The Fall

I hate clubbing. The last time I went was Selena's birthday two years ago. And because I don't usually go clubbing, my range of short, sexy dresses is limited. Extremely limited.

I hold up two dresses. One, a black halter neck and the other a coral off-the-shoulder cocktail dress. I don't want to wear either of them. I throw both the dresses on the floor and fall onto my bed with a loud sigh. The sun went down a few hours ago and Selena will be here any minute. As the thought passes, the muted pound of an energetic knock sounds on my front door. I groan, rolling onto my side.

"O?" she shouts. "Open the door."

"All right," I mutter as I drag myself to my feet, throw on my white, fluffy robe, and amble lazily through my apartment to answer the door.

I pull the heavy, wooden door back and meet Selena's bare face. I smile. Gorgeous. With her thick eyelashes, high cheekbones, plump lips, and flawless complexion, she's one of those genetically blessed women.

"I'm so excited!" she shrieks, bouncing on the spot, a few strands of her crazy, blonde hair falling from her messy bun and into her face. "I can barely contain myself!"

In my bedroom, she takes one look at the dresses on the floor and grins at me. "Thank God you're not wearing either of those."

I frown. "What's wrong with them?"

"They're from last year. That's what." She tosses the garments bags onto my tidy bed and unzips the top one. I stare, bewildered, as she pulls out a black and white check knit mini dress. "One word, Olivia. Balmain."

She looks at me and awaits my reaction. I lift my shoulder. "I have no idea what Balmain is."

"Of course you don't. It doesn't matter." She thrusts the dress toward me. "For you."

I clasp my hands to my chest, keeping them far away from the dress I bet costs more than my monthly rent. "I'm not wearing that."

"Why not?"

"Look at the neckline. It's too low, and the hem is too high. I want to have fun, talk to men, and get home safely. I don't want to end up face down in a ditch-"

"I'm gonna stop you there." Selena flashes her palm at me. "Because you sound just like your mother." I open my mouth to protest, but she cuts me off with a flick of her manicured hand. "You need to relax. This is tame compared to what other girls will be wearing, trust me."

I eye the dress a little more. It is beautiful. I plant my hands on my hips. "Why don't you wear it?"

She laughs and her eyes flash. "I'm going to a nightclub, not brunch with my father. It's too much fabric for me."

Too much fabric? I bet this dress barely covers my ass. Sighing, I take it from her anyway. "Can I ask how much it cost so I know what I'm dealing with here?"

Turning her back, she bends down to her suitcase. "No, you can't."

I slip out of my robe and peel the dress from the hanger. "Why?"

"Because I know you. You'll freak out if it costs more than a hundred dollars and I didn't get it from Target."

Dragging down the zipper, I frown in thought. "More than a hundred, huh? Did you spend more than five hundred on it?"

"Just put it on."

I undo the zipper on the front and slide into it. I drag the zipper as high as it will go until it sits low between my breasts. It's a little short, the hem hanging well above my knees, and it's snug, especially around my backside, but the fabric is soft and luxurious, making every shred of unease in my body melt away. Selena turns to face me and gasps loudly. I twirl, pathetically, and she clasps her hands over her chest.

"You look amazing!" she squeals. "I knew this dress would look good on you."

I take a few steps and stand in front of my vintage floor-length mirror. My lips part as I take in the dress and the way it clings to my body. In it, I feel like I should be going to a fundraiser for the elite, not a nightclub.

"Now." Selena snags me by my exposed shoulders and tugs me backward. "Sit."

She pushes me down and I perch on the edge of my bed, next to a large metal box. With excited fingers, she opens it up and I'm bombarded by colors, pencils, brushes. There's an entire Sephora store in her box.

"How much make-"

Selena grabs my face, squeezing my cheeks inward, forcing my lips to pout. Chuckling, she gets to work with her foundations and powders.

Brushes and blenders.

Pink things and black things.

Soft things and hard things.

When Selena's done creating her masterpiece, she steps away and gives me a full view of myself in the mirror. I gasp. My lips are fuller, glossier. My creamy skin is flawless, my green eyes brought out and made vivid by a black color she keeps referring to as shimmering onyx.

"Whoa," is all I can say.

"I know. I'm good."

I retrieve a black pair of stilettos from my wardrobe and slip them on. I'm feeling so good about myself I might even entertain the idea of bringing a stranger home with me.

