedly.

There was something rather strange about the place she was in, but she couldn't say exactly what came off as odd.

Could it have been the lack of sounds or wind? The fact that everything seemed to be frozen in place, lifeless like an oil painting? Or perhaps it was the oppressive sense of solitude that made her feel uncomfortable?

Just as her vision was slowly getting used to the environment, Su-Jin saw a patch of vibrant green. A large field stretched as far as her eyes could see. 

Su-Jin took a deep breath, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart. 

There was a subtle scent of lilac and gardenia mixing with the smell of freshly cut grass. The blend of fragrances tickled Su-Jin's nose, making her smile in delight.