Showing enmity towards thy rival

"Well, for one thing… that."

Seo-Jun pointed with his chin towards Yeong-Cheol, who, at that very moment, was just about to wolf down a cookie. 

Plastering an amiable smile on his face, Seo-Jun shoved both hands into his trouser pockets, and languidly tilted his head to the side. 

"So, what do you have to say about that?" he asked, tone dripping with amusement.

"T-that… w-well…" Dal-Gi began to seriously panic after seeing the boy. 

Yet, despite the favors being against him, he decided to persevere even in the face of death. Dal-Gi sucked in a deep breath and clenched both hands into fists, before forcing himself to return Seo-Jun's stare.

"That doesn't prove anything. So what if little Yeong-Cheol is here?"

"Don't be silly." Seo-Jun snorted mockingly. "If that pipsqueak is here, then Miss Lee must be closeby. There is no way she would leave him alone like this."