Chapter 57

‍‍‍‍‍‍A knock came on the door about three times .

Yeojun moved from the study table and went and opened the door. He has been studying to avoid thinking about what on earth happened. When he woke up his whole house was a mess , there were half-drank milkshakes, some of SeongHwa's papers and San's clothes are here while everyone was gone. Though he didn't see it, there were a blood stain on the floor. He thought to call them but all of them are on limbo for what is going on so it's best to act like he didn't notice anything.

He found Yoongi with a swollen face almost like he had been paving with his face.. He smiled at Yoongi but he paid no heed then shoved Yeojun to the side before sailing into the room.

After throwing off his shoes ,he peeled off his jacket and he slumped onto the sofa. The way he landed was like he had been dreaming of this space all day.

Yeojun shut the door the he went to adjust the thermostat. He had made it unbearably cold for the late evening air to help him stay awake but now it is a lot stronger.

" I am exhausted.. Everyone is just so demanding right now.", He complained with his face on the pillow while laying prone to the sofa. His voice was barely audible.

Yeojun placed a jug of juice on the table from the one he drank while studying .after that he sat like a therapist on the other chair , proceeding to stare at Yoongi. From the way that he was looking at him , it's clear that the smile he just faked right now was all for show. He has so many questions for him but he was against the idea of calling him despite Yoongi saying it is safe for him . He might trust himself but knowing the kind of company that surrounds Yeojun, safety is an illusion.

" I had to go with Sehun but he just sat like a statue on the corner. The next thing he has the audacity to say OUR work will pay off. I don't remember standing still being considered as contributing to progress unless I was painting a portrait , which I wasn't", he nagged and Yeojun scoffed .

He enjoys how he gets so open with someone when he is comfortable. He is even very loquacious to the point where he can get lost in what he is saying.

" Have you eaten anything? I bought tuna and lettuce from faculty.", He spoke softly but Yoongi sat up and looked at him like he was a lunatic.

" Do I look like a goat? ", He asked him but Yeojun was blank. He yawned loudly and he galloped the juice down

" I am just worried about you",

" if I don't work, they are going to recruit some people who are going to do really poor work and my conscious won't rest knowing I can do a better job . Plus those people like to be pushed and no one wants to work with trolleys ",

" San was ... I think he is stressed from the video. His friends got in some trouble . ", Yeojun didn't want to bring this up but it felt wrong to have Yoongi disclose such information freely and Yeojun to withhold it even though what he knows is far more volatile.

" He was HERE ? " , He weirdly asked and stood up to walk to the kitchen so Yeojun followed.

" WHATEVER HAPPENED IN THAT VIDEO HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH YOU?Tell the truth!! ", he screamed at him but he was cool like he expected something like this.

" How will you know what I say is the truth ? ", He scoffed.

" Yoongi, this is serious. San is not going to take this laying low .Everyone involved will be set on fire . He doesn't play around ; especially when triggered ",

" Okay, I will walk to him and beg for mercy... ", Sarcasm is his most reliable trait to avoid being rude.

"... But I think San will be more angry when we remind him that he authorized that mission. It's all because he said yes that his team-mates have a checkmate with the grimreaper. I never put a gun to his head and told him NOT to give them a heads up. It's forbidden to alert members but it's not the case to leave hints especially if you know how to do so. If he wanted to protect them , he had the power to. His cowardice and selfish desire to be a loyal patriarch to a pseudo identity intoxicated his morality and blinded his eyes. whatever emotion he feels is caused by no other than HIMSELF !!", he slammed the cup on the counter and he bolted to Yeojun 's room

Before Yeojun could react, Yoongi buried himself in the same blanket that San laid some hours. The covers were not made and they still smelled of his cologne but it was faint so he managed to breathe without it being overwhelming.


San stood in the back room punching the threads out of the bag.

He had on some spare clothes that he found here and has been jabbing this bag ever since he woke up which was about four hours ago. Currently he was sweating insanely but he carried on with the bombarding with his fists.

It's an understatement to say he despises himself and his feelings at present l. Infact he wishes it was his face getting punched and brutalized. As much as he tries not to think about what happened , he can't distract his thoughts. His mind keeps slamming replay . Everything was passing by so smoothly. One minute he was looking at them alive and the next he was shown bodies laying on the ground.

Because he can't turn off his thoughts , he is forced to entertain this corrosive thoughts. What he understands is that Zyan is the worst there is but he doubts that Zyan would want blood on their hands especially from this team. For this reason he decided to temporarily rule them out and focus on other players of the game, Gichan and Austin.

Gichan is a top freeloader while Austin is a lethal ghost. Gichan would do anything to make sure that he embarrasses Zyan and his team while Austin wouldn't. It isn't in Gichan 's territory to do something like this though it would benefit him. It doesn't make sense as it's too direct and invasive. As for Austin, he has a lot of shadows at his feet waiting to do anything. It seems probable that Austin would do something like this. So as of now Austin is the prime suspect that has a red cross on his face. Though this is a simple conclusion, it has been on his mind ever since he gained consciousness while at Yeojun 's place.

As he was still punching the bag, the heavy metal front door slid open and the sound of plastics rested on the floor.

