Prank call

'I wonder if she really ended up going for that date. If so, is she currently having fun with that guy, smiling and laughing at him?'

While thinking about this, Ji-Won brought the glass to his lips and he absentmindedly drank half the remaining booze in one gulp. When the strong alcohol reached his stomach, he felt a wave of stirring warmth explode in his gut. At the same time, his throat went dry and a rancid taste suddenly raised in his mouth. 

Overwhelmed by the queasy sensation, Ji-Won clamped his mouth shut. The roiling in his stomach was becoming violent, resembling a raging storm. Ji-Won didn't want to leave the smallest gap between his teeth, lest he might actually throw up.

Just when he thought the sensations were becoming too unbearable, Seo-Jun returned from having taken that call. As he waltzed back to the table, his eyes happened to fall on Ji-Won's ugly expression.