D Day

The next couple of days went by in a flash. By the time Su-Jin and the others finished working on their project Wednesday had already arrived. 

Sitting at her desk, Su-Jin stretched her upper body with a loud sigh.

"I can't believe we're actually done."

"I am surprised as well." Yeon-Ah rubbed the back of her neck, looking rather tired. "When Director Kang told us that he wanted to have the draft completed by Wednesday I didn't think it would be possible."

"Me too. I was afraid we might have to work overtime." Su-Jin grumbled softly.

She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned back against the backrest. A long, tired sigh escaped through her lips.

These past few days have been very exhausting, with lots of work to do, reports and documents to write. Every day they had to stay overtime in order to finish everything until the deadline.

Not only at work, but even at home, it had been hard for Su-Jin to get enough rest.