Foul moods

While in the bathroom, Su-Jin bumped into several objects and almost slipped inside the shower. Then, while cooking breakfast, she either dropped the spatula and chopsticks or poured too many condiments, ultimately ruining the food. To their luck, Mi-Suk came quickly and saved the day by whipping out an omelet with rice. 

Not long after that, while taking the laundry out to dry, Su-Jin even managed to step on little Gyojeon's fluffy tail. The loud yowl reverberated inside the house, making Su-Jin cringe with guilt. 

"I'm sorry little one." Su-Jin hurried to appease the kitten by petting it and giving it small kisses. 

This situation continued until later, when it was time for Su-Jin and Mi-Suk to leave for their date. 

While waiting for Mi-Suk to come down, Su-Jin decided to feed Gyojeon. But she was so out of it, that instead of the cat food on the counter, she ended up picking up a different package.