The handkerchief reunites with its owner

After he finally stumbled out of the car, Ji-Won took a moment to inhale deeply. Then he let all the air out slowly, in one long sigh. 

Earlier he may have been a little honest, but not entirely. It was true that his heart was palpitating but, in truth, it was slightly more serious than what he made it seem. Even now his chest was stinging and he felt his heart was in his throat. He had to gulp a few times in order to alleviate the sensation. 

Luckily, he was able to control his mind enough to avoid a stronger reaction. Surprisingly, it was mainly thanks to Su-Jin. Her presence there gave Ji-Won the impulse needed to strengthen his resolve and to be calmer. While she was in his car, he was responsible for her well-being. Therefore, he had to make sure nothing happened to either of them.