Lunch and movie time (III)

"So, what have you been doing since the last time we saw each other?" Do-Yeong asked, looking quite spirited.

"We just met the other day. It hasn't even been that long and you're asking as though we saw each other last year." Mi-Suk chuckled.

"It's already been two days. That's too long for me to go without seeing you." Do-Yeong continued to speak in the same cheerful manner as before. But, by the time he finished his words, he was careful to add a little pout for a better effect.

"Oh you…" Mi-Suk outright laughed this time, her eyes curving into a pair of half-moons. "Honestly now, you are such a flirt. Your sister should have warned me about you."

Listening to her, Do-Yeong's lips pulled up into what seemed like a perfect cheeky grin. He leaned closer to Mi-Suk, bumping his shoulder lightly against hers. As he lowered his head to speak, his bangs fluttered over his forehead, masking his gaze from anyone else present.