Chapter 40

" I said I can't see his radiation so he too can't see DoYoung", MingYu told JunHui but JunHui just swore under his breath

" Doyoung, atleast answer your foresaken earcom ", San screamed to the air . He was getting impatient and edgy at Doyoung, feeling like he is the only acess he has to Jung

"Heavenly father..", MingYu whispered but he spoke a little too loud and instead of everyone asking him what the problem was, they kept quiet because they felt he is going to say what they didn't want to hear.

" Choi-Nim.. uhhmm.. a radiation just got pinned to the wall and the other one just laid on the floor", MingYu hastily spoke

Despite his disturbing announcement, nobody said anything because there was nothing left to say

Bang !!! Bang!!!

Jung whimpered and he ran to the last chair . he almost squatted behind it when the earcom spoke

" You may install the camera", the voice commanded and immediately Jung begun to restless..

" Why are you telling me to install this thing when the door is about to fall off? ", Jung furiously whispered

" They can't acess in ", the voice spoke and as reluctant as Jung was he had to obey the instruction

Jung turned from where he froze . He pulled his bag, unzipped it then he reached inside for the camera..

He took out the box and he placed it on the table and he slowly opened it .

As expected, JiWoong added the dry ice effect.

' a dragon with a child s heart ', Jung thought to himself as he slowly waved away the dry ice.

He took out a zipper bag and he placed it next to the box. The colour of the bag was green but he saw it as black . Afterwards he took out a small case that was like a spectacles box. He opened it and inside was a multi pattern screw driver .

It's that type of tool that comes with interchangeable metal end eliminating the need to have many screw drivers. MingYu gave it to him but it looks so ordinary except that the stew driver is mechanical. It automatically screws in pieces at ultra high speed by the press of a tiny button on the side

After unzipping the bag, there were three pairs custom -made latex gloves that where all a courtesy of Kim JiWoong. The gloves looked like normal surgical wear but a lot more strong or dense.

Simultaneously he took off the gloves he had on and tossed them on top of the table.

Slowly he slipped in the gloves and they were a perfect fit . He took out the screw driver and he walked to the camera at the corner

Intially the glasses he had on were supposed to help him see in the dark but unfortunately as of lately they were not working . However since it's not that dark he can work properly in the light in the room. That being the issue , he took them off and flew them to the table

After identifying the pattern of the screws , he fitted the corresponding piece to the handle of the driver and positioned the driver and pressed the button to unscrew the screw. Within fifteen seconds he removed six prices . He detached the camera cover and placed the cover on the floor.

This action exposed the gut of the camera.That being said he quickly located the 36 led light ring and pryed it off using the driver. It was very light weight almost like a biscuit or a cookie. Nevertheless it can be a quite expensive in spite of its small size because it offers that great range of ultra high definition night vision for the camera for a range of over a hundred feet.

If MingYu replaced this part with the lens that made his glasses, that can be tweeked here and there then joined to a forty eight LED ring, night will merge into the day such that things that can hide in the dark are very much exposed and given color unlike the current typical black and white imagery.

Anyway he placed the ring on the cover . He placed it up side down to protect the protrusions of the LED lights.

And now comes handling the part that can cost over a ten thousand per piece. The ultra high definition lens that is jointed to the IR cut filter that keep the IR light out of the image sensor during the day.

This lense part is made of many twistable parts since they didn't want to damage the actual lens. And that I just perfect because when San and JiWoong were teaching Jung how to professionally dissect the camera, the cameras they used had the lense part completely mounted and sort of embedded in the filter. Thereby making take down challenging without destroying the part that will hold the lens .

He unscrewed the filter from the high resolution IC and he took it with him to the table . He stopped by the table and he started to unscrew the twistable parts separating the filter and the lense part. Carefully he placed the filter on the table and the lens part on the driver box. Consecutively he took off the gloves , tossed them in the bag and wore a fresh pair

After being certified that the gloves fit perfectly, he picked the smallest part of the lense and using a scalpel like tool , he fit it into the orbital space between the plastic rings that interlock the actual lens in place

It's of great importance that he really is pedantic when doing this because damaging anything here is counterproductive to the proper functioning of the lens. This is in the sense that the disturbed fitting of the parts due to their faultering mechanical or structural integrity may lead to the lense not giving a flexible or favourable angle to the looker of images displayed.

Twenty seconds later, Jung making to disconnect the two parts which he then separated like a clam shell.

He then took out the 4.8mm contact lens-like circular piece and placed it on the table.

He then picked up the lens he had brought with him and he substituted it.

He then closed the clam shell

A gentle press should do the trick of interlocking the clam shell again.

Upon doing that , Jung heard a tiny click and he knew that he had just crossed the mountain and the last thing left for him to do now it is to rep...

