Time To Say Goodbye

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Woonwoo sat in the valender -like terrace outside his room and he accompanied the lonely moon and stateless sky. He wore nothing except all black . his pants, hoodie and socks were in suite . In that dark attire , he buried his head on his knees. All the entire residence was asleep and the water from the small zen garden at the corner of his room was the only thing disturbing the silence.

His perfect tablet sat next to him and hadn't even gone into timeout. The highlight on the 16inch screen was the school headlines that Kim Taehyung has been arrested for assault and inhumane battery. Rumors are that he will be sentenced to a minimum of three years in jail if the victim's parents don't request for the elongation of the sentence.

It's inevitable that in this game , someone is bound to get hurt or that someone is fated to get sacrificed. He knew very well that when they decided to use Taehyung for this, he would get hurt some type of way but he didn't think that he went they began to use him, he would be so involved in Taehyung's life that he almost becomes a character. Therefore he doesn't know what to feel . Whether to feel successful, to cry , to scream or to help him.

Sejun was issued to SeongHwa's uncle but he stole the mission from them and he solely lead it. He had found out that his father refused the mission but he never gave a reason why , so he went to claim what was rightfully his, with the aid of Wooyoung and Hansol. With just those two he can do anything.

Fast forward later , now he is in this mission so deep while SeongHwa on the other hand is acting like a paranoid kid always waiting to know the location and happenings in Woonwoo 's life . At one point he seemed like he is stalking him to verify that he is the one who took the mission however he will never be able to prove it. SeongHwa enrolled in the same course to watch Woonwoo, Woonwoo studied down this path because Hansol wanted him next to EunWoo. If Woonwoo is close to EunWoo like that, no one is likely to suspect him easily especially if he keeps his marks above his.

Long story short, he regrets that he took this mission now because he is hurting Taehyung and he has to pretend like he is not the one bringing all the mayhem.

Again by his command, Sehun and Yoongi went and threatened Tzuyu forcing her to act like she was attacked. They told her that if she doesn't do it they will hurt Taehyung and EunWoo then afterwards tell the whole world that she was having an affair with Takuya then make sure that he joins his ancestors.

She had no choice and acted out their words and she then they made her take a video confessing everything. The video was made with a social media app and is scheduled to be released three days from now. Regardless of whether she deletes it , Yoongi can and will recover it from breaking into the social media platform.

Right now as Yung is arrested, that video will circulate, either by Tzuyu or through Yoongi but eventually it will happen. When that is realized three more people will be faced with charges and that is EunWoo, Mr Jin and Dr K Namjoon.

It's because of him that Taehyung is in this predicament and he is the only one who can take him out of it but after that the only place he can go is out of the country or even continent.

Still even as he is pondering on what to do, he isn't really going to do it because it would jeopardize everything that he has been torturing himself to complete. This time he isn't merely sacrificing another fifty hours to spend in a submarine or having to carry a truck load of nitrogen for five kilometers . The emotional guilt is much more heavier and more paralyzing.

Furthermore he didn't expect that seeing Taehyung that angry would make him feel this way, nor did he think that Minghyun's plan to make Taehyung the star of Sejun's downfall would suddenly register as cold-hearted. He thought he would just take it lightly like all the other times that he had to toy with someone this much. He never anticipated that he would be so affected that it seemed like Yung isn't just a tool like Wooyoung or Chan.

It would be extremely tormenting if he wouldn't stop seeing or hearing Taehyung in his brain . But right now his thoughts are completely empty. There is not a single image , sound or memory of him coming to his head or soul. He knows that he is thinking about him but how come he can't really tell what exactly about Yung he is thinking about. Maybe it's because his head isn't the one that is pondering over the idea of Yung.

His personal phone rang for a full five seconds he couldn't even hear it . It was like it was calling from within a dream or a distant thought. It seemed as if he had swapped places with the real would where he feels like he is ballet-ing through a endless pit of darkness without any feasible exit.

Nonetheless he turned his face towards it. His reddened eyes that appeared like he was blocking tears could barely see what was on the scream. His sense felt numbed which was expected of someone who had been seating with the same position on the cold for two hours.

"Yoongi wants to know if he should save Taehyung?",

"WHAT??", He screamed so much that his own heart was startled

" There has been an accident ", chan whispered.

Woonwoo felt his heart fall to the ground . His blood ran cold and his face dressed in a pale color.

Without waiting for Chan to finish explain he ran inside , peeled his shoes and bolted for his bicycle. In no time he shot out of his home and raced all the to the university holding-cell .

He couldn't think straight, couldn't breathe. Every cell in his body was set on fire and he felt his hands going bone stiff . Even when he tried to move his muscles to propel the bicycle faster it some how felt like he was going in reverse.

