Chapter 06-No longer strangers

Chapter 06-No longer strangers

Amused by the young girl he just met earlier , Aleksander started giggling to himself causing all the ladies around him to pretend they know what he was laughing about.

''Not interested? Please like i was into her'' he said out loud

''Girl problems , my brother?'' a voice said and he turned to see that it was Jacin.

''How did you find me?'' he said in a careless tone

''Easy , your my brother'' Jacin spoke again while telling the girls to find somewhere else to sit and they remove themselves from the table.

''You know i believe that girl your arranged to marry is very lovely''

Aleksander raged broke as he stood up to try to calm down

''Then you marry her! I'm going to get a drink''

''A Manhattan for me!'' he yelled in a mocking voice as Aleksander walked off

How dare him! How dare they , who gave them the right to decide who i would spend the rest of my life with!

Aleksander thoughts screams as he buried his stare onto the floor while walking to the bar.

When he reached it , he raised his stare up off the the floor and he was then met with a crises.

He had started to apologize until he saw the girl move her wet hair out of her face.

''You'' he stated with a happy tone and the girl looked at him with confusion in her eyes.

Her bright red dress was now ruined by the stranger she met by the door earlier and how she was furious.

''Damn it!'' she said gazing around and the bartender stood their watching as if it was entertaining to him.

''What is your name?'' he asked as if it was the most important thing in the world as he wrapped his jacket around her.

''It's …..'' she started staring into his eyes ''None of your god damn business''

Just now Peitho walked over to her with a questioned look on her face ''What happened?''

''It's nothing it just seems i have to leave the club a bit early'' she said staring over at him and he rolled his eyes.

''Gurl What? But i wanna stay!''

''It's fine i'll take a cab, it was fun while it lasted though''

''No, i'll call Nikoli he'll carry you home''

''No i don't want to ruin the fun for you guys and besides i'll probably change and come back''

''I will take you'' Aleksander interrupted ''Since i was the one who ruined your dress''

''And why on earth would i go anywhere with a stranger i don't know?''

''Aren't cab drivers strangers? And if you feel so then fine i'm Aleksander Morodoza , now....we aren't strangers''

''Okay fine but if you kidnapped or kill me my best friend know who you are''

At the said of this , Peitho started making a weird expression with her face

''Not intimidating enough'' Aleksander said to her before walking away with Alina towards the exit.