Bang !! Bang !!!

Jung almost dropped the lens piece.

He had forgotten that there was someone behind the door because they had gone quiet but know they are suddenly back.

He started to get dissetled , anxious and shaky

He quickly commenced twist everything together and the faster that he did so , the more the banging got loud and traumatizing. Occasionally he would subconsciously look at the door which made him more nervous . Maybe he wanted to affirm with his that the door isn't open

This intruder cannot pick the lock or unscrew the screw for disassemble the door lock. Reason being this door has no key or lock cylinder like normal doors and the door lock was not screwed in place as there are no screw holes.

This door lock is fitted at the factory by soldering a piece of metal to the metal plates with the lever both sides of the door.The soldering is done through the strike plate . So it he wanted to remove the lock, he would have to remove the strike plate but that is only accessible when the door is open.

These are the kind of doors that are in the lab that makes all of San s team s equipment because of the advance security they offer. But according to San , safety is a state of mind therefore any door can be opened as long as it can be lock . That meant that his team probably has a stealthy way of removing the lock when the door panel is closed

Anyway the intruder kept banging the door and Jung was just trying not to mess up and break the camera organs

So far he had manged to place the lens parts back to the filter and now he has to screw the filter back to the camera...

Within thirty-two excruciating seconds, he had put it back and he tried to quickly put back the LED ring back and succeeded to do so.

He reached for the cover when the door to the server room unlocked and he quickly abandoned that goal.

Instantly he paced to the table , swiped everything he placed on the table into his bag and he flew under the table . Promptly after he knelt down, he clutched onto the bag tightly and gawked at the door

Less than four seconds he did that and the door panel swang open..

A pair of black leather boots stepped into the place and Jung quickly covered his mouth.

The footsteps moved from the door slowly and slowly.. They seemed to be stepping on Jung s chest because he felt like he was being squashed by a giant roller

The boots moved closer and closer to the table and Jung felt his stomach want to splash out all the acid that seemed to pile up. It burned so much that even his eyes started to sting. Thus he pressed his hand to his mouth even further

The owner of the boot stopped right next to Jung and he dragged some metallic object on the table top, which terrified Jung more that skydiving with a second hand parachute. It sounded like a knife but bigger, more like an arrow or a small axe. The sound though non-malignant was horrifying.

The boots rotated then strolled around the room . They walked to the camera , stood in front of it and then took out a metallic box. They held the box and flickered it . This action produced a small flame indicating that this was a lighter. Using this , the intruder scorched the screen of the camera black. After doing so they closed the lighter and moved away but on their journey they accidentally kicked the cover that Jung threw on the floor . They stopped for a few seconds , bent down to pick it up and peered at it for a while.

After one orbit they walked towards the direction of the door.

' is this person leaving? ', Jung thought to himself. His eyes started to search the darkness and they were already glistening with tears

Suddenly a lunatic was released into the room . For no reason they turned around, picked up a chair and banged it against the wall.

They picked another chair and threw it to the door for the server room and then picked another and tossed it to the wall that had the large window.

They were on a rampage and with every piece of equipment he tossed and destroyed, Jung let down a tear which rolled onto his trembling hand..

Immediately afterwards, they used a small sharp axe that they brought then initiated slashed the already destroyed up chairs. They were not merely tearing them up , they looked like they had a toxic vendetta that they wanted to release as it consumed them.

After terminating seven chairs in intervals of twelve seconds, they were mercilessly hyperventilating and walked to the table and he picked a tiny satchel he seemed to have placed while he toyed with the axe.

The floor beneath Jung s hands had multiple spots as tears dripped to it but that was just the beginning

The man started to walk around the place and seem to tour the perimeter yet again.

Jung just thought that he was looking for something but then his teary eyes spotted a glisten that didn't seem like that of a reflection made by his eyes as light refracted on his tears. He couldn't see what it was but that doesn't matter . maybe he can make a break for the door while the maniac is still distracted

Jung lowered his hand so that he can crawl out . however the instant he did that a sharp paralysing scent hit him like a train and he quickly replaced his hand over his mouth and nose ,to stop himself from coughing and remarking

He pressurized his mouth so much but the fact that he was resisting a cough tickled his gag reflexes to the poin that he fought the need to throw so may times. Because of this and that he was already scared, he started to sweat a little making his face swollen.

Just then the man started to move and and he headed towards the door..

He stood by the door , placed his axe on a holster attached to his black combat pants. In another holster he fitted the camera cover. His satchel was then squeezed into his pocket and his other hand took out the lighter..

Jung was crying so much that the one thing that wasn't red was his head...The gas was seeping into his hand and was really affecting him. He couldn't breathe,he was perspirating, chocking, nauseous, gagging and terrified...