Lost object

That morning, Ji-Su got to Kangji Tourism later than his usual hour. Despite the fact that neither his brother, nor even his own mother thought he was doing anything productive, it was not the truth. 

In fact, Ji-Su was quite hard-working. Out of his entire team, most of the time, he was the first to arrive and the last to leave. 

The only reason why no one saw him until late into the day was because he liked to hide in his office for the most part of the day. He rarely asked for help or opinions, and finished everything his superiors threw at him all by himself. 

In short, his work was always impeccable. 

Strange enough, Ji-Su's social abilities somehow managed to blind people to these quirkiness of doing everything by himself. Thus, no matter what Ji-Su did, as long as he smiled and laughed with his colleagues they were always willing to tolerate his little oddities. 

But now, Ji-Su was about to change his workplace.