Chapter 38

" He left", MingYu reported movement. San heard him and he felt the water that he forcedly drank a few minutes ago start to dance in his stomach. He could partly understand how Jung was feeling but he knows that this has to done. Everyone here has never in any point pursued a mission in the presence of many people like this.

Since SanHa had connected to the camera in the elevator , they could see Jung and his nervousness was as clear as night and day . SanHa was gradually getting nervous for him too. He very much wanted to reach into the screen and pull him out of there but that is just far from possible.

Jung 's hands-free is only connected to DoYoung but SanHa and San can here them pretty well. He can hear MingYu but only if Doyoung lets MingYu into the conference call.So it's reasonable to say that Doyoung has the master hands-free because he can literally talk to anyone one on the field today.

" The elevator is about to stop. Remember to wait for instructions", he dictated to him. To be honest Jung already knows that , they had gone through the plan several times but Doyoung is just reciting it because maybe Jung s nerves could be making him deaf.

In due time, a second timer showed up on Doyoung s tablet and it was counting from ten seconds. What ever the reason was, Doyoung thought it best to recite the seconds to Jungkook. A simple thing to do yet its impact was so huge because the more he was getting closer to zero the more Jung wished that he would stop talking as anxiety was not having mercy on him.

"There is two moving on the ground level . Precisely one is turning about the corner and the other has just left station"

"The former is forty five degrees anti-clockwise, five to seven steps from Jung", JunHui recalculated what MingYu was saying. It sounds complicated but he is saying that the one who is getting closer to the elevator is currently forty five degrees anti-clockwise taking the elevator as the vertex and a straight line through it as the initial side. The latter was just his displacement.Basically that means that Jung can't get out yet as they will hear him.

"I am holding the elevator , " SanHa told the earcom as he isn't using a hands-free. All four could hear him. Of course there is a relay to that but the fact remains that he is audible to everyone.

" Take out the equipment ", Doyoung told Jung, who obeyed the instruction. If only Jung was this obedient then Doyoung would have a feast fit for a king everyday but instead he is forced to eat pumpkin porridge and vegetable water that is boring but still pretty delicious.

Anyway immediately after he said that, the elevator stopped moving.

Jung reached behind for his bag . The bag was pretty weightless and simple.It looked normal but there is probably some secret amazing trait to it .

He took out the case for the night vision googles first. He opened it and they looked like space tech. Green lenses and a silver polished frame. The glasses were obviously modified in some other way to make them semi-binoculars that can measure distance between things. But that is a basic feature so it won't be astonishing it they too were harboring a spectacular feature but as of now, that is still a mystery .

Because he was wearing a black beanie , when he put them on, the glasses made a snug fit to his face. He didn't turn them on so they currently just look like he was wearing a toy. They were light and looked very fragile but in the tech world that is the key description for the most advanced and expensive tech there is and so far it seems that characteristic is very popular in the equipments used in this mission.

That being said, the next thing he did was take out a small black box , the same size of a small notebook , precisely an A5. The box was not branded in anyway and looked very boring.He opened it and there were a pair of black gloves .they looked like ordinary gloves. Not the medicinal kind but the cold-weather kind.

He took them out and he tried them on but nothing happened and much to his surprise, they were a little bit oversized. Why didn't Doyoung or JunHui take his measurements instead of having to make him wear these things. Honestly speaking how is he supposed to function with these?He already feels like he is wearing parachutes.

He could look to the camera behind so that SanHa sees there is a problem but MingYu told him never to look at any cameras or to touch or open any doors until Doyoung has scanned them or SanHa has told him to do so.

So he just stood there .

Before long he felt the pressure around his hands start to drop. He looked to them and the gloves were shrinking to fit his hand size. As he turned over his hands he saw that the back of the gloves had green lights running along his metacarpals. And they were blinking so amazingly and rhythmically.

" They were taking your measurements and readjusting to fit your scale", the hands-free explained but Jung was not listening because the effect was pretty cool..

" Turn on your night vision", the voice proceeded to instruct Jung.

Just as he was about to exclaim the awesomeness of the gloves, the light in the elevator suddenly went off. . The devoidness of light consumed the space and that ignited a small feeling of claustrophobia in Jung

Since he was not expecting that, the sudden unwelcome darkness also succeeded to scare him a little. Which is why he responded by quickly fidgeting in the dark looking for the on button.

Admist his unfruitful pursuit, less than four seconds later the elevator door parted slightly but didn't go all the way so that the rolling sound could not be produced or rather be audible enough.

there is a little amount of light coming in, because of the slight parting. But it was still not enough.

Come to think of it , Doyoung could have been telling the truth when he mocked Jung saying that he might have acute night blindness because currently he really has difficulty seeing things at night but then again ,this whole place has all the lights are turned off and it's pretty deep into the night. But still though, someone with normal vision could make-out some things but Jung has to rely on his incredible pictographical memory to position where things could be

" Go to the second floor using the stairs .you have less than two minutes". That was a green light from MingYu.

Since SeJun was built with two elevators ,one from ground floor and the other to the first floor. The latter is just a couple of meters from this one.So if Jung wants to go and access it, he would have to go all the way there and ascend the stairs because he obviously can't use the elevator

' I can't even see', he wanted to yell but that is not ideal at this point anyway.

