Picked up by the most unlikely person

The man also noticed the two young women and stopped in his tracks, gaping in Su-Jin's direction. 

"Su-Jin?" he asked in surprise. 

"Ji-Su!" Su-Jin called out the man's name at the same time. 

"Are you leaving already?" Ji-Su inquired after seeing the bag she was holding over her shoulder. 

"Mn, the doctor said I could go. My ankle is all better now and I can deal with everything else at home." 

"I see. That's wonderful news." Ji-Su smiled, looking genuinely pleased. 

"But what are you doing here? Visiting someone?" Su-Jin asked. 

To her surprise, Ji-Su started to chuckle. He raised a hand to rub the back of his neck, looking a bit embarrassed. 

"As a matter of fact, I came to visit you." he smiled sheepishly, but recovered very fast and added with excitement. "Since you are already on your way out, how about I drive you home?"