Lunch and movie time (VI)

'Could it be that this is the reason why men take their dates to see a horror movie?! So they could hug and stay close without being too obvious?! How cunning of them! I never would have expected Do-Yeong to be the type to resort to this kind of thing.'

Su-Jin shot another glance at the other two. Once again, she was hit by the image of Mi-Suk nestled against Do-Yeong's chest. The man's arms holding her protectively. 

At the same time, a particularly scary scene happened on the screen, causing several gasps to be heard. On the seat in front of Su-Jin, another young woman yelped softly, throwing herself into her boyfriend's arms. 

Witnessing this, Su-Jin's eyelids twitched. For a moment, she even forgot to be afraid and, instead, was busy contemplating the subterfuges men were willing to employ in order to get closer to their girlfriends. 

Thinking about that, the image of a particular man materialized inside her mind.