Maou taking action

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


As Yuki and the devils were making preparation in the comfort of Yuki's house, Emilia and Shizue were currently searching all over the place for any traces of Rize, they even called Hilda and Oga for help…

Meanwhile, in the West of Tokyo, A secret underground base existed, it was situated inside an abandoned warehouse, there were multiple rooms, some resembling prison cells, while others contained advanced medical equipment… This was clearly a well-prepared base!

Currently, chained to a device in one of the operations rooms that looked more like a lab was none other than Rize who was having her Kakuhou constantly extracted from her in a very painful process…

The device she was attached to kept her hands and legs locked in place, while many suction tubes connected to her lower back and kept absorbing her ever-regenerating Kakuhou while she could only scream in agony at the empty room

"Please, I beg you… Just kill me… Please" Tears and snot covered Rize's face creating a pitiful sight, yet no one came to save her, causing her to sink further and further into despair… However, the image of a certain man kept flashing through her face and giving her hope "Please save me…"


Multiple cameras and sensors embedded in the lab caught every single expression and sound that escaped from Rize's mouth, yet the ghouls and humans observing her didn't have a shred of empathy for her… She was a famous killer after all that hunted both humans and ghouls to fill her hunger…

The owner of this Huge Lab, Professor Akihiro Kanou felt the same as well, he didn't care at all about what he had to do if it meant he could achieve his ultimate goal, and that's why he secretly turned Kaneki into a one-eyed ghoul and deprived him of his humanity without feeling any guilt… All in his search to evolve humanity from its weeks and frail bodies...

'This will definitely cause a huge storm, but I can't stop now' Kanou thought silently before he left the observation room…

Meanwhile, Emilia who was running all around Tokyo couldn't help but stop and started cursing "Those damn devils, they never change, I should really get rid of them as soon as possible"

Steam started coming from Emilia's nose as she spoke showing just how angry she was currently feeling, especially when she remembered the smug look on Ashiya's face back home when she asked for their help.

Flashback starts.

"Hero Emilia, we have an important mission as well… We can't participate with you on this one unfortunately" Ashiya spoke with a serious look on his face

"What mission? Did something else bad happen?" Asked Emilia worriedly, and Ashiya nodded at her seriously and said "Yes, We have a mission… to keep an eye on the house in case something bad happens!"

"Eh?" The air in the room suddenly grew still and Emilia's face stiffened up as she noticed the weird grins on the trio's faces and it almost caused her veins to pop out of her head

"You bastards! Don't you have any shame?" Emilia yelled at them which attracted Suzuno's attention from her house shores so she came to see what was happening only to end up seeing the devils and Emilia arguing and thought 'They are finally showing their true nature'

"I will not forget this you bastards!" Emilia yelled before directly leaving the house… Meanwhile, Shizue shot them a disgusted look and left after Emilia.

"Eh, aren't you going to help as well?" Maou spoke with a wide grin but Suzuno simply frowned and shook her head "My job is to take care of the house and Mashiro" before she left the three devils.

"Oy you guys, are you sure it's worth it to provoke Emilia's and Shizue's anger??" Hanzou couldn't help but ask warily after seeing the cold looks they earned but Maou simply laughed it off and said "Don't worry about it, we are going to make a fortune once Yuki comes, that's what truly matters"

"That's right my lord, we will be rich, you are a genius hahahahaha" Replied Ashiya not forgetting to stroke Maou's ego.

However, only Hanzo was certain that this wasn't going to end well for them as Yuki's figure flashed through his mind with his eerie eyes staring at their pockets greedily…

Flashback ends

"I just hope Yuki gets here in time and convince those idiots, their magic is far more useful for this kind of task than mine, tsk" Muttered Emilia before she started running again and searching for Rize…

Meanwhile, back home, Yuki and the devils came up with a plan, they would each disperse in a particular direction and the first to find the whereabouts of Rize would inform the others…

Yuki was tasked with going north, and he didn't have any problems scanning large areas thanks to his observation Haki, but he was still taking it slow since obstacles weakens his range…

This went on for a whole hour until suddenly, Maou who went west spoke to him telepathically "Yuki, come to my location"

"Ok" He replied before directly jumping toward him with his dimensional link, and quickly noticed that they were high into the air and Maou was staring at an abandoned warehouse so Yuki directly used his observation Haki at full power…

"There are many presences here, and they appear to be quite powerful huh… However, I can sense a weaker presence and it's growing weaker by the second" Yuki spoke calmly but it caused Maou's blood-red eyes to narrow slightly as he thought 'He's not using magic at all… How did he detect them?'