He held the bag on with his hand and he had to slip through the ajar doors. He held his breath and he squeezed through the metal doors.

Doyoung saw the blinking light move and MingYu noted his heat radiation . The cameras don't show a great deal of night activity so SanHa can't see Jung in the dark that much. But all the other technology they had showed him very much clearly.

MingYu kept his eyes on the security guard who was going in a forward route one that will most definitely lead in to the second part of the admin block, where all things security and computer are located.

The ground floor is divided into two ,A and B. For part A ,it has the basics things found in any admin block. The offices of the head of the handler of student affairs , the head of the handler of scholarships, internships , attachment and the head of finances and their secretaries and PAs.

The second part of the admin block is where there are all the security stuff. There are the camera rooms that gather data from the cameras all over the school and process them here and there are more than five hundred cameras so there is a lot going on in the camera rooms . Of course not a single room can be responsible so there are three . One room is for the classrooms,the other for the faculty rooms like the department offices and the other room is for the important classrooms like labs. There is also the security maintenance room that is used for keeping equipment that fixes the cameras and what not.

However the most largest and important room on ground floor is the 'black room'. This is where the real server is and that's why there are atleast five cameras surrounding the place and atleast two security points before reaching the room.

The question would be what about the server on the first floor. Why not just place the expensive server on that floor where it will have high broadcast superiority?

Well for the same reasons that safes are kept on the ground level and basement floor, the SeJun board settled on just putting it down here . The reason being it is a very expensive technology to make ,since it was custom-made in Japan by one of the best tech companies. And the fact that it has to be guarded so extremely was on its own very pocket- scrapping that sponsorships were necessary. So to cut costs , it was cheaper to keep it at lower altitudes.

As for server on first floor,it is the instructions sever . The programmers will input instructions into this server and those instructions are sent to the server downstairs before they are broadcasted to the rest of the world.

So the relay is, from the ten computers that are arranged in a circle and then to the primary server and then to the server downstairs. It's a great loop but apparently there is a reason they didn't just directly connect to the super computer downstairs.

That being the case , since the main server is basically just the messenger it's not very of great significance to the team , they didn't really pay attention to it.

Jung looked from side to side as he checked guards behind himself and in front.

" Proceed forward", MingYu instructed him . That just means that there is a slightly less riskier chance of the guard noticing him.

Jung walked into the dark and with every step he took it was like walking on egg shells and he would crack one in any minute if he is not careful enough.

Surprisingly enough despite, SeJun being quite fond of trees and them always tending to be boring to see, Jung would wish at this point that they had more plants because he really wants to sneak behind one at this point.

It was getting darker and more difficult to see especially with the green glasses. He can't take them off because maybe they too are still authenticating like the gloves.

The security guard kept walking and he would whistle every now and then, while he illuminated with his torch. It was obviously boring him to have to do this and nothing fun ever happens anyway ,why should he go on like this.

Jung was walking so slowly behind him and watching every move he took like a hawk. To be honest he doesn't think he had ever been this impatient and edgy about someone walking so slowly.

His throat was dry and he was anxious to the bone because the fact is that he is in between routes of the security guards one could appear behind him at any point and that won't be a successful situation.

The security guard continued moving and in the next few centimeters, the corner ahead will turn into the elevator and stairs that lead to the first floor. He was taking his sweet time and by heaven, Jung was so much wanting to just edge him to hurry up.

" His heat signal is increasing, be cautious ", MingYu whispered nervously and everyone felt a fever erupt in there throats.

" Jung, wait for him to turn ", Doyoung spoke nonchalantly. He continued looking at the screen and surprisingly enough the blinking light continued to move.

Doyoung knitted his forehead and he swamped screams to look at the original blueprint and in deed there was a corner so they are not looking at something else.So he is not listening?!

He returned back to the original screen and the dot was not moving. What on earth was he trying to achieve . The calculation show that he was right at the corner and that means that the security guard was probably turned by it.

"Why did Jung move when I told him to stop", MingYu questioned and no one gave him an answer

They were just as bewildered but they know that Jung probably had a reason for doing what he did .

The security guard had indeed turned by the corner to the elevator and stopped in front of it. He looked at the elevator and he lit at the stairs that were directly adjacent. The torch was the only thing helping Jung to see otherwise he was blind.

As he was looking at the man, another heat signal emerged from behind him.

He heard the steps coming but he was not hearing anything from either MingYu or DoYoung.

" Jung!! There is someone coming"

"Jungkook!!!", everyone yelled at their earpieces but they were not seeing a response from Jung. San s blood pressure was reaching dangerous levels and Sanha was starting to feel nauseous.

Jung on the other hand knew that none of his mates were in the scene so it's unpractical to believe that the person coming is from his team. That would be stupid if true because why would San or anyone inform them about this.

He swallowed a lump because the one guard was till infront of the elevators but if he doesn't move his body in the next three seconds, Jung is going to get exposed!!

San subconsciously looked at the night vision of the cameras in SanHa s computers . He was petrified!!

MingYu s googles show someone approaching behind Jung and the guard is just standing in front of Jung and he doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

This is not good..