Meeting three times means it’s destiny

As soon as they finished devouring the spicy rice cakes, both Su-Jin and Mi-Suk leaned back in their seats. They let out a long sigh, while rubbing their bellies in satisfaction

"This is always the best. I can never get enough of aunty's food." Mi-Suk said wistfully. 

"I thought you liked Min-Jun's cooking better."

Mi-Suk gave a small start, but instantly recovered. Then, she directed a wide grin towards her friend.

"Of course I like his cooking! How many highschoolers do you know who can carry out the chore of cooking as well as he does?!" 

Here, Mi-Suk paused and quickly added another sentence in an undertone.

"But don't let him hear that or it will go to his head."

  "After all these years of singing his praises, now you want to play it cool? I'm afraid it's a little late for that." Su-Jin laughed and shook her head.