
"What is the meaning of this?" Ji-Won asked, glaring menacingly.

"Ah, Ji-Won!" Seo-Jun cried out in surprise. 

He immediately pushed Su-Jin away from him and took a step back. 

"You see... Miss Park did me a huge favor, so I was just thanking her."

"And you really have to use your body for that? Can't you use your words instead?" Ji-Won bit out in irritation.

"I always thought that actions are better than words. They usually convey our feelings better." Seo-Jun replied nervously.

"Is that so?" Ji-Won's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Then, since I keep telling you to stop acting stupid and you never listen, should just whack you over the head with something? Going with actions over words… Maybe then you'll get those foolish ideas out of your head."

As if to carry his point across better, Ji-Won raised a hand, clutching an object tightly between his fingers.