The hooting of cars , the saturated streets and multiple blinking lights were surrealistically blinding to the point that it seemed like they were aggravating the tears flying from his eye. Speaking of the tears , he can't even pinpoint their onset but at current they were dripping proportional to the lethal volume of adrenaline

On the third generation of tears escaping his bloodshot orbs, he immediately raised his hand to wipe them as he could not see but at that moment, he lost his balance and plummeted downwards landing on his knees while the bicycle collapsed on the side walk.

He sat down and clasped on the knee that hit the ground first but as soon as he saw someone coming towards him, he zoomed upwards and he limped with his aching knee to the bicycle. Seconds after he succeeded to prop it , he immediately flew atop and he forced himself to cycle.

Though he was wearing long pants, he is certain that he must be injured that a warm thick liquid trickled down his limb. As he forced the knee up and down, it was almost like he is tearing it even further apart and exposing the wound to pure ghost chillipowder. Despite the throbbing that ran marathons across his pain receptors ,he was far from ceasing .

He drove furiously for twenty minutes and in no time , he had reached the school campus. Since the guards didn't ask a lot of questions, they simply let him in and he also didn't seem like he wanted to stop for any span of time.

Woonwoo navigated through the corridors and swerved towards the correction facility.He threw his bicycle at the entrance and he limped softly towards the entrance but just as he was about to pull the handle and someone grabbed him from behind and slammed him to floor.

He didn't care and he immediately stood up . he tried to open the door again but this time the person pulled him away as if to strangle him . just as he was about to scream demanding his freedom, he covered his mouth and he dragged him away to behind the place.

"Woonwoo, why are you here?", His driver whispered at him and he struggled to let go of him.

He tried to free himself again as he couldn't say exactly what has getting him so worked up. He focused to escape but the other man pulled him backwards and clung to him . he pointed to the door and said please.

The guard didn't understand and thought the was trying to turn himself in and expose his father. He had never seen Woonwoo this ruffled up so he must be serious about what he was attempting to do.

" Woonwoo, you can't go in there", he told him assuming he already knows that the son of a mafia can never be seen in public place let alone police surveillance.

Woonwoo didn't care what he was saying and he carried on striving to walk towards that place but he told him that he can't turn himself in. Without saying anything both men dressed in black pulled him away while he was crying and the other guard pulled the bicycle.

They dragged him to the car and he kept trying to scream but he couldn't dare tell them that he is worried about Taehyung.

" Please!!", He called to them and they froze to him.

They let go of him and he slumped to the floor and he laid on the floor sobbing . It hurt so much knowing what he had done .

Right now Taehyung's smile flashed through his face ruffling Woonwoo 's hair after he forced him to try a his hoodie. The hoodie that he is currently and had Taehyung's cologne


" Sejun University is in turmoil. Two students attempted to take their lives. One of them is currently brain dead and comatose , another jumped infront of traffic that merely broke her bones but later she jumped off a bridge. Her body was recovered this morning with the words' sorry' carved on her skin . Her friend is in rehab at this present moment for drug abuse and investigations are ongoing to find two students who were allergy killed by an unlicensed doctor and a director. The principal has been arrested, as for another student they have been formally arrested for battery ", the news report came and everyone on the whole school was just quite

The whole country now knows of all the scandals happening in the school.

Taehyung is going to jail for nine years, EunWoo is brain dead, Tzuyu committed suicide and Sakura is schizophrenic from hearing about Jung's alleged death. San and his team disappeared from the school. Jin and Namjoon have been framed for Jung's death as his limb was sent to school with an ante-mortem mark and its blood was saturated with a drug that Namjoon allegedly stole.

Tzuyu circulated a video explaining all the lies and said that they shouldn't believe any bad thing about Taehyung. Also she said Lalisa is the one who seduced Jin so that he doesn't reveal Taeyang's substance abuse. She went even further to blame SeongHwa's uncle for everything in Sejun. She said that they were planning to bring Sejun down because he and his partners disagreed with EunWoo's mother being the CEO of the school sector. So they used EunWoo to break her along with everyone else.


Woonwoo couldn't understand the mess he had created and even if he had succeed , it came at such an unforgivable cost.

As he laid with eyes open and tears trickling down his face , there was nothing left to do . Going to school was proving to be the worst challenge he had ever had to face because he can't stop seeing Taehyung everywhere.


Mingyu didn't want to talk to anyone that day San abducted the video boy. he spent the whole time looking for EunWoo and failed to find him . Now he is brain dead and will probably never wake up again.

His deepest wish is that he should have stayed with him and protected him with all his might. He wishes that the day he saw EunWoo at Nunbit , he could have said something . Instead of leaving chocolate, he should have also left a confession. he has lost EunWoo to the abyss. Thanks to this all he can do now is cry


Everyone was not doing well to say the least. Their lives where in complete chaos. They used to smile with everyone else or bring happiness to each other but others were completely ticking time bombs while some were magnetizing chaos to each other. So it's true , one can smile through the chaos or the chaos will continue to consume them until nothing is left.

This is their story..Love , lies and Betrayal