However, he knew this wasn't the time to contemplate this so he asked "What do you plan to do with these people?"

Yuki narrowed his eyes slightly as countless thoughts flashed through his head 'Should I capture that mad scientist and transform myself into a ghoul? I will gain immense strength that way… But is it really worth it?'

Knowing the miserable sided effects of being a ghoul which included being forced to survive only on human flesh and blood, Yuki simply shook his head before he said "We erase them from existence, nothing good will come from these people"

Maou didn't bat an eye as he replied calmly "Ok" before he snapped his fingers and teleported them both to the room where Rize was located.

"S-S-Save me…. P-Please… A-anyone" Rize kept yelling in the empty room, but suddenly, two masked figures appeared in front of her… They both had giant figures and wore devil masks that hid their true identity.

However, for some reason, when she stared at the person with long white hair and eerie green eyes, tears of happiness started streaming from her eyes, and for a moment, she forgot the pain she was experiencing, and when his scent reached her nose, she grew sure of her guess "Y-You… A-Are here"

"Ah, you will be fine" Yuki nodded with a dark look on his face, but it was covered by his mask… Still, he didn't hesitate to unsheathe one of his swords and covered it both in Haki and his level 10 Sword Aura! Then he quickly cut through everything that was chaining Rize in one swift motion and caught her mid-air before she could fall to the ground….

'How strong! Now that I think about it, his body has grown stronger in just a short span of time, and his sword… why did it feel like it was covered in an invisible aura…' Maou's blood red eyes were shining secretly and analyzing every single move Yuki was making, but he was soon distracted as an alarm sounded all across the lab…

"Maou, bring this place down along with everyone inside it" Spoke Yuki coldly while holding the crying Rize in his embrace…

Maou didn't say anything and simply nodded before he conjured a yellow orb in his hand and threw it into the ground, and before any ghoul could get to them, he snapped his fingers again and transported them back to the sky of the lab…

"Sorry for having to make you do this" Yuki spoke calmly but Maou simply shook his head and replied with a dignified aura "These people do not deserve to live anyway…"

Then, just as his words died down, the whole lab started collapsing over itself and contorting in all kinds of ways crushing everyone in it in the process…

"Is this gravity magic?" Yuki asked shocked by this display of power and Maou calmly nodded and morphed back into his human form before he said "Let's go back, this girl needs treatment"

"I agree…" Yuki replied before they both disappeared… However, a certain ghoul that was observing the lab was shocked and quickly returned to report this incident… His mission to save Rize ended in failure thanks to this supernatural event!

"You bastards, how come you decided to help now that Yuki's back?" Emilia yelled at the shameless devils the moment she stepped back home.

However, the most shameless of the trio, Ashiya, didn't bat an eye as he confronted her and said "It has nothing to do with Yuki, we did it out of the kindness of our hearts…um that's the reason"

Hearing this, Maou and Hanzo blushed slightly and they couldn't help but stare at Ashiya in admiration.

'This level of shamelessness is unmatched' Thought every single person that was present to witness it while pitying Emilia who was about to go crazy but Yuki suddenly stared at Rize who fell asleep in his arms and asked Maou "Can you heal her?"

"The damage she sustained is quite severe, both mentally and physically… However, she's already naturally recovering, physically at least, and I can accelerate it" Maou replied calmly before raising his hand and enveloping Rize in a gentle green light and Yuki could tell that she was already recovering…

"What about Kaneki?" Yuki asked and this time, the room grew silent before Emilia that was fighting with Ashiya paused slightly and said "We can revert him back to normal with magic, but it's up to him to decide…"

Yuki shot the sleeping Kaneki that still didn't wake up a silent look until someone patted him gently on the shoulder… It was Shizue, and it brought a gentle smile to his face as he said "I guess we will wait and see when they both wake up…"

Meanwhile, in Tokyo's Nerima area existed an ordinary-looking coffee shop in one of its small neighborhoods… This coffee shop didn't attract much attention, but that's only for those that didn't know the real identity of those working behind its counters…

The coffee shop's name's Anteiku, and currently, the man that was tasked to save Rize was walking inside it with a dark look…

Inside the shop, an old man was currently serving a middle-aged man coffee, but they instantly caught on to the newcomer's abnormal vibe and ended up frowning when they noticed that he came back empty handed and the middle-aged man instantly had a sinking feeling in his heart so he asked "Yomo, where's Rize? Why didn't you bring her with you?"

Yomo stared silently at this dangerous SS-grade ghoul before he said "Shachi, Rize's probably dead…"