This warehouse is just an open space with no internal walls except for the toilet. Artificial walls are made using opaque glass and wooden room divider blocks . Thanks to them , a total of six sections were modeled. One large room is for meetings and planning, as well as some of Sanha's equipment. The next has some materials like binoculars, googles , screw drivers and is named material Dept . This one is where mission hardware is kept, constructed or maintained. The next section is the kitchen that was added discording to the plan due to Jung's whining which forced Mingyu, Jiwoong and Junhui to work around the clock to build it. Two other rooms are used for sleeping. More often than not, they hold sessions and construct plans so late into night that they can't go back to civilization quicker. The latter is credit to that the warehouse is built underground on an island. finally is the room that San is in. It has some exercise equipment but most importantly it has health checking things like heart monitor, oxygen tank and all the like.

Though in their line of work they aren't required to hurt anyone, oftentimes they get attacked by enemies or they get injured during missions . So because using the hospital means explaining reasonably what happened to avoid the police, this was the only option that they had left.

San was to busy thunderously pounding the bag that when a knock came , he didn't react to it.

Sanha softly arrived into the room placed and energy shake on the table beside San before he went and sat on the treadmill facing directly to San. He gawked at him for a couple of seconds before San completely stopped and froze into place. After a few breaths , he reached to the side and downed a mouthful of the water instead of the shake.

" Has Zyan talked to you?", Sanha interrogated him out of subject when what he wanted to hear was how he is coping.

San shook his head and continued to drink the water. He placed the water down and readjusted to continue

" I think you should rest a bit, your body had not recov..", Sanha arrested speaking when San continued to punch the bag. That was a sign he wasn't in the mood for cliches

" I tried to trace the transmission but I failed because the van Zyan gave us got burned yesterday morning. They ordered Junhui to do it and to video-shoot the whole thing. MingHui ( Mingyu and Junhui) said that after they left the scene, they tried to return back to the room but they were blind and could have gotten in trouble. ", He explained but San was still not paying attention.

" The chem students wrote an answered paper.", He blurted out

San stopped moving.

" There was a shanty traffic last night. It was harpazadous but there was communication between a source and the students. I checked it out and couldn't find anything absurd but my computer picked it up. This means that the school has been hacked again . Currently I am trying to read the conversation but I can't join to that without exposing myself. I tried to disable the internet so I can hack offline using a third party cookie to replicate the real cookies of the first party but it's taking forever. ",

" What are you telling me? ",

" I think a hacker that can do that may be connected to the ones from last time. If I find him and what he was trying to do, then I might find the scumbags who hacked us", he explained and San exhaled as if he thinks that Sanha is just using wishful thinking..

" We won't find him.", He spoke as if he feels defeated and can't even mastered the courage to fight back. Whether it's Jung or the hacker he was right.

" Then we will make them pay! ", he echoed and San looked to him crazily. It was the first non-saddened face he showed ever .

He doesn't like to take drastic approaches to anything as they are extremely costy. But who ever did this messed with the wrong team.

" I think Austin is interesting", Mingyu spoke calmy while leaning next to the door.

Everyone turned and looked over to him. The snail has appeared in the room. Mingyu habitually vanishes and reappears like Junhui but Mingyu is far much more ignito , untraceable and silent. he came here with Sanha however he has been scanning the whole place more than three times and his fourth scan is currently ongoing. It's a policy of his and the number of times that proved to be helpful are countless.

" What do we do?", San asked Mingyu and he replied that Junhui is following the guy who went to obtain the 'burn' video from him.

San nodded to that as he knows it is a good lead thus he felt his mood get lifted. He was even bother to change his expressions .

" For now, we can just find what is going on at Sejun. Also Choi-Nim , do you remember when we had mine microphones installed on Gichan's boat because of Zyan. Maybe Sanha can try to access that network and hear what was being said?", Mingyu suggested

" I can't hear anything since there is always a disturbance. Maybe if we could install a redirection for what ever is disturbing?", He threw the idea on the table and immediately San told Mingyu to manufacture whatever Sanha just said and tomorrow someone should call Jiwoong to find the boat's coordinates

Mingyu smiled as he favors the fire burning in San's eyes . He could almost see that their leader is hyped up. Sanha liked it too but he hoped it wasn't too much or too bad.

" A dog will always bring back the stick", Sanha begun

".. when it brings back a bone and you kick it", San continued

"YOU CAN'T BLAME IT FOR BITTING YOU!!", Sanha concluded and San threw a power punch to the bag

That was his way of sealing the deal.

Sanha stood up and San told him to browse through a phone he picked up.

" It's a lead?", Sanha knitted his eyebrows at San who was now drinking the water furiously.

" it belongs to some kindred exhibitionist nerd.", He was referring to SeongHwa.

Sanha thought it was weirdly unnecessary as San is saying the phone isn't linked to the mission but that was the least craziest thing that he was asked to hack. Jiwoong wanted him to install dragons on his calculator app because the numbers are too normal while Taehyung once asked how to add three more days to the weekend and make Saturday take nine more hours to the school calendar.

He agreed and went to find the phone.