Chapter 45

Ding ! Ding!

YooJun tossed a bit and he yawned before he moved his hand around. He reached for his sides but he wasn't touching anything.

He opened his eyes because he could not feel his phone that was starting to annoy him.. and that's when he realized he was seating on a sofa to the side of the bed .

He reached for his phone that was on the nightstand and he turned it off. Immediately then he yawned, stretched and ran his hand through his hair.

YooJun s apartment is just a really large room , literally a studio but it is packed with very modern furniture..

The walls are painted white and the bricks are exposed here and there. The lighting is made of ash suction cup like structures with orange bulbs, hanging all over.

The lighting in the living room is unique, in that it's a mimic of grape bundle but is instead completely yellow. His sofas are grey and the carpet is made of red , browns and black overlapping circles. The plasma screen is pinned to the wall and is always off

The dining table is black glass and is surround by black picnic chairs that have silver legs.

The kitchen has a white granite island with brown stools and silver gas burner implanted on it . The walls are fitted with a sink and the cupboards are black .

The apartment is sectioned off at the bedroom, bathroom and toilet. And then everything else is divided with a black semitransparent glass.

YooJun placed his king bed on an elevated platform of a single step high and then the entire space is enclosed with a similar opaque sliding glass. His wardrobe is in this space.

He looked at the time and it was nine. Although it says that he only slept for three hours because of the person occupying his bed.

YooJun rotated his eyes to San laying in recovery pose, with his chest on a pillow so that his head is lower than his body. He was covered with a thin grey sheet

Sanha had dropped him here at around two in the morning and he disappeared as he said he felt like he was being followed and needed to check it out.

YooJun was still awake when Sanha called at around five saying he is back at dorm. By that time , YooJun was trying to keep San breathing until minutes later he was breathing on his own . But occasionally YooJun had to change the room temperature because of San s flactuating body heat . He had tried to shock him awake by splashing cold water when they were at the sofa in the living room but he was still unresponsive, thus he carried him the dry bed

He stood up and he went and placed the phone on the nightstand, further more he bent over, placed his hand on San s forehead and it was burning hot.

" Again!", YooJun turned to his side and picked up the thermometer that he had kept for San.

He tore it open and softly placed it in San s mouth. He had to hold his cheeks so that the thermometer doesn't fall out,

While at that, he took his phone and he dialed for Sanha , and he was not answering . He pulled another pillow and situated it to the side to support the thermometer and he left to the kitchen while still redialing SanHa

He looked for a jug which he found in seconds, poured tap water inside , tossed his phone on the island and he peeled off a kitchen cloth that was hanging on the oven handle. Immediately then he went back to the room and placed the jug on the nightstand and he sat next to San

He gently took out the rapidly beeping thermometer and it was reading forty-eight degrees Celsius

" Aish!!", he remarked picking up the jug . He soaked the thermometer in the jug then returned it back to his mouth. Next he meticulously folded the cloth, poured the luke warm tap water and placed the jug on the ground. He turned to San and dabbed his paling face for ten seconds .

YooJun looked at the thermometer that was still reading so he left for his phone and as he jumped from the bed he kicked the water and spilt it over the floor.

He couldn't care less.

He reached the island and picked up the phone then dialled Sanha again..

The thermometer beeped and he ran back to the room and he slipped on the water again and fell on the sofa.

After swearing and nearly breaking his phone and bones , he reached San and he tenderly took out the thermometer . it read fifty

" How on earth are you getting hotter?", He was flustered but that sentence felt naive . He walked to the kitchen for a mop and he could not find it

' subscriber unavailable ', the phone cried and he wanted to swear. The line was cut.

The door bell cried.

He turned to the door..

" SanHa never rings the doorbell", he remarked and he tried to call again but no response.

He ran back to his room .

He grabbed the cloth on San s face and mopped with it but he tossed it to the floor making it wet again . Subconsciously he looked at San but was now glistening with sweat.he slightly pulled the sheet from San , reveling his upper body..

YooJun raced to the thermostat in the living room near his study table and he lowered the temperature drastically while the doorbell was being drummed

" Stop it", he threw the phone on the sofa . .

"Aghh, "

He stormed to the door and he pulled it open and Win was standing impatiently .

He was holding some packages and a box of pizza.

" W-why are .. ha?", He stuttered awkwardly and he forced a smile because he really couldn't ask Win why he chose to visit his friend when he does that regularly.

" Move", he ordered him because he didn't seem to get the idea that Win wants to go inside.

" Can I come in?", Win asked sarcastically getting visibly infuriated.

" Wait", YooJun screamed because Win was fighting to get inside.

Win pushed YooJun and forced himself inside the house . He threw his shoes off and he wore the slippers that were next to the door.

" Jeez, why is it so cold?", He asked while gawking at the roof .

YooJun chuckled nervously and he walked behind Win, who was heading to the kitchen. All the voices in his head was begging Win to hurry up and leave.

He followed him inattentively, also wondering how he is going to sneak and hide San without alerting Win. Admist his thoughts he accidentally bumped onto him.

" What is your problem? ", He rotated to him and he bent over and closer to his face yet YooJun didn't move away. Instead his eyes scanned the whole room.

