The Dream -continued-

The moment she took the first step out of the woods, Su-Jin was met with a startling scenery. 

Right in front of her eyes was a large body of water. It should have been a lake, but somehow it gave Su-Jin the impression that it stretched far and wide like an ocean. 

The waters were a deep, dark blue and were extremely quiet. 

Like the surface of an oversized mirror, the lake water reflected the dotted sky above. Watching the horizon line blending with the lake created the impression of two worlds merging into one. She couldn't tell where one stopped and the other began. 

Su-Jin quietly approached the shore. Her footsteps were soundless as she took step after step towards the bank.

Stopping just when the tip of her shoe was about to be drenched, Su-Jin bent her body forward. Then she glanced into the deep waters.

Darkness. That was all she could see beneath the still surface of the lake.