The Make Up, Part 1

It's been an hour since I left Seth's place. I thought the anger and confusion would've worn off by now. It hasn't. His rejection hurt. I hate that it hurts as much as it does. I should be stronger than this.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and my heart skips a beat. Gasping, I shove the pillow off my head, launching it across the room. My heart makes its way into my throat as I brush away the hair that sticks to my wet cheeks, and dig into the pocket of my pants. Holding the phone a few inches from my face, I blink away the blurriness and focus on the name flashing across my screen. Seth. I suck air between my lips and hold it deep in my lungs. I've been planning what I'm want to say to him in my head for the last hour. Now? I'm a blank canvas. What do I say? How do I handle this? I've never had to talk through things before. Fixing things with Blade meant he would take off and come back later like nothing happened.