The Bet, Part 1

I don't know if I fall asleep or not. All I know is, when I blink, the sun is higher in the sky and I'm alone in a bed much too big for one person. I sling my arm over my face with a groan. How is it morning already? I open my eyes and shoot up in the bed. Morning already! Shoot! I shove the blankets off and roll out of the bed.

"Seth?" I call, rushing across the bedroom floor.

"Olivia?" He appears in the door frame at the same time I do and we collide.

I bounce off him with a shriek and flail. Swearing, he catches me by my shoulders and steadies me on my feet.

He laughs. "What's wrong with you?"

I push my hair out of my face. "What's the time?"

"Early," he simply says and I settle, blowing air from my cheeks.

"Early? How early?"

"Early enough to have breakfast together, attend my training session, then take you to work."

I lift my eyebrows, then frown. It's that early? "What time do you wake up?"