Or not.

Most likely not.

Adrenaline hits me like a bolt of lightning. Lux's Lounge Bar is electric tonight. Astonishing. Enigmatic. I drag my wide-eyed gaze along the L.E.D lights on the floor that illuminate the way to the huge, metal bar on the other side of the establishment. Slipping in among the crowd on the main floor, Selena and I make a beeline for the bar. We spend a long time there, drinking, talking, and fake smiling whenever men buy us drinks. Some are hot, most are not, but we graciously accept them anyway

When I've-maybe-had too much to drink, we leave the bar and hit the dance floor. We dance hard and fast. We sway our hips and only dance with each other. The music pounding through the club moves me like I'm a puppet on strings. There's so much sweat on my skin and not all of it is mine, but I don't care. I laugh. I forgot how invigorating it is to let loose and dance like no one is watching. I owe Selena everything for agreeing to take me out tonight, for doing my hair and makeup, and for loaning me this ridiculous dress. I feel like a new woman.

I close my eyes and focus on the pounding beats, letting them sweep me into my own little world.

"Dance with me," someone shouts in my ear, catching me off-guard with his deep, male voice.

My eyes shoot open, my brain rolls in my skull, and I stumble to the side only to be caught around the waist by slender, but strong arms. The stranger pulls me hard against him, burying his face in my hair, and resting his chin on the slope of my neck.

Heat blooms over my skin and I stare at Selena wide-eyed as the guy grinds his firm body against me, over and over. I mouth for her to help me, but she raises her eyebrows and shrugs, signaling for me to turn around. Reluctantly, I twist in his arms, and, surprisingly, he isn't that bad looking. He's not my type-not tall, or thick, and way too preppy for my tastes-but his hands feel good. Nothing like Seth's, but better than Blade's.

In the unreliable light, I glance at his dark, long hair that curls under his chin, then at his hooded eyes, his oily irises reflecting the glowing floor beneath us. With liquid courage in my veins, I press myself against him, using his body to guide mine. I touch his rock-hard body and disappointment creeps through me. It doesn't thrill me like touching Seth does.

White lights flicker above me, catching my attention. A handful of people lean against the railing, watching the dancers beneath them. Others lounge around on couches, laughing underneath immaculate chandeliers. I survey them with blurry vision until I catch a familiar pair of dark, broody eyes, instantly stopping me in my tracks.


My breath hitches, his appearance hitting me like a ton of bricks. I freeze. He looks positively amazing in a long black-sleeved shirt that's folded up to his elbows, exposing his thick forearms. The stranger doesn't notice I'm no longer moving. He angles his head and drags his warm tongue down the side of my neck before pressing his eager mouth against my skin. I purse my lips as my stomach turns. Ugh. My head spins, my legs wobble, but I can't take my damn eyes of Seth. His stare remains on me, too, and it's penetrating and intimidating. With calculated grace, he brings his beer bottle to his lips and takes a sip.

"Olivia!" A warm hand wraps around my arm and I'm yanked from the stranger's grasp and away from Seth's disapproving stare. "Unbelievable."

I stumble through the crowd, allowing myself to be dragged away from the dance floor. When we break away from the thicket of dancers, the man pulling me whips around and pins me with a familiar, ugly scowl. In the flickering lights, I flinch.

"Blade?" I say his name aloud, confused.

He never comes here-not to Lux's Lounge Bar. He's wearing his usual club get-up-a weird t-shirt with random naked girls painted across the front and a pair of loose jeans. His lips move quickly, but I can't hear anything over the music. "What?"

He snatches my wrist and pulls me from the club via a side door. I trip into the empty alley, the smell of booze, piss and vomit burning at my nose. Compared to the air in the club, outside is cool and it blows refreshingly across my skin.

Blade cuts his beady eyes at me, his nostrils flaring. "What the hell are you doing, Olivia?"

I blink. Who does he think he is? "I was dancing."

"That wasn't dancing," he snaps. "He had his mouth all over you!"

Satisfaction flares in my chest. Is that disgusting? To feel a little happy Blade's so pissed off?

"So? I can do whatever I want. I'm single."

"No, you're not." He shoots forward and I stumble backward to get away from him. "You're mine!"