" You smell different", he told him but he responded that it's because he hasn't showed.

" I got to go to school, the test starts at eleven. ", He told him and just then, YooJun s phone rang and he quickly snatched it before Win could see who was calling.

It was SanHa..

" Why are you not answering?", He asked him, while placing the contents on the dinning table. He shifted towards the thermostat to go and turn it off.

" SanHa, he ..", he answered the call but he immediately stopped talking when Win asked how to operate a thermostat

" Umm, sure I put the papers in his locker", he answered randomly and he told Win to turn it to the left

" Just come over", he whispered and cut the call

" I can't change the setting so I am leaving. I will come back at five to study. ", He told him and instead of heading for the door, he headed for the bedroom

" What do you want?", He suspiciously barked at Win.

" To wear a different jacket ", he thoughtlessly answered but then YooJun told him he took all his clothes to the laundry last night. Better yet Win should go pick them up.

" Are you trying to get rid of me?",

" Yes", he didn't lie

" Too bad. I ain't leaving ", he mocked him making YooJun pout.

Just then San s phone vibrated and that was like electrocution for YooJun. His brain felt like it was being blender and his heart felt like it was being melted

" SeongHwa visited last time. He looked very beat up and it seems that he is overstressed by the upcoming tests. He looked so pale and sick and nervous.. and sick. I told him to rest but he said that..uhmm..he needs to do well as he has to impress Sejun board. I also suggested that he-he visit someone t-to study with him to relieve the tension but he said that his study buddy Baekhyun is , uhmm..", he ran out of words to say because the last part is a complete lie

" He said that..", his brain gave up

" What did he say?", Win asked eagerly and very much interested.

" He said that he was craving milkshake and he will come back here", he made no sense so he ran to Win

" Since you are coming back here later, please buy him some and bring lots of ... Anything ",he spoke while pulling Win out of the room

He pulled open the door while listing places to buy a milkshake and he finally said Win should not buy avocados. No one likes that.

He slammed the door after shoving him out

Win stood outside wondering what on earth is the matter with YooJun.

A few seconds later, YooJun opened the door, placed his card on Win s hand and he gave him a jacket.

" Ask him what he would like to have. I am ... Shaving", he slammed the door .

" You said ' milkshake ' ", he whispered and he turned to leave but he then screamed that he wants his shoes.

YooJun opened the door and handed him the sneakers and told him to wash the slippers before bringing them back. He then closed the door and chances are that he also locked it.


YooJun ran to San and he took out the buzzing phone in his pocket and saw that a ' Mina ' was calling.

" This is bad.", He screamed and he threw the phone on the bed.

He redialled Sanha and he picked up immediately

" Ya, San is heating up. Firstly he was cold and then he became hot and now he is sweating but the temperature is ten degrees celsius. I told you to take him to the hospital. What if he gets a stroke or organ failure, a seizure or brain damage ? ",he roared at the phone

" I don't know what you just said but you are the doctor so think", he calmy answered.

" Pre-med student ! pre-med ! ", He corrected him aggressively ,admist running to the bathroom

" Your point? ", SanHa didn't even pick up the difference between a doctor and a pre-med student. He must think because he is so professionally good at comptures yet is a student, then YooJun must be the same too.

" SanHa, he could die without medical attention", he screamed while he raced to the bathroom and browsed through his pill drawer

" And are you saying he will live if I take him to the hospital?",

" Yes!!"

" To see a doctor?",

" Yes!!"

" YooJun-Nim , don't kill San", he spoke and hung up.

He tossed the phone in the cupboard, picked up blasters and slammed it close. He snatched his perfume and went into the kitchen.

He squeeze the perfume into a tiny cup, added a few drops of pepper and he dipped the blaster inside.

Together with the cup, YooJun walked to the bedroom and he looked at San while trying not to inhale that strong fumes.

" I have made this last night but no change . You are cold, the next you are burning. You seem so pale and have been like this for nearly six hours. Your salts are probably low and you are dehydrated", he told him.

He walked close to him, placed his hand on his forehead and apologized. YooJun took out the strong scented blaster, wrung out the fluid and placed it on San s nose so that he inhales the flumes.

In the instant he placed it on his nose, San wrinkled his forehead.

" San-Ah !!", He saw his reaction and he raced back to the kitchen, open the fridge and pulled a two litres bottle of cold water.

He emptied the contents in a pot , covered it with a lid, took two more teacups and went back to San .

He stood by his side, placed one cup over his nose and the other over his mouth. YooJun turned the pot upside down and he removed the lid

All the freezing cold water hit San on the face and jolted him to cover his face and turn to the side , sending the teacups to the floor

He coughed and sneezed

" Cold, so cold", he spoke and he looked like he is about to pass out again.

YooJun threw the pot to the side and caught San. It was sort of a hug and a support but mostly a congratulations-for-not-dying.

He pulled the covers and wrapped him inside.

" I can't make you warm yet", he told him as he felt his muscles shaking.

' SanHa was right. I am a doctor. Sort -of ', he told himself while slightly smiling and pulling off the blaster after making San sneeze once more