The beginning of admiration

Before Ji-Won got the chance to make a sound, Su-Jin sprang to her feet. As she began pacing in front of the sofa, her body felt like a spring under tension, taut and rigid. 

And all this while, her words never stopped pouring out. She was venting all her frustration and confusion, dumping them all onto Ji-Won's silent persona. 

"Director Kang, I always thought you were a smart man, but now I see that it's not always the case. How could you even think of doing something as dangerous as that? What if your condition had gotten worse?" 

Su-Jin stopped for a split second in order to inhale sharply, before continuing to rant. 

"I simply cannot understand what has possessed you to do something like that. Even if we ignore your special condition, driving across town just because of a misunderstanding is simply idiotic to say the least."

"A misunderstanding?" Ji-Won's ears suddenly perked up. "Then, nothing actually happened?"