The Chinese restaurant

Once inside the restaurant, they were instantly greeted by a waiter dressed in an elegant black and white uniform.

"Do you have a reservation, sir?" The man asked, shifting his gaze between Ji-Won and Su-Jin curiously.

"No." Ji-Won replied.

He then pulled out a business card and handed it to the waiter. 

"Tell Mr. Gu that I'd like to speak to him."

The waiter took the business card with both hands. Next, seeing the name written on it, he froze. His attitude and posture instantly became even more servile.

"Of course, Mr. Kang. Right this way, please." The man bowed, then started walking towards the private rooms area.

Ji-Won leaned closer to Su-Jin and placed a hand on her back, gently guiding her forward.

"Come on, let's go." He whispered.