A stinky night

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


The dinner surprisingly ended peacefully and without any mishaps, and both Maou and Ashiya returned to their room happily, only then did they realize that they had completely forgotten about Hanzo's worthless existence and that he wasn't invited. However, he didn't seem to mind at all and was currently eating something which raised a bad feeling in their hearts…

"Oy, little parasite, where did you get the money to order this pizza?" Asked Ashiya while eyeing Hanzo suspiciously but the latter simply smirked at him and said "Yuki gave it to me as a tip, is there a problem?"

Ashiya couldn't help but shoot Maou a fearful look and the latter appeared deep in thought before he shook his head and said "I'm sure the food was fine, don't worry Ashiya"

"I'm glad, I can always rely on you my lor-" Ashiya was about to kiss Maou's ass as he usually does but he suddenly froze as both he and his lord felt the same thing, their stomachs were screaming!

Meanwhile, in Yuki's room, he watched as Maou and Ashiya left and he made sure that Yurei wasn't looking before he took out a small vial that had purple liquid in it from the storage of his space ring and directly drank it in one gulp.

'Good thing Maou's ability is as I suspected, it can tell him what the food was made of… and he probably also used some poison detection, and Ashiya would too since he was a king and getting poisoned is a common thing for them… However, unfortunately for them, their ability didn't turn them into poison masters so they couldn't detect something that wasn't yet poison!'

A terribly evil grin covered Yuki's face as he remembered what he did to the food… Curry is a special dish that's paired with something most of the time, and in cases such as in Japan, they pair it with rice.

If anyone ate just one of Yuki's dishes, meaning the rice or the curry by themselves, nothing would have happened to them, but he gathered a few special ingredients following a recipe he got from Raphael after quickly contacting Rimuru and created a special kind of poison that would only trigger when someone ate both dishes at the same time so the poison would be created in their stomachs, although it wouldn't be triggered right away…

And knowing his greedy neighbors like the back of his hand, Yuki knew that they would lick both dishes clean from any hints of food so he wasn't worried about his plan failing at all…

'This is what you get for messing with me' muttered Yuki in his head as he observed Yurei who also started to feel the changes happening to his stomach and wanted to rush to the toilet only to find Yuki getting there faster than him and closing the door behind him!

"Sorry Yurei, something is wrong with my stomach, you can use the toilet after me" said Yuki without hiding the evil smile trying to force itself on his face.

"Yuki, did you do something with the food you bastard?" yelled Yurei while glaring at Yuki hatefully as he closed the door of the bathroom behind him and simply heard the latter yell back with a lament in his voice "You think I would poison myself with the bunch of you, I'm not that crazy"

'Are you not really? But fine, soon everything will be clear, you can't fake taking a shit' thought Yuki thinking that he found a loophole in Yuki's planning and will expose him through it since the smell can't hide in this small room but he would soon regret his decision of staying as he heard Yuki groan before a terrible stench started spreading from the bathroom and he almost puked just from taking a small whiff of it.

"What the hell is this? Was he holding this shit for a year or what, why does it stink this much?"

'It seems like it's working' thought Yuki who had just taken a small vial from his space ring that contained some of the remnants of the substance that was expelled from his body when he got his power up through the Mutsu Enmei Ryu mastery.

Not to mention, this horrible thing had been slowly growing more and more disgusting as it had been fermenting for months since that incident happened, so Yurei's reaction was pretty normal.

Although, Yuki was still not bothered by the horrible stench but he still pretended to be so and said to Yurei "Yurei, help me…"

"Sorry, but no one can help you… I can't even help myself" Yelled Yurei while holding his ass as he felt that something was going to explode from it soon…

'Could it really be a coincidence' he wondered as tears started to appear at the edges of his eyes as he lamented his current predicament trying to find a toilet before something bad comes out of him...

