‘What do you want from me?’

After Yeon-Ah left with the nurse the two remaining people took a seat in the waiting room. The atmosphere between them was awkward to say the least. Besides the fact Seo-Jun wasn't good at interacting with little kids, Yeong-Cheol's adult-like behavior sometimes caused him to feel unsettled. 

'If he is a little brat, shouldn't he act like one?' he grumbled silently. 

Here, Seo-Jun was really unfair, considering the fact that little Yeong-Cheol did, in fact, act like a child just a few moments earlier.

Less than an hour later, Yeon-Ah finally returned to where her brother and Seo-Jun were waiting. But she wasn't alone. She was accompanied by a man with a charismatic and youthful appearance. Yet, despite the man's young-looking face, Seo-Jun knew that he was actually in his early thirties. 

Seeing him, Seo-Jun broke into a wide smile and he instantly began to tease.