Casual conversation

Despite not knowing what the young woman was thinking inside her head, having heard what Su-Jin said out loud caused Ji-Won to let out a low, throaty chuckle.

"It's not to that extent. I can tolerate very mild spiciness, but not the kind that makes your tongue feel like it's on fire. However, when it comes to sweetness, there are no degrees of tolerance. Even a tiny bit makes my stomach feel queasy."

Su-Jin puffed out a laugh. Her boss was truly a fascinating character. She could only imagine what life in his skin must be like. Always drinking the coffee dark and bitter, always having unsweetened tea and not being able to enjoy desserts. Truly a dull and sad life indeed in her opinion.

After this short exchange, the two of them spent a little more time discussing the most casual of stuff. 

Among these subjects, Ji-Won also brought into attention Su-Jin's choice in studies.