And the same thing was happening with Maou and Ashiya who were fighting over who would get to use the bathroom, and eventually, Maou won so Ashiya was thrown to the wolves… and by wolves meaning he had to find a shrub to take a shit in since there were no public toilets nearby…

"This can't be a coincidence, you better not be behind this Yuk- ughhhh" Ashiya had just left the shrub he had been in for the past 3 minutes but his stomach started acting up again and stopped him in his tracks…

On this faithful day, one demon lord spent the night in his bathroom, while his demon general spent it fertilizing the land of the Sasazuka district… As for a certain ghost, he spread the legend of a roaming ghost that would shit in your house if you didn't leave at least one light turned on at night…

"Good, it seems the plan has worked just fine" thought Yuki as he left the toilet and enjoyed a good night's sleep…


The next morning, Yuki woke up to find Shizue was back from staying with the girls and was preparing breakfast so his mood instantly got brighter than the light coming from the window as he spoke " Good morning Shizue, how was your sleepover"

Shizue prepared the table and looked at Yuki curiously before she said "did something happen yesterday? We heard a lot of groaning and a disgusting stench spread in all of Rosa Villa… Fortunately, it quickly disappeared…"

'Well, I've put Morgana's teleportation power to good use, although I can't tell you this' thought Yuki before he simply frowned and said "Don't worry about it, let's just say… It was an unfortunate incident"

"Was it really?" Muttered Shizue with a suspicious look in her eyes as she could see that despite Yuki's frown, there was a wide smile on his face showing just how happy he was with whatever happened yesterday.

"Do you have any plans today?" She asked, not wanting to delve into whatever creepy deeds he was engaged in and Yuki paused slightly as he thought 'The next step in the chain quest is to save that woman Yukimura and try to change Ryushi's cold heart… However, neither will be easy, especially the former… Either way, it seems like I will have a bit of free time'

Shizue didn't even notice the many thoughts that passed through Yuki's head as he appeared to have instantly replied "No, I'm free today. Why? Do you have anything in mind?"

Shizue blushed slightly before she said "Well, It's summer and I heard from Mashiro and Emilia that there are many good places to spend time so I was thinking that we can go…"

Yuki froze slightly before he suddenly realized 'That's right, it's actually August already… I came to this world at the end of march… Almost 5 months have already passed huh? Time sure flew by, yet I never enjoyed myself here… Guess today, it's time to forget about the quest for a while and go have some fun, the girls would like it as well for sure…'

After Yuki made up his mind, he simply smiled and said "What do you think about going to an amusement park or something and having some fun? We can invite Mashiro and Emilia as well"

Shizue's eyes dimmed slightly when she heard that they wouldn't be going alone but they instantly went back to normal as she went to talk with the two girls to make some plans…

Yuki of course noticed the look in Shizue's eyes but he simply shook his head and turned to the ghost that suddenly walked into the room, his appearance was haggard (more than usual) and he didn't seem to have slept at all…

'Did I turn him into a real ghost?' wondered Yuki as he felt the creepy aura around Yurei, but the latter simply asked "You seem to have slept very well"

Yuki of course was ready for this, so he simply shook his head and said "I don't think I suffered as much as you did that's for sure... My body is stronger than yours, I'm sure you already know this, which is why I recovered quickly"

"I see…" Muttered Yurei not showing on his face if he truly believed what Yuki said or not before he decided to ask "Who do you think was behind all of this?"

Yuki didn't deny that this was a manmade disaster since the poison was simply too strong to be considered something natural so he frowned and said "To prepare this dinner, I sent Hanzo to acquire the ingredients, and you know how those demons don't even trust each other so they probably checked multiple times with their magic… The only thing that can hide this poison from them is someone who's skillful in magic… I'm not such a person, but there's one"

"You mean Hanzo?" Asked Yurei eerily, with a tired but deep voice, and Yuki nodded calmly "Yes, other than me, he's the only one that touched the ingredients and has all the capabilities to do such as a thing"

"I see… Hanzo huh? and here I thought he was dependable…" Yurei's eyes shined coldly, but he didn't say anything and simply picked a new set of clothing and went to take a shower since he stunk for all kinds of reasons…

What Yuki didn't know was that both Maou and Ashiya were eavesdropping on this conversation, and they had the same look on their faces as they stared at the sleeping Hanzo who had no idea what he was in for…

Meanwhile, even though Yuki didn't know what Ashiya and Maou were thinking, the eerie smile on his face couldn't be hidden as he thought 'This is what you get Hanzo for letting them do this to me without interfering…' Unfortunately, Hanzo couldn't have guessed that he was set up for a terrible fate by Yuki just by buying him some groceries… But this is what ne gets when he sees evil but doesn't stop it!