The Hospital, Part 2

"I guess I can't go to Boston now," Dad grumbles, pouting. "You're gonna have to go in my place."

I frown. "I told you I can't go."

"You have to. You have to go, Olly."

I gesture to him lying there, hooked up to more machines than I can count. "What about you? What about-"

"Me?" He pulls a face, like he has no idea what I'm talking about. "What about me? I'm fine. I'm fine, aren't I, Sandra?"

"You're the opposite of fine," I state and he shifts in his bed, a failed attempt at sitting up.

"Listen to me. There's nothing for you here in Portland." He looks to Mom. "What are we gonna do for the next few weeks, hm? Hang around here with the nurses? Laze around at home?" Mom sticks her lower lip out and nods, agreeing. "Olivia, if you don't go to Boston you will regret it."

"How so?"

He points out the door. "You only have him to yourself for a short time amount of time. Once he goes pro, and he will, he'll belong to the world and you'll wish you made the most of the quieter times."