His? I was his and he threw me, and what we had, out the window. I square my shoulders and step toward him, pointing my finger less than an inch from his nose. Growling, he snatches my hand and presses my palm against his chest. I grimace. His torso feels alien now I've had my hands on Seth's. I ball my fist and try to pull away, but he tightens his grip.

"I'm not yours," I seethe. "I'm not an object. I'm not something that can be owned."


"Let me go!" I grit my teeth and yank my hand back, only for Blade to grab my hip and pull me into him.

I shove him off and step back, putting distance between us.

"Baby, please," he pleads, his hard scowl softening. "I'm sorry... seeing you with that guy hurt me. You're hurting me."

"I'm hurting you?" Irritation stabs through me and I clench my fists until the skin over my knuckles tightens. "What about me? What about what you did to me?" My loud, hurt voice echoes into the street, but I don't care. "You hurt me! That's why we're in this mess."

He starts toward me again, gently lifting his arms for a hug. "Olly, baby..."

I curse. Why can't he see I'm not playing this time? What more can I say? What more can I do? Tears pool in my eyes, but I refuse to let them drop onto my cheeks. Not for him. Not anymore.

"I don't love you anymore. I don't want you anymore." I swallow hard as he winces. "I haven't for a long time."

"Say whatever you want to me, Olivia, and I'll take it." He snags my wrist and tugs me closer, invading my personal space for the umpteenth time. "If I have to put you over my shoulder and carry you home, so be it. I'm not letting you go back in there."

"Try and stop her." Seth's deep tenor rings throughout the alley and my body tightens as his sexy voice carves its way through my bones. "See what happens to you."

Blade releases me with a push, and I lose my balance. I squeak as I stagger backward and, as I'm about to fall on my ass, I'm caught around the waist by small, feminine hands.

"You okay?" Selena whispers in my ear, pulling me hard against her.

I nod, and she eases me back a few steps until I'm standing safely beside Seth.

"I forgot you had a boyfriend," Blade states, spitting on the floor. "Seth."

Seth looks down at me, his eyebrow raised, and I sink into myself. Thank God the alley isn't lit enough to see my scarlet face. I nod at Seth, a subtly, pleading nod. The last thing I want is to look stupid in front of Blade. Exhaling, Seth wraps his large hand around my wrist and pulls me behind him, shielding me from my ex.

Blade simpers, crossing his arms over his chest, unimpressed. "Where were you when she was fucking a guy on the dance floor?"

Embarrassment explodes with vicious heat in my cheeks. I wasn't "fucking" anybody. Seth shrugs.

"Around." He brushes his rough thumb over my flesh, and I glance down at it as goosebumps spring in its wake. "I like to watch."

I clear my throat and lift my attention to Blade. His icy, blue glower narrows on Seth, then me. He works his jaw back and forth, sliding his teeth together.

"You sure know how to pick 'em, Olivia."

Selena barks out a laugh. "You're proof of that, asswipe."

Ignoring her, Blade steps forward and I inch closer to Seth-so close my breast brushes his elbow. Seth tightens his grip on me as he squares his enormous shoulders. My palms turn clammy, apprehension prickles along the back of my neck, and anxiety whips my organs into a frenzy. It's no secret Seth would crush Blade and, even though Blade's an ass, I don't want him to get hurt.

"She's a missionary only sort of girl. You'll be bored of her by the end of the week," he tells Seth. "I guarantee it."

Turning fast on his heel, Blade storms away and we watch him until he disappears. Seth waits a beat, then releases my wrist. Cold air swoops in to cool my burning skin, but I still feel his grip there, searing my flesh. Swallowing, I turn toward Selena. Pinching her lips together, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me into her. I let her hold me for a little while, finding the gentle rub of her palm on my back soothing.

"Don't worry about him," she whispers. "He doesn't matter."

I withdraw from her, rubbing my tongue against the roof of my mouth, forcing all the emotion welling in my chest to stay where it is. They don't need to see it. Blade is my problem - a problem I've let get way, way out of hand.

"Do you mind if I go home?" I ask, tucking my hair behind my ears to expose more of my hot skin to the cool night air. "I'm not in the mood anymore."

"I can take you home," Seth offers, his gravelly voice sending tingles dancing down my spine.

"How much have you had to drink?" Selena asks, cutting her eyes over my shoulder.

"Less than one beer."

I turn around to shut it down and my heel snags on a crack in the concrete. I make a weird sound in my chest before I fall.